英语人>词典>汉英 : 流浪的 的英文翻译,例句
流浪的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
migratory  ·  nomad  ·  nomadic  ·  runabout  ·  vagabond  ·  vagrant  ·  wandering  ·  ragamuffinly  ·  vagrom  ·  vagabonded  ·  vagabonding  ·  vagabonds

更多网络例句与流浪的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Think only of to seek a direction of divagation, thus I can go far away.


He's an exiled Scouser in Lisbon.


Maybe I have fugitive words, and this will be their temporary shelter.


Drug trafficking, when the pimp is also gang war, leading a nomadic life.


A little mole is wandering underground. For wonderer, he seems to own the whole world and also it seems nothing belong to him.


A little mole is wandering underground. For wonderer, he seems to own the whole world and also it seems nothing belong to him


These ideals were stupid. In fact the only thing I could do was to touch him, to feed him something, and to let him be full dignifiedly that was at least one dinner without scraps but fresh food during its stray life.


In the post-1990s which is known as the transition of Yu Hua"s writing, as a serious spiritual seeker, Yu Hua didn"t find a place to perch his vagrant spirit. However, with the usage of the even more complicate text in his novel, Yu Hua expresses his multiple ponderation on living circumstances of contemporary people, which also indices the promotion of roam consciousness in his writing.


Bat local towns there would often be jousting matches in which the winner would win their opponents' weapons and armour.


The diaspora ancient oracle, and gitana sisters.


更多网络解释与流浪的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of vagrant dwellers in the houseless woods:无居的林中有流浪的居者

19 With some uncertain notice, as might seem 带着漂渺不定的意... | 20 Of vagrant dwellers in the houseless woods, 无居的林中有流浪的居者, | 21 Or of some Hermit's cave, where by his fire 或是隐士的洞穴...


microprocessor 微处理器 | migratory 迁移的、流浪的 | migration 移民、移植、移往


39, Mammal 浦汝动物 | 40, Planetary 行星的,流浪的 | 41, Fancy 想像力,想像

Tramp Telegrapher:流浪的电报员

Messages by Wire 电线传递的信息 | Tramp Telegrapher 流浪的电报员 | The Young Inventor 年轻的发明家

Vagabond Actors:流浪的演员

19 会说话的玩偶 The speaking doll | 20 流浪的演员 Vagabond actors | 21 一个吉普赛人在行进 And the gipsy is going

vagrant: a.1:流浪的,漂泊的 2. 无常的,游移不定的 vag+rant-到处走

vagrant: a. 1. 流浪的,漂泊的 2. 无常的,游移不定的 vag+rant-到处走 | vanity: n. 1. 自负,自大 2. 虚荣,虚夸 | vegetation: n. 1. 植物生长 2. 植物,草木,植被 3. 呆板的生活

Wandering Jew:流浪的犹太人

歌特小说的兴起有其悠久的美学渊源:首先是>中的基督教传说,尤其是>中对于天使同撒旦战争的描写和末日审判的血腥场面,为歌特小说树立了人物原型,如魔鬼,"恶棍英雄"(villian-hero)和"流浪的犹太人"(wandering Jew),并且确立了歌特小说的母题,

in my first vagrant youthfulness:那时我正当第一次流浪的青春

它们曾是我的心儿的食粮,/of those sighs on which I fed my heart, | 那时我正当第一次流浪的青春,/in my first vagrant youthfulness, | 与如今的我有些不一样,/when I was partly other than I am,

vagrom:流浪的, 漂泊的

expressive meaning 表达的意义, 表情意义 | vagrom 流浪的, 漂泊的 | arc extinguishing 消弧, 灭弧


vagrantness /流浪/ | vagrom /流浪的/浮浪/漂泊的/ | vaguely /含糊地/暧昧地/