英语人>词典>汉英 : 流亡的 的英文翻译,例句
流亡的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
exiled  ·  exilian  ·  exilic

更多网络例句与流亡的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is unclear, however, whether Arnault has ever provided support to the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader.


Are we going to help establish a government in exile for the overthrown Terran Confederacy?

我们是不是要去帮流亡的 Terran 联邦重建政府?

He lived in exile when he was young .


This is where the Dalai Lama lives in exile.


An expat in China thinks: that's a little over a dime a day .


The Nigerian Government has said it will not extradite Mr Taylor, who accepted an offer of exile earlier this week.


The level of rights 根据题干中的 Arab states 和 from place to place 定位到原文第四段末句 No Arab state wanted to naturalise the newcomers, but the level of rights has varied from place to place.


The exiles of this host of the people of Israel shall possess the land of the Canaanites as far as Zarephath, and the exiles of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad shall possess the cities of the Negeb.

流亡的这一连串对以色列人民来说,应具备土地的canaanites据zarephath ,与流亡在耶路撒冷的人在sepharad应具备城市的尼革。

Viewing themselves as preservers of the traditions that have been destroyed within Tibet itself, they appeal to a kind of temporal authority to affirm their authentic Tibetan-ness.


The UNHCR says that of the 4,200 displaced people in Gori, some 600 come from the destroyed flats. The rest come either from former Georgian-held villages in South Ossetia or from the Russian "security zone", where paramilitaries and thugs have been looting and burning houses.


更多网络解释与流亡的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For them, the last 60 years has been about dispossession and exile:对于他们 过去的60年就是驱逐和流亡

[04:11.47]of what they call t... | [04:13.99]For them, the last 60 years has been about dispossession and exile. 对于他们 过去的60年就是驱逐和流亡 | [04:21.67]During Israel's independence war, around 7...

emigre:移居外国的人; 逃亡者, 流亡者 (名)

emigration 移居; 移民; 移民出境 (名) | emigre 移居外国的人; 逃亡者, 流亡者 (名) | Emil 埃米尔 (名)

Last Exile:最后流亡

到底是哪首音乐?哈哈,我想听过的人大概跟我一样,都是动画迷的一员,因为这首歌是日本动画"最后流亡"(Last Exile)的片尾曲--Over The Sky.


exile 放逐 | exiled 流亡的 | exilian 放逐的


exiled 流亡的 | exilian 放逐的 | exilic 放逐的


1933年,为收容当时被欧洲极权主义政权排除于学术圈之外的学者,在社会研究新学院底下成立了流亡大学(University in Exile)这个研究所部门. 最初的资金源自于Hiram Halle跟洛克菲勒基金会的赞助.

band together to form the ruthless gang:结成了残酷无情的团伙

over one hundred exiled Texas outlaws...|超过一百个流亡的歹徒 | band together to form the ruthless gang...|结成了残酷无情的团伙 | recognized by the red sashes they wear.|他们所系着的红色腰带就是印记


乔伊斯是爱尔兰著名作家,被公认为二十世纪最伟大的文坛巨匠之一,代表作有<<尤利西斯>>(Ulysses)、<<都柏林人>>(Dubliners)、<<流亡者>>(Exiles)等. 据了解,此次会议的议题包括乔伊斯与古典主义、乔伊斯与现代文学、乔伊斯与当代文学、乔伊斯与流亡文学、乔伊斯的翻译研究、乔伊斯的跨学

Exiles, the:流亡者 流亡者 流亡精灵 回到中土的诺多精灵

evermind 永志花 久心花 永远挂念 洛汗的野花 | Exiles, the 流亡者 流亡者 流亡精灵 回到中土的诺多精灵 | Expert Treasure-hunter 职业宝藏猎人 探宝专家 专业寻宝者 亦即"飞贼"


第一关 流亡者(The Refugees) 战争已不可避免. 在昔日同盟艾罗兰和狮鹫帝国的边境地区,小规模冲突每天不断. 由于阿格雷尔的袭击和银色城邦发生的战乱,精灵的国土安全受到严重挑战,国王阿拉伦决定不惜一切代价拖延战争的全面爆发.