英语人>词典>汉英 : 活化石 的英文翻译,例句
活化石 的英文翻译、例句


living fossil
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I can almost qualify as ancient relics.


The cephalochordate amphioxus has been widely regarded as an important model organism which is the clostest living invertebrate relative to the vertebrates.


My work is mainly objects - shell, coelacanth and something like a living fossil.


The coelacanth is referred to as a living fossil because it is the only remaining species of a group of fish species that died out millions of years ago.


Darwin discussed about some anomalous forms in fresh water basins, which belong to the remnants of some interesting orders. Because these anomalous forms exhibit the anomaly of geographical distribution e.g. Ganoid fishes, or morphological anomaly such as Ornithorhynchus and Lepidosiren , they may be called living fossils. It is believed that Darwin presented the facts of the above anomalous forms, and used the term "living fossil" in order to further illustrate the subject of "Circumstances Favorable for the Production of New Forms Through Natural Selection" in Chapter IV. The term "living fossil" appears on page 486 again in the last Chapter, i.e. Chapter XIV "Recapitulation and Conclusion", where Darwin emphasized the significance of so-called "living fossils".


Animal taxonomists described as a "living fossil" of the amphioxus, in the shallow water near the 15 m isobath density of 1035 / m, think about with these "living fossils" with swimming in a region, which can not but make you feel shock.


Besides the Animal Living Fossil Giant Panda ,there are Plant Living Fossil Dove Tree,Insect Living Fossil David Cheloniidate and tens of Rare and Endangered Plants and National Conservative Plants including katsura tree ,Lacy tree philodendron,and Minjiang Chinese Weeping c、Cypress ,and hundreds of Rare Wild Protection Animals including Red Panda,Golden Monkey,and White-lipped Deer.


Besides the Animal Living Fossil Giant Panda ,there are Plant Living Fossil Dove Tree,Insect Living Fossil David Cheloniidate and tens of Rare and Endangered Plants and National Conservative Plants including katsura tree ,Lacy tree philodendron,and Minjiang Chinese Weeping c、Cypress ,and hundreds of Rare Wild Protection Animals including Red Panda,Golden Monkey,and White-lipped Deer.


Darwin discussed about some anomalous forms in fresh water basins, which belong to the remnants of some interesting orders. Because these anomalous forms exhibit the anomaly of geographical distribution e.g. Ganoid fishes, or morphological anomaly such as Ornithorhynchus and Lepidosiren , they may be called living fossils. It is believed that Darwin presented the facts of the above anomalous forms, and used the term "living fossil" in order to further illustrate the subject of "Circumstances Favorable for the Production of New Forms Through Natural Selection" in Chapter IV. The term "living fossil" appears on page 486 again in the last Chapter, i.e. Chapter XIV "Recapitulation and Conclusion", where Darwin emphasized the significance of so-called "living fossils".


Animal taxonomists described as a "living fossil" of the amphioxus, in the shallow water near the 15 m isobath density of 1035 / m, think about with these "living fossils" with swimming in a region, which can not but make you feel shock.


更多网络解释与活化石相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


单体的内肛动物身体分为萼部(calyx)、柄部(sta蜉蝣 有翅亚纲的 1目. 通称蜉蝣. 小至中型昆虫,头小,体软弱;翅2对或1对,膜质,大多前翅大后翅小;腹部末端有长尾须两条,中尾丝或有或无. 属古生翅类. 最早发现的是石炭纪古蜉蝣化石号称活化石.


[摘要]苏铁(CYCAD)是珍稀的"植物活化石",野生苏铁近二十年来遭到严重破坏,有灭绝的危险. 但苏铁在地球上经历二亿七千多万年的沧桑巨变,具有极大的抗逆性,本文以观察试验的丰富材料,阐述了利用苏铁抗逆性培育苏铁苗木,


银杏果的神奇功效 白果(ginkgo)的神奇功效 白果以果仁供熟食,可炒、可炖、可烧,熟后果仁似绿宝石,入口香糯,可制成多种甜、咸菜式. 是银杏的俗称,被称作为是植物中的活化石. 入口香糯,可制成多种甜、咸菜式. 白果含白果醇、白果酸,


南非约翰内斯堡Witwatersrand大学和美国芝加哥大学的科学家一起发现了保存完好的泥盆纪时期(Devonian Period,三亿六千万年前)七鳃鳗(lamprey)化石. 这一发现意味着当今的七鳃鳗宛如活化石一般,经历了三亿六千万的沧海桑田,

living likeness:栩栩如生的画像

living fossil 活化石 | living likeness 栩栩如生的画像 | living room 客厅

living death:活受罪

lividity 铁青 | living death 活受罪 | living fossil 活化石

living fossil:活化石

"活化石(living fossil)是指任何生物其类似种只存在於化石中,而没有其他现存的近似种. 这些种类曾经从主要的灭绝事件中存活下来,并保留过去原始的特性. 矛尾鱼是由南非的博物馆员玛罗丽考特内拉蒂莫(Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer)在巡视渔民捕的鱼时发现的,

Authorities Stop Living Fossil Quest:当局阻止探险队寻找"活化石

Amusement Park Teaches Physics 露天游乐场里教物理 | Authorities Stop Living Fossil Quest 当局阻止探险队寻找"活化石" | Shrubbery Increasing in Arctic 北极地区灌木丛面积增加


肺鱼 (Lungfish)肺鱼,是在泥盆纪时期进化,至今仍有亲戚存在. 肺鱼是最早尝试由水生转向陆生的动物,是生物进化史上的活化石. 肺鱼是一种和腔棘鱼类相近的淡水鱼. 古代时曾在地球上大量繁殖,现在仍有少数保存着其种族而遗留下来,

Living Fossils:活化石

现今还有很多所谓"活化石"(living fossils)的生物,我们用各种不同的方法测试,也看不出它们跟几百万年前的祖先有什么分别. 帕特森并不是进化论学者中唯一认为自然选择论可以纯粹用逻辑推论证明的人. 其他应用逻辑宣扬他们学说的人似乎比帕特森更崇拜自然选择.