英语人>词典>汉英 : 活力 的英文翻译,例句
活力 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
activity  ·  birr  ·  energy  ·  fizz  ·  livingness  ·  marrow  ·  moxie  ·  pep  ·  sap  ·  snap  ·  spark  ·  sparkle  ·  sparks  ·  spring  ·  springs  ·  stamina  ·  thew  ·  tuck  ·  verve  ·  vibrancy  ·  vigor  ·  vigour  ·  vinegar  ·  vires  ·  vis  ·  vitality  ·  zing  ·  zip  ·  snapped  ·  snaps  ·  sparked  ·  zipping  ·  activities  ·  energies  ·  fizzed  ·  fizzes  ·  fizzing  ·  pepped  ·  pepping  ·  peps  ·  saps  ·  sparkled  ·  sparkles  ·  tucked  ·  tucks  ·  zinged  ·  zinging  ·  zings  ·  zipped  ·  bezazz  ·  vril  ·  zips  ·  archaeus

animal spirits · git-up · Promethean fire · kick-ass
更多网络例句与活力相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results Avermectine had no influence on body weight and cerebellum body ratio. The activities of LDH, GS, CK and CaN in 5.0mg/kg group were 15.508±0.084, 299.849±33.563 U/grot, 7.635±0.377 U/ml, 0.699±0.043 Umolpi/mgprot/hour, respectively at the end of treatment. Compared with the control group, the activities of GS and CK were increased and the activity of CaN was decreased.

结果 阿维菌素染毒后对大鼠体重增长和小脑脏器系数无影响,但可引起运动失调;染毒后21 d时,5.0 mg/kg组大脑皮层中LDH、GS、CK以及CaN活力分别为(1.508±0.084),(299.849±33.563)U/,(7.635±0.377)U/ml,(0.699±0.043)μmolpi/,与对照组比较LDH活力无明显改变,GD、CK活力明显增加,CaN活力明显下降(P.05)。

The results showed that the POD activity was higher in the sporophyll than that in the stems and leaves in which the POD activities were weak from bottom to top in native plant. For the Japanese plant, the POD activities of the stems and leaves were the same in all positions. However, the activity was slightly higher in mid-portion of a leaf than that in stems. The high enzyme activities were observed in mid-bottom stems in the half-bred plant, and the activity was higher in bottom leaf than that in mid-top leaf.


And also Hill reaction activity, unicycle photosynthetic phosphorylation activity and ATPase activity of flag leaves were positively correlated with photosynthetic rate.


The results showed that there were prominently positive correlations between rates radioactivity of SOD and POD and a good minus correlation between rates radioactivity of SOD and PPO. With irradiated by 60Co-γ ray of 10GY, rates radioactivity of SOD and POD were highest, and rate radioactivity of PPO was secondary, and rate radioactivity of CAT and the content of malondialdehyde were eighthly.

结果表明,SOD酶活力与POD酶活力之间呈显著正相关R=0.656(上标*,SOD比活力与PPO酶活力、PPO比活力之间呈极显著负相关R=-0.716(上标*, R=-0.714;SOD酶活力、POD酶活力以10GY辐射处理值最高,10GY辐射处理的PPO酶活力居第2,丙二醛含量及CAT酶活力居第8。

The invention relates to a dyeing liquor used to discriminate the protozoan cell activity, a method to discriminate the protozoan cell activity and the application of the method to discriminate activity of nosema bombycis.


The secondary root number per plant of Yumai No 49,a mi d-s trength quality wheat,is the smallest among the three varieties except the winte r stage but its root system quality is the best;the intensity of reducing TTC an d the activity of SOD of fresh wheat root are the highest during the period fro m winter stage to flag leaf stage.Since flag leaf stage,its physiological charac ters are weaker and have bigger variation during whole stage.The secondary root number per plant of Yumai No 50,a soft quality wheat,is the biggest except duri ng winter stage,and its dry weight of root of single plant is the heaviest in ev ery stage.Before 19th,March,its intensity of reducing TTC is the weakest and dec reases abruptly after flag leaf stage,but its activity of SOD decreases slowly.R oot dry weight per plant of Yumai No 34,a high quality wheat,is the smallest amo ng the three varieties and its root system quality is the weakest.Before jointin g stage,the intensity of reducing TTC is stronger,but after that,it decreases sl owly though it is smaller,and the activity of SOD decreases slowly in every stag e.


objective:to investigate the influence of soybean isoflavones on the antioxidative effect and improving the ability of study and memory in climacteric rats.methods:forty-eight female sd climacteric rats were randomly divided into 4 groups with one control group and the other low,medium and high dose groups,which were given soybean isoflavones 0 mg/kg.bw,42 mg/kg.bw,83 mg/kg.bw and 249 mg/kg.bw by superalimentation daily for 60 days respectively.the levels of sod,gsh-px and mda in serum were measured,and the ability of study and memory in each group was deterimined by adopting the law of diving platform.results:the content of serum mda in medium and high dose groups was lower than that in control group.the activity of serum gsh-px im medium and high dose groups was significantly increased,so was the activity of serum sod in low,medium and high dose groups.conclusion:soybean isoflavones do have the obvious effect of antioxidation,and improve the ability of study and memory effectively in female sd climacteric rats.

目的:观察大豆异黄酮对更年期雌性sd大鼠抗氧化作用及学习记忆的影响。方法:选用健康更年期雌性sd大鼠,随机分成空白对照组和低、中、高剂量4组。空白对照组给予蒸馏水,实验组每日分别灌服42、83、249 mg/kg剂量的大豆异黄酮,连续60d。第60d取血测定血清过氧化脂质丙二醛含量、超氧化物歧化酶活力、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活力,用跳台实验方法测定大鼠学习记忆能力。结果:与空白对照组比较,中、高剂量组大鼠血清mda含量显著降低,低、中、高剂量组血清sod活力明显升高,中、高剂量组血清gsh-px活力明显升高。结论:大豆异黄酮具有明显的抗氧化作用,并有效提高更年期雌性sd大鼠的学习记忆能力。

Results: In HPC and Z n2+ induced groups, all the contents of MT and the activities of antioxida ses were obviously higher than those in H/R (P.05,P.01 respectively ). While using MT, the activities of SOD were progressively increased than contr ol(P.05), CAT and GSHpx activities were lower than control(P.01), bu t were significantly higher than those in I/R group(P.01). In MT antibody g roups, the activities of antioxidase were decreased extremely.

结果:HPC和锌诱导组MT含量及抗氧化酶的活力均显著高于H/R组P.05、P.01:外源MT处理后 SOD活力显著高于对照组( P<0.01,CAT和GSHpx活力虽然显著低于对照组但显著高于H/R组(P<0.01);使用M T抗体后,酶活力最低。

The domestic "Su 4" and "ken 7" barleys activity change of main hydrolase in the process of barleys malting were investigated, and the study comparing it with Gairdner and Schooner barleys activity change indicate that "Su 4" and "ken 7" barleys amylase, phytase, and cellulase is with high activity, and its protease and xylanase with low activtiy,"Su 4" barleys peroxidase with low activitiy, and its polyphenol oxidase with high activity, but it is the opposite for "ken 7".


The protease activity in foregut was higher than that of midgut in an acidic condition at pH 5.0-5.8, while in an alkalescence condition at pH 7.0-8.6, the protease activity was higher in midgut than that in foregut. The lipase activity of foregut was high and stable in two pH ranges: 4.2-5.0 and 6.2-7.0, and that of midgut was high at pH 3.8, while the lipase lost enzyme activity at pH over 9.0. The amylase activity was high and stable at pH 6.6-7.4 in both foregut and midgut. The cellulase activity of foregut and midgut was high and stable at pH 6.2-7.4 and 5.4-7.0 respectively.


更多网络解释与活力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Allegro con brio:有活力的快板

第一乐章:有活力的快板(Allegro con brio) 铃声下载第一乐章:有活力的快板(Allegro con brio)手机铃声的步骤:3、恭喜您,你已经成功地把第一乐章:有活力的快板(Allegro con brio)的铃声下载到手机.

Douche Minerale:活力沐浴啫喱

VITALITE MINERALE 礦物活力系列 | 740470 Douche Minerale 活力沐浴啫喱 200 ml 200.00 | 741370 Cristaux Mineraux 活力礦物水晶鹽 500 g 430.00

Dragon healthy:辰龙(活力龙)活力健康

Rabbit articulate 卯兔(伶俐兔)伶俐活泼 | Dragon healthy 辰龙(活力龙)活力健康 | Snake deep 巳蛇(神秘蛇)神秘莫测

Freshen Tea:活力元氣茶(提神有活力)

薑母茶(遠離感冒風寒)Ginger Tea 82 | 活力元氣茶(提神有活力)Freshen Tea 83 | 天麻川芎茶(提神醒腦)Awaken Mind Tea 84

Vital Raiment:活力外衣 活力衣飾

Vital Sash 活力腰帶 活力束帶 | Vital Raiment 活力外衣 活力衣飾 | Geomancer's Jerkin 地卜師外套 地卜師上衣

seed vigor:活力

主要是由以下三方面原因引起的:⑵种子活力:种子活力(seed vigor)是指种子的健壮度,指种子迅速、整齐发芽出苗的潜在能力. 种子生活力(viability)一般就是指种子的发芽力. 当种子干重增至最大值时,种子已达生理成熟,此时活力往往最高.

seed vigor:种子活力

2.种子活力 种子活力(seed vigor)是指种子的健壮度,指种子迅速、整齐发芽出苗的潜在能力. 种子生活力(viability)一般就是指种子的发芽力. 当种子干重增至最大值时,种子已达生理成熟,此时活力往往最高. 但这时因含水量高而不便收获,

V Vigor:活力,谁喜欢一潭死水?有活力的女人,永远是这个时代的先锋

U-understand 理解,学会宽容 | V-vigor 活力,谁喜欢一潭死水?有活力的女人,永远是这个时代的先锋 | W-wisdom 智慧,女人的智慧,是大智若愚

V Vigor:活力 活力女人永远是时代先锋

U:UNDERSTAND理解 宽容的女人更容易被理解 | V:VIGOR活力 活力女人永远是时代先锋 | W:WISDOM智慧 女人的智慧是大智若愚


你可以检查一下,看一看在自己身上是否有发奋的毅力(guts)和生命活力(vitality)--但这不能是一种掩饰下的虚伪,而必须是从心底涌上来的生命活力. 你可以检查一下,看一看在自己身上是否有发奋的毅力(guts)和生命活力(vitality)--但这不能是一种掩饰下的虚伪,而必须是从心底涌上来的生命活力.