英语人>词典>汉英 : 洗礼 的英文翻译,例句
洗礼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ablution  ·  baptism  ·  ablutions  ·  baptisms

severe test
更多网络例句与洗礼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The central sacrament is the Eucharist ; the others are baptism, normally by immersion; confirmation, which follows baptism immediately in the form of anointment with chrism; penance; Holy Orders ; marriage; and anointment of the sick. Some medieval authors list other sacraments, such as monastic tonsure, burial, and the blessing of water.

中央的圣是圣体圣事;别人的洗礼,通常由浸泡;确认,其中如下的洗礼,立即在形式anointment与chrism ; penance ;神圣的订单;婚姻; anointment的病人,一些中世纪的作者清单中其他圣礼,如寺院剃度,埋葬,以及祝福的水。

Baptistery , also baptistry a part of a church or a separate building used for baptizing .


On Easter Eve, 404, when all the catechumens were to receive baptism, the adversaries of the bishop, with imperial soldiers, invaded the baptistery and dispersed the whole congregation.

在复活节前夕, 404 ,当所有慕道者将接受洗礼,对手的主教,与帝国士兵,入侵了洗礼和分散整个聚集。

Benda himself claimed to have been born 25 November, but baptism records show he was baptised three days earlier, on 22 November.


John refused at first to confer his baptism on Christ, for he understood not what he had to do with the baptism of repentance.


AC Cochrane, Reformed Confessions of the Sixteenth Century; BJ Kidd, Documents Illustrative of the Continental Reformation; HJ Hillerbrand, The Reformation in Its Own Words; HA Oberman, Forerunners of the Reformation: The Shape of Late Medieval Thought; W Cunningham, The Reformers and the Theology of the Reformation; BMG Reardon, Religious Thought in the Reformation; H Strohl, La pensee de la Reforme; GW Bromiley, Historical Theology: An Introduction; H Cunliffe - Jones, ed., A History of Christian Doctrine; S Ozment, The Age of Reform, 1250 - 1550; HJ Grimm, The Reformation Era 1500 - 1650; AG Dickens, The English Reformation; IB Cowan, The Scottish Reformation; GH Williams, The Radical Reformation; FH Littell, The Anabaptist View of the Church; GF Hershberger, ed., The Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision; PE Hughes, The Theology of the English Reformers; PDL Avis, The Church in the Theology of the Reformers.

交流的Cochrane ,改革的供词十六世纪;北京基德的文件,说明了大陆改革; hj hillerbrand ,改革在其自己的话;公顷oberman ,先行者的改革:形状中世纪晚期思想;瓦特坎宁安,改革者和神学的改革; BMG公司里尔顿,宗教思想,在改革; h strohl ,香格里拉pensee德香格里拉reforme ;毛重罗米立,历史神学:导言; h cunliffe -琼斯,教育署,历史的基督教教义; s o zment ,年龄的改革, 1250 -1 550; h j格里姆,改革的时代, 1 500- 16 50;银狄更斯,英语改革;兴业Co wan先生,苏格兰改造;生长激素威廉斯,激进改革;l i ttell跳频,再洗礼派的看法,教会;绿hershberger ,教育署,经济复苏的再洗礼派的远景;体育休斯,神学的英语改革者;牙周膜使用条款,教会在神学的改革者。

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All must be baptized or they cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. But not all baptism is sacramental baptism by water.


Bullinger failed to understand that just as the inner and outer man can be one man, so the inner Spirit baptism and outer water baptism can constitute one baptism.


Why were those baptized by the Baptism of John rebaptized with the Baptism of Christ?


更多网络解释与洗礼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这个教派属于新教中再洗礼派(Anabaptism)的孟诺教派. 当年新教的教义本来很是带有革命的色彩,而再洗礼派又是当年新教中比较极端的教派,其成员绝大部分来自中欧贫穷的人口与地区. 再洗礼派的创始人批评说,


ana-(上;回;再、又;后;类似) | anabaptism再洗礼论;再洗礼运动 | anabatic(风、气流等)上升的

Anabaptist:再洗礼论者, 再洗礼教徒

peripheral lymphoid organs 外周淋巴器官 | anabaptist 再洗礼论者, 再洗礼教徒 | blow wash 吹洗 压水冲洗


anabaptism 再洗礼 | anabaptist 再洗礼论教徒 | Anabaptistical 再洗礼教派的

baptismal name:洗礼名,圣名

baptismal certificate | 洗礼证明 | baptismal name | 洗礼名,圣名 | baptismal | 洗礼


baptismal name 洗礼名 | baptismal 洗礼的 | baptismally 洗礼的地方

Baptistery:洗礼池, 洗礼用桶

Baptist | 施洗约翰, 施洗者, 浸信会教友 | baptistery | 洗礼池, 洗礼用桶 | baptistry | 洗礼池, 洗礼用桶


baptisteries /洗礼堂/洗礼用水桶/ | baptistery /洗礼所/洗礼用桶/ | baptistry /洗礼所/洗礼用桶/

baptistry:洗礼池, 洗礼用桶

baptistery | 洗礼池, 洗礼用桶 | baptistry | 洗礼池, 洗礼用桶 | bar and shape mill | 型材轧机


baptistery /洗礼所/洗礼用桶/ | baptistry /洗礼所/洗礼用桶/ | baptize /洗礼/