英语人>词典>汉英 : 治疗气喘的 的英文翻译,例句
治疗气喘的 的英文翻译、例句


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Butterbur; German Pestwure which has been used therapeutically for more than 2000 years in Greek.

Petasites hybridus在古希腊历史中常用来治疗胃肠道的和气喘。

Nancy Collop, MD, an associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, told Medscape,"It is most interesting to have data that confirm how prevalent insomnia is in patients with asthma and how this is really a public health concern because there are risks associated with daytime sleepiness — accidents, for example." Dr. Collop, who was not involved in the study, said the first therapeutic approach should be "asthma control. I really think that improved asthma control could help a number of these problems."

马里兰巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯大学医学副教授Nancy Collop医师向Medscape表示,最有意义的是这项试验确立了气喘病患中失眠是多么常见的,而且因为这与白天嗜睡的风险,例如意外发生有关,因此这确实是公共卫生的一大隐忧;Collop医师没有参与这项试验,她表示,第一个应该做的治疗方式是控制气喘,她认为,改善对气喘的控制的确对这些问题是有帮助的。

From January 2007 to December 2007, the samples of this study were the patients who were under 15 years old in alleviated period by purposive sampling. They were divided into two groups:(1) 96 patients participated in the Chinese and western medicine care group;(2) 64 patients participated in the western medicine care group. The SF-36 health questionnaire for pre- and post-tests were administered to all participants. The cost took account of national health insurance apply claims and ratio of hospital's cost and fee.


Two studies of herbal medicine on asthma were discussed based on both guidelines from the traditional and allopathic medicines.


The contents of mineral elements, like Fe, in LMTCMs were higher than that of nor-LMTCM. The result of analysis of mineral element of 14 LMTCMs by ICP-MS method also showed the content of Fe have something to do with lung meridian tropism effects. The result of the study of platycodon radix approved the laws too. These laws were used to predict if the marine medicines have the lung meridian tropism effects.2. The Compatibility laws of Medicines and their chemical composition in LSP were studied by mining the data of the constituent herbs and their chemical composition. The results showed that the most constituent medicines of lung system prescriptions have lung meridian tropism. Radix glycyrrhizae, herba ephedrae, semen armeniacae amarum, fructus schisandrae Chinese and their compatibility are common in lung system prescriptions. Terpene, alkaloid, steroid, and flavanoid compounds and their compatibility are common in lung system prescriptions.3. The marine phycophyta medicines of LSP were studied by the same method.


It was concluded that administration of nebulized terbutaline, at a dose of 5 mg, was both safe and effective in treating acute asthma, and may be used as the first line measure in treating acute asthma in children.

本研究结果告诉我们以超音波喷雾器给予terbutaline solution治疗小儿急性气喘发作为一有效且快速的方法,且没有心速过快,血压上升等副作用,可做为治疗小儿急性气喘的第一线用药。

The results showed that herb formulas improved asthma symptoms and correlated well with the reduction of histamine, IgE or eosinophils.


For example, although the National Committee for Quality Assurance has found that more patients with asthma have been prescribed appropriate asthma mediations in recent years (71% in 2003 vs 63% in 2000), many children with asthma and their caregivers do not use preventive medications or know how to prevent or treat asthma attacks.


Biofeedback can be a useful tool in treating dozens of ailments,from asthma to epilepsy,chronic pain to drug addiction.


When you bathing with some chamomile,it can improve the dry skin;when applying on your eyes,it can relieve the tiredness;when used by the way of steam absorbing.it can cure the asthma and catarrh.


更多网络解释与治疗气喘的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

antarthritic:关节炎治疗剂 治疗关节炎的

Antares | 心大星 | antarthritic | 关节炎治疗剂 治疗关节炎的 | antasthmatic | 镇喘剂, 气喘治疗剂 治疗气喘的

antasthmatic:镇喘剂, 气喘治疗剂 治疗气喘的

antarthritic | 关节炎治疗剂 治疗关节炎的 | antasthmatic | 镇喘剂, 气喘治疗剂 治疗气喘的 | antatrophic | 防止萎缩之药物 防止萎缩的

bronchial asthma:支气管性气喘

对於支气管性气喘(bronchial asthma)的研究不多,但在古巴作研究访问期间,我会见了一位十一岁的支气管性气喘儿童. 他的气喘病为臭氧所治愈. 臭氧原来用为治疗他的耳疾(hypocusia),听觉获得适度的改善,孩子的老师和父母都发觉到他的气喘发作次数逐渐减少,


可与绿色碧玉一起配戴. 绿柱石(绿柱石)(Beryl) 它能帮助那些缺乏动机的行动,因为它能增强预知能力. 绿柱石可治疗气喘、肾石及肝脏疾病. 此外,也能治疗喉部疾病,并且它是用作默想的宝石. 橄榄石(Chrysolite) 要发挥橄...


现代医学对轻度气喘患者的治疗,多半是注射肾上腺素(Epinephrine),或是令患者服用麻黄素(Ephedrine). 气喘患者通常在服用这些药物后,很快就可以抑制其病情,但是却没有办法痊愈. 有很多原本是轻度气喘的患者,因为无法痊愈,只能靠药物抑制其病情,



antatrophic:防止萎缩之药物 防止萎缩的

antasthmatic | 镇喘剂, 气喘治疗剂 治疗气喘的 | antatrophic | 防止萎缩之药物 防止萎缩的 | ante meridian | 下子午圈, 正午以前时期


叶含多种生物碱0.7-1.5%,都是爱康宁(Ecgonine)的衍生物. 作为治疗神经痛的止痛药、健胃剂、止咳药、治疗气喘病的良药和作发汗剂,亦为兴奋剂、强壮剂.

immotile cilia syndrome:纤毛不动症候群

儿童病人合并鼻息肉则要考虑囊性纤维化症(systic fibrosis)或纤毛不动症候群(immotile cilia syndrome). 当药物治疗无效,病人有严重鼻塞,则可考虑手术切除以畅通气道. 呼吸道感染(包括感冒)经常会引发气喘病发作. 一般而言,病毒感染最容易加重气喘的气作,


所谓气喘的定义是指:病童因呼吸道阻力增大,而引起有反复性的喘息(Dyspnea)及哮喘(wheezing),简单的说即病童有反复性的喘,及呼吸时有咻咻的声音. 而这些现象可因治疗得当,或有时病自然复原而消失. 所以,由这个定义看来,气喘是一种反复性