英语人>词典>汉英 : 治疗地 的英文翻译,例句
治疗地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与治疗地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods:Is poisoned case of illness the fluorine acetamide stochastically to divide into the treatment group and the comparison group, two groups both use the conventional treatment, in this foundation, to treats the group case of illness after to be poisoned a week to give the niter benzene even treatment.


Fifty-eight cases of heart failure were randomized into A group of 30 cases and B group of 28 cases. A group were given cardiotonic, diuretic and extending blood vessel drugs; B group were given dilatrend 6.25mg twice a day in the duration of two months, besides the medications administered by A group.


After the use niter benzene even treatment and the treatment all around, separately makes the electroencephalogram inspection to two groups of case of illness.results: after the use niter benzene even treatment all around, the treatment group electroencephalogram restores quickly to the comparison group, exceptionally leads obviously to be lower than the comparison group.conclusions: the niter benzene is even is treats the recovery period fluorine acetamide to be poisoned patient's effective method, may enable his/her the brain harm to obtain the as soon as possible repair, improves the brain function, makes the unusual electroencephalogram to restore normal or the change for the better as soon as possible.


Compared with the no-intervention control group, the osteopathic manipulation group reported greater improvements in back pain, greater satisfaction with back care, better physical functioning and mental health at one month, and fewer cotreatments at six months. However, the sham manipulation group also reported greater improvements in back pain and physical functioning and greater satisfaction than the control group, and osteopathic manipulation was not significantly better than sham manipulation.


The head is slowly turned 90° toward the side where nystagmus is induced less intensely. Then the head is rotated 180° rapidly toward the opposite side. This article reports three cases of the ageotropic form of HC-BPPV that were cured by rapid head rotation. The three cases demonstrated that rapid head rotation was an effective maneuver to treat cupulolithiasis on the utricle side. It is recommended that rapid head rotation can be used for therapeutic diagnosis: If nystagmus subsides immediately after this maneuver, the diagnosis is cupulolithias is on utricle side. If nystagmus changes into the geotropic form, the diagnosis is cupulolithiasis on canal side or canalolithiasis in the anterior arm of horizontal semicircular canal. A repositioning maneuver for geotropic form can then be applied to treat these patients.

逆地眼振型水平半规管良性阵发位置性眩晕的3种耳石可能位置如下:水平半规管前臂的管耳石、管侧的顶帽沉石(canal side cupulo-lithias1s)与囊侧的顶帽沉石,本文报告3例以快速转头治疗逆地眼振型水平半规管良性阵发位置性眩晕成功的病例,显示快速转头法对囊侧的顶帽沉石具迅速有效的治疗效果,对於逆地眼振型水平半规管良性阵发位置性眩晕的治疗,作者建议先以快速转头作治疗性诊断,若病人马上复原,诊断为囊侧的顶帽沉石;若眼振转为向地型,则诊断为水平半规管前臂的管耳石或管侧的顶帽沉石,进一步再以向地型的耳石复位法治疗病人。

I will apply for the benefit of the sick all measures which are required avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.


Green-let me consider-yes,green becomes my complexion best .and g 癫痫病治疗中心 reen it shall be, In this dress I will go to the fair,where all young fellows will strive to have me for a parter;but no-I shall refuse every one of them,and with a disdainful toss turn from them.


Research in rerent years indicates the necessity of studying Lp-PLA2 as a new inflammatory marker factor in pathogenesis and prophylactic treatment of atheroselerosis.and Lp-PLA2 may become an new therapeutic target of coronary heart disease.


Quite a few terminally晚期地,致命地ill patients would often like their doctors to administer lethal drugs注射致命药物 to them to be relieved of suffering; there are also some of their families who would prefer that doctors withdraw any life-prolonging treatment撤销延长生命性质的治疗since there is no hope of effecting an ultimate cure.


Objective:Discusses the person to welcome the hole seal to treat the adult acute epiglottis inflammation clinical curative effect.


更多网络解释与治疗地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


开始于本世纪30年代,额叶白质切断术曾广泛地应用于欧美各国,以较广泛地切断额叶白质的方法治疗顽固的精神分裂症,虽经改良,终因手术损伤较大、效果...第五节 精神治疗 精神治疗(Psychotherapy)又称心理治疗,是用心理学的理论和方法帮助患者了解发病因素解除情绪障碍、矫正行为,


remeasure 重测 | remediable 可治疗的 | remediably 可治疗地


remediably 可治疗地 | remedial 治疗的 | remedially 治疗地


remedial 治疗的 | remedially 治疗地 | remediation 补习


remediably 可治疗地 | remedially 修补地 | remedially 治疗地

remedially:治疗地; 补救地; 矫正地 (副)

remedial 治疗的, 矫正的, 补救的 (形) | remedially 治疗地; 补救地; 矫正地 (副) | remediless 医不好的; 不能纠正的 (形)

suggestive therapy:暗示治疗

肿瘤病人的暗示治疗 (suggestive therapy) 是一种指患者不经过逻辑判断,毫无保留地自觉地接受医生灌输的理念而取得疗效的心理治疗方法. 医生在专业上的权威性、知识水平和治疗能力是进行暗示治疗和决定治疗成功与否的重要条件.

remediably:可治疗地, 可救济地

cacogastric [医] 消化不良的 | remediably 可治疗地, 可救济地 | Mellon 梅隆(姓氏)


remediable 可治疗的 | remediably 可治疗地 | remedial 治疗的

therapeutically:在治疗上; 益于健康地; 有疗效地 (副)

therapeutical 治疗的 (形) | therapeutically 在治疗上; 益于健康地; 有疗效地 (副) | therapeutics 治疗学; 疗法 (名)