英语人>词典>汉英 : 治水 的英文翻译,例句
治水 的英文翻译、例句


regulate rivers and watercourses · prevent floods by water control · tame a river · water-control
更多网络例句与治水相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The current our country village finance support "three agricultural" the development " Kowloon regulates waterways " the present situation," disperses, zero with "three agricultural" the fund demand, is small, the frequency, the class, damages " the special disposition disobeys, not can achieve national policy supporting agriculture the biggest effect, even appears harms "three agricultural" the health development phenomenon.


The economic meltdown has led to the crumbling of basic services, including health care and water treatment facilities.


Their decendant is the Wang Di who teach people how to farming and the Cong Di who contribute to the water conservancy.


Aiming at the enormous changes of politics,economy,population and resources in the Haihe River Basin,the paper brings forward the envisagement of the Haihe River Basin flood control management fro...


The woman actively of broad developing country participated in intercrop of the prevent floods by water control that treat hill, afforestation, aricultural, collect carry, Chai Gaizao of treatment sale, section activity that concerns with forestry.


He advocated many important water-conserving guideline s and principles such as being positive and prudent,seeking not only temporary but also permanent cure,making overall plans without any ignorance,promoting what is beneficial and abolishing what is harmful,making plans for both storing and discharging simultaneously,controlling water comprehensively,etc.


I'm wondering, are we cleaning up the waterways solely for the sake of cleaning up?


From bright generation Liu Tian is mixed " collect asking water ", 10 thousand respectful " hoof of a bamboo fish trap of prevent floods by water control ", Pan Jixun " general view of flood-prevention work done on rivers " can see processing Huang Yunsai thinks in 3 books that treat a river from prevent floods by water control prevent or control flood, treat a river to understand use --, it is our country manages the transition period that river idea studies on Huang Shi.


Depending on different conditions of hydrological geology, Jingling Iron Mine has adopted different methods of controlling underground water such as unwatering , integrated controlling, etc.

多年来 ,山东金岭铁矿根据不同的水文地质条件分别采取疏干治水、综合治水等方法治理矿山地下水,实现了安全生产及保护地下水资源的良好治水

Depending on different conditions of hydrological geology,Jingling Iron Mine has adopted different methods of controlling underground water such as unwatering,integrated controlling,etc.to control the underground water of mine for many years,the favorable effects of safe production and protecting grand water resources are realized.


更多网络解释与治水相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

legally administrate water:依法治水

法律界定:legally define | 依法治水:legally administrate water | 计划火烧:Prescribed burning


affinity chromatography 亲和性层析谱 | afforest 造林 | afforestation and water conservancy 治山治水


"这种"统一的局面"的形成关键在客体因素上表现为:(1)、黄土(Loess)由风力堆积而形成华北耕地,但由于黄河的挟带使大量水灾成为可能. >公元前651年齐侯在葵丘的会盟便提到了"毋决堤,毋曲防"的号召. >中提到治水11次,


这还没完呢,项目完成了得有个总结(wrap up)啊,这时候有个小官,要拍康熙的马屁,起了一份签报,说皇帝你治理黄河这么有思想,有作为,不如把自己的思想体系总结一下,写本"康熙治水重要思想"或者"康熙治水心得"什么的,

Elisha healed Naaman:以利沙治愈乃缦

Elisha and the Shunammite woman 以利沙和书念妇人 505 | Elisha healed Naaman 以利沙治愈乃缦507 | Elisha purified the water 以利沙治水 506


water 水 | water-bound 被洪水困住的 | water-control 治水

regulate watercourses:治水

regulate the market ==> 控制市面 | regulate watercourses ==> 治水 | regulated amplifier ==> 控制放大器