英语人>词典>汉英 : 沟渠 的英文翻译,例句
沟渠 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aqueduct  ·  canal  ·  conduit  ·  ditch  ·  fosse  ·  sink  ·  trench  ·  canalling  ·  sheugh  ·  canaling  ·  canals  ·  ditched  ·  ditches  ·  sinks  ·  trenches  ·  aqueducts

irrigation canals and ditches
更多网络例句与沟渠相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Consider, for example, Annabella's thoughts as she walks the snow-covered grounds of a country estate, weighing the greater influence that will come to her through marriage to Byron: A layer of white brought out the irregularities in the ground, in the gravel and grass — a thin crust like toast, she thought to herself absurdly, as she stepped upon it.


But is to use the apathetic heart to love your person, at you I dug a profound ditch.


And if anyone did throw them off, he would still be uncertain about jumping over even the narrowest of trenches, for he would be unaccustomed to free movement of this kind.


It wasn't sure of the distance;it would stand on the edge shaking because the distance to it looked too great.then after a while coming up to the ditch and watching its campanian jump it easily,something happened within it---an idea was born that it could too.


In the Alaskan slopes, there are 4000 foot vertical run areas with gullies, ditches, and wind lips, as well as trees to contend with on the slope.


The Pont du Gard aqueduct, built by the Romans, now funnels francs into the town of N mes as one of France's most popular tourist attractions.


Photo Gallery: Provence, France The Pont du Gard aqueduct, built by the Romans, now funnels francs into the town of Nmes as one of France's most popular tourist attractions.


The Pont du Gard aqueduct, built by the Romans, now funnels francs into the town of N mes as one of Frances most popular tourist attractions.


The Pont du Gard aqueduct, built by the Romans, now funnels francsintothe town of N mes as one of Frances most popular touristattractions.


The Pont du Gard aqueduct, built by the Romans, now funnels francsintothe town of Nmes as one of Frances most popular touristattractions.


更多网络解释与沟渠相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


注意城市旁必须有河流,否则想升到6级以上就必须建造沟渠(Aqueduct),而此时你根本没空去研究建筑学(Construction). 选好地形后,开始阶段城市经营的重心应该还是扩张和必要的防务,尽量多造殖民者建立新的城市,同时命令工人在首都周围开路建矿,

channel bases:沟渠基底

cable routing电缆路由选择 | channel bases沟渠基底 | vertical panel竖直面板

channel bases:沟渠基底ycC中国学习动力网

cable routing电缆路由选择ycC中国学习动力网 | channel bases沟渠基底ycC中国学习动力网 | vertical panel竖直面板ycC中国学习动力网

Brody:布罗迪 沟渠;特别的胡子 男性 盖尔

Brodny 住在浅滩渡口附近的人 男性 斯拉夫 | Brody布罗迪 沟渠;特别的胡子 男性 盖尔 | Brom西布朗 乌鸦 男性 盖尔


8.到Vista Point,有3个沟渠(Canal)及3个炮口,此时的目的是要令石头(Rock)进入3个不同的炮口--拿起石头扔进右边的沟渠(Canal of Right Side);再拿起石头扔进中间的沟渠(Canal of Middle);最后一个有点麻烦,

sullage waste:沟渠废物

sullage 污水;沟渠 | sullage waste 沟渠废物 | sulphate 硫酸盐


沟渠',因为我们熟悉'french 法国人',我们只要把 f替换为 t (雨伞)就变成'法国人(french)把雨伞(t)放在沟渠(trench) 里'而轻松记下这个单词了. "常用前缀如:de dis se代表分离、分开;trans表示越 过、转变;re表回复、相互、重新;

land for ditches:沟渠用地

"沟渠","ditches" | "沟渠用地","land for ditches" | "节约用水","Please Conserve Water"

Box Drain:水沟渠;匣形沟渠

Box Culvert 箱涵;箱形涵洞 | Box Drain 水沟渠;匣形沟渠 | Box girder 箱形梁

conduit system:沟渠系统

conduit n. 导管,沟渠 | conduit system 沟渠系统 | cone n. 锥形物,圆锥体