英语人>词典>汉英 : 沃尔顿 的英文翻译,例句
沃尔顿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The fledgling Everton played in a number of locations but settled on a greenfield site between Anfield Road and Walton Breck Road.


After that I had to come up to New York to do a commercial for ESPN with Dwight Howard, Deron Williams, Mike Breen and Bill Walton.


Sam Walton didn't invent the idea of the discount store, he just perfected it.


Americans' heroes are outlaws, like wild west gunfighter Jesse James, or entrepreneurs, like Sam Walton, founder of the Wal-Mart chain of superstores.


Americans' heroes are outlaws, like wild west gunfighter Jesse James,or entrepreneurs, like Sam Walton, founder of the Wal-Mart chain of superstores.


Over at the home office (which Sam Walton preferred to "headquarters" because he thought the latter term sounded highfalutin), I ran into Mike Duke, Wal-Mart's CEO who took charge in February.


Other critics-raving recordings include the Walton Concerto and Britten's Cello Symphony with the Academy of St Martin in the Fields under Sir Neville Marriner released in 1997 (the Britten being described by Edward Greenfield in Gramophone as "beyond any rival"), the complete works for cello and piano by Grieg and Delius with pianist Bengt Forsberg in 1998, and the "Cello Moods", a collection of favourites and rarities with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra under James Judd.


March 29, 1918, Sam Walton was born in a small town in Arkansas, the child had been a newsboy.


It's in this idea of continuity with the past that the board of governors who were currently running the institute made a point of honor to conserve the plan that Lord Coylton had devised at the beginning of his project:"Treat the mind, master the fear".


The readings of Codex A were noted in Walton's Polyglot, 1657, and in every important collation since made.

读数法典均指出,在沃尔顿的多国, 1657年,在每一个重要的整理工作以来取得的。

更多网络解释与沃尔顿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


由布雷希特(Brecht)作词的康塔塔>(Lehrstuck)在1929年的巴登-巴登音乐节演出后,舆论大哗. 1929年10月欣德米特初访英国,在沃尔顿(Walton)的中提琴协奏曲首演时担任中提琴独奏(他和沃尔顿是1923年在萨尔茨堡相识的).

Linda Woolverton:编剧:琳达.沃尔夫顿

该片编剧琳达.沃尔夫顿(Linda Woolverton)也持同样的观点. 她说在开始创作剧本时,她"对维多利亚时期的风俗道德做过一番考究,看看那个时期的女孩行为标准,然后写剧本时就反其道而行之. "她还说,"我比较希望把这部电影写成一部惊险动作片,

walden media:沃尔顿媒体

沃尔顿媒体(Walden Media),纳尼亚特效年度巨献,根据Jeanne DuPrau少年奇幻故事>(City of Ember)改编的同名影片,由>(土豆越活越滋润 House)导演吉尔.柯南(Gil Kenan)执导此片,汤姆.汉克斯(Tom Hanks)和盖瑞.高兹曼(Gary Goetzman)担任制片.

Walden University:沃尔顿大学

Virginia Commonwealth University 弗吉尼亚联邦大学 | Walden University 沃尔顿大学 | Bond University 邦德大学


她还考虑是否要将余下的钱在 WalMart.com(沃尔顿(Walton)家族)花个精光,但还是成功克制住了这个欲望. 终于,到了下午6点--该下班了. Alex 在一个加油站(乔治-凯撒(GeorgeKaiser))停下为她租来的汽车加油. 但是在回家之前,

Bill Walton:比尔.沃尔顿

总共执教UCLA二十七年的伍登,于1975年宣布退役,卡里姆-阿布杜-贾巴尔(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar),比尔-沃尔顿(Bill Walton),沃尔特-哈扎德(Walt Hazzard)以及盖尔-古德里奇(Gail Goodrich)均为伍登弟子.

Walton filter:沃尔顿滤色镜

Wabanite Wabash river pearl 沃巴什河珠 | Walton filter 沃尔顿滤色镜 | Wardite 水磷铝纳石

Luke Walton:卢克-沃尔顿

第二节刚一开场,底薪得分后卫考比-卡尔(Coby Karl)就接卢克-沃尔顿(Luke Walton)的助攻18呎跳投命中. 紧接着加索尔连罚带投独得4分,湖人迅速将双方分差拉大. 此后双方展开拉锯战,比赛陷入胶着状态. 上半场比赛进行到还剩下1分钟时,

Sam Walton:山姆.沃尔顿

沃尔玛"是最大的企业,而且一点没有失去山姆 沃尔顿(Sam Walton)创立它的时候具有的活力",巴菲特说. "这极其令人佩服. "戴尔和宝洁的排位也明显提高. 戴尔在全明星榜中由第 23 位上升到第 4 位,这家电脑制造商不断蚕食竞争对手的市场份额,

cockcroft walton accelerator:科克罗夫特 沃尔顿加速器

coaxial tuner 同轴典器 | cockcroft walton accelerator 科克罗夫特 沃尔顿加速器 | codan 载频控制的干扰抑制器