英语人>词典>汉英 : 汞剂 的英文翻译,例句
汞剂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与汞剂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From one or more of the organic color dye composition, which is characterized by the same dye has been injected into deep dermis depth, almost no skin, the more ink that treatment is more difficult, exterior look, including many colors, the color boundaries clear, uniform staining unanimously, the red color component for mercury agent, yellow for the cadmium materials, green for chromium materials.


The advantages and disadvantages of the individual sorbent have also been discussed and compared in detail.


Under the working conditions of alkaline zinc electrodes and in the range of charge and discharge potential, the composite inhibitors were proved to have good chemical and electrochemical stability themselves, and to keep their effect for a long time.


Post-combustion is the main method and it is mostly used and widely concerned in recent research,which includes two parts: to conduct research on all kinds of absorbents and on the utilization of the present...


"It has many uses-in dental and industrial amalgams, as a catalyst, in electrical and measuring apparatus and instruments (e.g., thermometer s), as the cathode in electrolytic cells, in mercury-vapour lamps, and as a coolant and neutron absorber in nuclear power plants."


"It has many uses-in dental and industrial amalgams, as a catalyst, in electrical and measuring apparatus and instruments (e.g., thermometers), as the cathode in electrolytic cells, in mercury-vapour lamp s, and as a coolant and neutron absorber in nuclear power plants."


"It has many uses-in dental and industrial amalgams, as a catalyst , in electrical and measuring apparatus and instruments (e.g., thermometers), as the cathode in electrolytic cells, in mercury-vapour lamps, and as a coolant and neutron absorber in nuclear power plants."


The inhibitor can desorb from zinc surface at high anodic polarization region and adsorb on to zinc surface quickly as switching off the anodic polarization current.


By testing hydration rate and hydration temperature at different times,the effect of the retarders on the hydration process of calcined gypsum was studied,and by analyzing morphology and pore structure,the effect of the retarders on the microstructure of gypsum was also studied.


The titrant is a mixture of EDTA and sodium fluoride, both mercury film electrode and fluorinion selective electrode are inserted in the titration solution. In a process of titration, both the added volume of titrant and the concentration of mercury ion at each titration point can be obtained simultaneously from the potentials of two electrodes, and then the concentration of each component in the alloy can be obtained from the titration curves by multivariate calibration.


更多网络解释与汞剂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

silver amalgam:银汞剂

silver acetylide 乙炔银 | silver amalgam 银汞剂 | silver arsenite 亚砷酸银


汞剂利尿剂 mercurial diuretics | 汞中毒,慢性汞中毒 mercurialism | 汞盐类 mercuric

mercurialism:汞中毒 水银中毒

mercurialhornore 汞膏 | mercurialism 汞中毒 水银中毒 | mercurialization 汞剂

mercurous nitrate:硝酸亚汞

odium)及制剂所有用途 硝基化合物:硝基酚钠(sodium nitrophenolate)、硝呋烯腙(nitrovin)及制剂所有用途 催眠、镇静类:安眠酮(methaqualone)及制剂杀螺剂 各种汞制剂包括:氯化亚汞(甘汞)(calomel)、硝酸亚汞(mercurous nitrate)、醋酸汞(merc

organomercury germicide poisoning:有机汞杀菌剂中毒

organomercurial transformation 有机汞转化 | organomercury germicide poisoning 有机汞杀菌剂中毒 | organomercury pesticide 有机汞农药


mercurialism 汞中毒 水银中毒 | mercurialization 汞剂化 | mercuriallampmetal-filmresistor 汞灯金属膜电阻器

mercurating agent:汞化剂

mercumatiline sodium ==> 汞香豆林钠 | mercurating agent ==> 汞化剂 | mercurial exchange rates ==> 变动不定的兑换率

mercural cathartics:汞类泻下剂

红溴汞,汞红质 merbromin | 汞类泻下剂 mercural cathartics | 汞剂 mercurial

mercurial diuretics:汞剂利尿剂

汞剂 mercurial | 汞剂利尿剂 mercurial diuretics | 汞中毒,慢性汞中毒 mercurialism


梅巴酚 merbaphen | 红溴汞,汞红质 merbromin | 汞类泻下剂 mercural cathartics