英语人>词典>汉英 : 汇合处 的英文翻译,例句
汇合处 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与汇合处相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The distances between the confluence of anterior cerebral vein with deep middle cerebral vein and the lateral border of chiasm opticum, the crotch of ICA and MCA were (14.36±1.67) mm,(8.13±0.98) mm and (7.65±0.21) mm, respectively.


They are: fishing in the big river, Aunting on the horse in the forest, hunting on the prairie, hunting on foot in the forest Ⅰ(the main body is Yakut-Ewenki) and Hunting on foot in the forest Ⅱ(the main body is Han, Man and Koreans).


The second half of the Grand Line, beyond the second intersection with the Red Line, is also known as the New World.


Dawson:a town of western Yukon Territory, Canada, at the confluence of the Yukon and Klondike rivers.


As we approached 86th and Lexington, I pointed to the Chemical Bank.


The city of Koblenz was established at the confluence of the Rhine and Mosel.


Chinese territory North begin Mo river at North Heilongjiang river's center (North latitude 53°30 ′). South to South sand archipelago Grandmother dark sand (North latitude 4°), Bestraddle latitude long of 49°. East begin Heilongjiang and Wusuli place of converge (East longitude 135°05 ′). West to Pamirs (East longitude 73°40′), bestraddle longitude long of 60°.


Located in Washington, Maryland and Virginia between the Potomac River and River castilla A Naka junction of the Dongbei An.


A mature bald eagle calls out to its mate Monday, April 12, 2010, near the the confluence of the Tanana and Chena Rivers outside of Fairbanks, Alaska.


A city of northwest West Virginia at the confluence of the Little Kanawha and Ohio rivers north of Charleston.


更多网络解释与汇合处相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


贾瓦哈拉港位于印度东部罗来纳(SOUTH CAROLINA)州东南沿海科佩尔(COOPER)河与阿什莱(ASHLEY)河汇合处,在查尔斯顿湾的顶端,濒临大西洋的西侧,是南卡罗来纳州的主要港口.

concessionary term:优惠条款;优惠价格

concessionary rent 优惠租金 | concessionary term 优惠条款;优惠价格 | concourse 汇合处;广场

concessionary term:优惠条款;优惠价格sBs中国学习动力网

concessionary rent 优惠租金sBs中国学习动力网 | concessionary term 优惠条款;优惠价格sBs中国学习动力网 | concourse 汇合处;广场sBs中国学习动力网


concessionary term 优惠条款;优惠价格 | concourse 汇合处;广场 | concrete 混凝土;"石屎"

convergency value:收敛值

convergence 收敛、辐合、聚焦;非周期性阻尼运动;汇合处 | convergency value 收敛值 | convergency 收敛;收敛差


苏格兰马里(Moray)议会区的山脉,在基斯(Keith)西南 24公里(15哩)、阿文(Avon)河和斯佩(Spey)河汇合处以东约 8公里(5哩),海拔841公尺(2,759呎). 本林尼斯山有一处名胜--鲁塞(Ruthie)的林恩(Linn)瀑布,是众多山溪的其中一条形成的. ...

renal pedicle:肾蒂

将此皱襞小心切开即可暴露肠系膜下静脉.向上可追踪至其与脾静脉汇合处,向下追踪,可见该静脉引流降结肠,乙状结肠和直肠上部的静脉血.(2)肾门,肾蒂:肾内缘中部凹陷处称肾门(renal hilum).肾蒂(renal pedicle)由出入肾门的肾血管,

Smoky Hill:斯莫基希尔

位於共和河与斯莫基希尔(Smoky Hill)河汇合处. 1858年始建,发展成为附近莱黎(Riley)要塞的贸易中心. 现为周围谷物和乳品产区的批发和转运中心,建有铁路工场、饲料加工厂和牛奶场. 周围有石灰岩开采业. 共和河上建有米尔福德(Milfo ...


influx 流注 河流汇合处 内流 汇集 | infolding 内折 | infoquote 参考报价


左岸支流主要有金托(Quinto)河等. 萨拉多河各段名称不一,圣胡安河口以上叫贝尔梅霍河,圣胡安河口以下至迪亚曼特河口叫德萨瓜德罗(Desaguadero)河,迪亚曼特河口以下至圣伊萨贝尔叫萨拉多河,再往下至与科罗拉多河汇合处称作库拉科(Curaco)河.