英语人>词典>汉英 : 水族馆 的英文翻译,例句
水族馆 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aquarium  ·  aquaria  ·  aquariums

更多网络例句与水族馆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When selecting decorations for your home aquarium you will be given an option of decorating with either plastic accoutrements or bringing nature into your home by installing live plants and other organisms in your aquarium.


Officials say the Monterey Bay Aquarium has been recognized as the finest aquarium in the United States.


Before you can set up your aquarium and start filling it with exotic fish, it is vital for you to purchase the elements that will make your tropical saltwater aquarium a great success.


When you go to the store to purchase the aquarium, consider how much work you will definitely need to invest in your tropical saltwater aquarium once it is up and running.


Other items every successful tropical saltwater aquarium owner keeps existing are rubber gloves, an aquarium glass scrub brush, two large five-gallon buckets, and a power strip.


To cite a few examples: the acrylic window at the Ocean Voyager exhibit is the largest window on the North American continent; a living coral reef now flourishes in downtown Atlanta in the Aquarium's Tropical Diver Gallery; the Education Loop is a major acknowledgement of the importance of education in public aquariums; the Correll Center for Aquatic Animal Health is a great example of public philanthropy and a partnership with a research university.

举几个例子:在 Ocean Voyager 展览中使用的压克力窗口,就是北美大陆上最大的窗口;活珊瑚礁现在就茁壮生长在位于市中心的亚特兰大水族馆的热带潜水长廊;这种在公众水族馆间的环式教育是很重要且值得提倡和感激的;为研究水产动物的健康而建立的珊瑚中心,就是一个公共慈善事业与研究型大学( Georgia 大学)伙伴关系的见证。

The Waikiki Aquarium is the third oldest public aquarium in the United States, it features many of Hawaii's most interesting sea animals.

怀基基水族馆是美国第三古老的水族馆,以 8ttt8夏威夷有趣的海洋动物为特色。

At the bottom of Takasaki Hill, there is one of best aquarias-"Sea Egg" Aquaria where there is artificial beach nearby.


Plants were not a feature of the shop's aquaria as they were a nuisance when the fishes had to be netted and when the aquaria needed cleaning.


And with Aquaria's intuitive mouse-only control system, it's as easy to make Naija swim gracefully through the waters as it is to have her sing, cast spells, and engage in combat with the numerous dangerous creatures that inhabit Aquaria's waters.


更多网络解释与水族馆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


虽然苹果电脑系列产品的设计并没有直接影响其他商品的设计,但是潜移默化之间,我们的生活中已经开始越来越多的接触类似的设计,这款由Djordje Zivanovic设计的"水族馆""水族馆"(Aquarium)洗衣机就是一个苹果式设计很好的例证.

The Aquarium:水族馆

10310 Cangaroos 袋鼠 104 | 10311 The Aquarium 水族馆 228 | 10312 Personalities with long ears 长耳朵的家伙 46

National aquarium:国家水族馆

纳皮尔的其他旅游热点包括海洋世界(Marineland)、国家水族馆(National Aquarium)及桑德歇尔柱廊(Soundshell). 邻近的游戏胜地包括拐子角塘鹅栖息地(Cape Kidnappers Gannet Colony)及邻接哈斯丁市的葡萄园. 不少人会取道纳皮尔前往霍克湾,

National aquarium:国家水族馆","删除

207,"naming and shaming","指名羞辱","已修正... | 208,"National Aquarium","国家水族馆","删除" | 209,"National Association of Advisors for Computers in Education (NAACE)","国家电脑资讯教育辅导委员会","已...


同时在水族馆的另一侧还有两个大型的展馆:海洋水族馆(Oceanarium)和野生珊瑚礁馆(Wild Reef)(需另收门票),其中海洋水族馆分上下两层,可以在水面和水底两处观察企鹅、海狮、海豚、鲸鱼等生物,此外还有海豚表演.


aguarium水族馆 | oceanarium大型海洋水族馆 | gymnasium体育馆(简称:gym)

Aquarium Suite: Whirligig:水族馆组曲:陀螺

10: 水族馆组曲:扇尾鸽Aquarium Suite: .... 02:33 | 水族馆组曲:陀螺Aquarium Suite: Whirligig | 11: 水族馆组曲:陀螺Aquarium Suite: W.... 02:38

Aquariums make me super horny:水族馆让我非常兴奋

So, Lucy, I work at an aquarium.|露西,我在一家水族馆工作 | Aquariums make me super horny.|水族馆让我非常兴奋 | That's not funny. Don't rub those.|这一点都不好笑,别揉那个

Aquarium Caretakers:水族馆的饲养员

How Often Do Whales Come Up for Air? 鲸每隔多久浮出水面换气? | Aquarium Caretakers 水族馆的饲养员 | Who Takes Care of the Aquarium? 谁来管理水族馆?

Aquarium Suite: Moorish Idol:水族馆组曲:摩尔人的偶像

8: 水族馆组曲:苔柳Aquarium Suite: W.... 03:03 | 水族馆组曲:摩尔人的偶像Aquarium Suite: Moorish Idol | 9: 水族馆组曲:摩尔人的偶像Aquarium Suit.... 03:02