英语人>词典>汉英 : 氨性的 的英文翻译,例句
氨性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ammoniac  ·  ammoniacal

更多网络例句与氨性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a cationic exchanging membrane in electrodialysis , the membrane was used to treat inorganic wastewater with high concentration of inorganic ammonia and azote.


MSH can cause in the melanophore the tyrosine words enhancement, causes the tyrosine the copper thing to turn the Asian copper thing, strengthens the epidermal cell to embezzle the melanin pellet, and urges the melanin pellet under the ultraviolet radiation to turn the state of oxidation from the return to original state condition, causes the skin pigmentation.


The comprehensive evalucation resulted in a strong drought resistance group including ZXY04P-201、ZXY03P-227、ZXY03P-122 and ZX Y04P-136, a weak drought resistance group including ZXY04P-101、ZXY04P-89,ZXY04P-239 and a intermediate group including the others according to the the above indicators. 3. The results of study on drought mechanism for 4 Dactylis glomerata L. under continuously water stress and rewatering show: the water saturation deficit of leaves arose hastily, and ZXY04P-239 changed most obviously while ZXY04P-201 changed only slightly under drought stress. ZXY03P-173 and ZXY04P-201 increased in the relative plasmalemma permeability and the soluble sugar content while thant of ZXY04P-75 and ZXY04P-239 showed the trend of initial increasing, reaching the peak at the 8th day, then decreasing under drought stress.


There are experimental results as follows:(1) Eriophorum comosum Nees shows strong cold resistance in plasmalemma permeability research. The lethal temperature of Eriophorum comosum Nees is the lowest LT_(50 in comparison with another two plants and is lower than -11.5℃ in August 2005 and December 2005; Soluble protein content of each plant is rising before or after cold hardiness. By SDS-PAGE, Protein band is analysed. Band quantity of Eriophorum comosum Nees is the most and its band color is darkest.(2) Soluble sugar content of three plants after cold hardiness are higher than before cold hardiness, moreover soluble sugar content after cold hardiness shows a decline and there is a narrow range in Eriophorum comosum Nees; Free Proline accumulation is changed by cold stress, and cold resistance is relative to free Proline accumulation; chlorophyll content of both three plants, including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and chlorophyll a/b, show a decline tendency along with the descent of temperature. Cynodon dactylon is highly sensitive to cold stress.(3) The soil POD and urease activities' absolute value of Erioophorum comosum Nees and Pogonatherum panideumHack were more than that of Cynodon dactylon before or after low temperature stress, especially POD activities.


Both three-dimensional chiral compounds have intriguing chiral channels, which are built up of homochiral intertwined double helices. The circular dichroism spectra of 1 and 2 in water have shown they are stable in solution, which document they will be significantly useful in asymmetric catalysis and chiral medicine.


Methods Strial capillary endothelial cells in guinea pig cochlea was dissociated and cuhureed to establish a model for its permeability in vitro.,The animals were divided into TNF-α,TNF-α+L-arginine,TNF-α+NG-minomethyl-L-arginine and control groups.


The possible role of cross-inhibition between GABA_aRs and GlyRs in the CNS I then examined synaptical coupled cultured neurons from the IC to test for the possible role of this cross-talk during GABA_AR-mediated neurotransmission.


A water-soluble gold nanoparticle was prepared with trisodium citrate by reduction method, and using cystine as a self-assembled molecule, three dimensional net structure of gold nanoparticle with cystine was obtained.

用柠檬酸三钠还原法制备了水溶性金纳米粒子,粒子的平均粒径为4.5 nm,它与胱氨酸作用后,胱氨酸利用双硫键在其表面成功地进行了自组装,获得了金纳米粒子-胱氨酸的三维网状结构。

Results:Significant differences in energy and 26 kinds of nutrients such as protein,lipid,carbohydrate,calcium,zinc,selenium,magnesium,copper,manganese,natrium,kalium,iron,vitamin A,vitamin B1,vitamin B2,vitamin C,vitamin PP,vitamin E,and eight kinds of essential amino-acids were shown between recommend dietary allowance and daily food intake(P.01).The intake of iron and vitamin E was enough,whereas the intake of energy and other nutrients was not enough.


As one of the most important osmoregulation actor, firstly,Proline plays a keyrole in the osmotic potential adjustment in plant cells. Secondly, Proline can preventNaCl from damaging the structure of biomacromolecule in cells. Thirdly, the highdissolubility and non-rejection capability of Proline can enlarge the solution volumnof the cell, so the concentration of salt will be diminished in cytoplasm and the saltstress will be relieved. Forthly, the accumulation of Proline could prevent thedehydrolysis from sap cavity in cytoplasm. Fifthly, the synthesis of plant chlorophyllwill be diminished under the salt stress, but the Proline can provide request ofchlorophyll synthesis.


更多网络解释与氨性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ammonium:氨 氨

ammonification 氨化作用 氨化作用 Y | ammonium 氨 氨 Y | ammophilous 喜沙的 嗜氨性 Y


精氨酸(l-arginine)是条件性必须氨基酸,能调节人体多种内源性激素的分泌,...谷氨酸(Glu) 、精氨酸(arg)、 天冬氨酸(Asp)和苯丙氨酸(Phe)为主要氨基酸其总量超过游离氨基酸总量的6 0 %,...


胱氨酸尿症(cystinuria)是一种家族性遗传性疾病. 为常染色体隐性遗传病. 是由近端肾小管上皮细胞及空肠黏膜对二碱基氨基酸(包括赖氨酸、精氨酸、鸟氨酸)及胱氨酸等转运障碍所致. 本病临床罕见. 主要发生在儿童和婴儿. 胱氨酸限局在细胞的溶酶体中,

ammoniacal:氨的, 氨性的

ammoniacal silver staining technique | 氨银染色技术 | ammoniacal | 氨的, 氨性的 | ammonialyase | 解氨酶


ammoniac /氨的/氨性的/含氨的/氨树胶/ | ammoniacal /氨的/氨性的/含氨的/ | ammoniacum /氨草胶/氨脂/


ammoniacal /氨的/氨性的/含氨的/ | ammoniacum /氨草胶/氨脂/ | ammonialyase /解氨酶/


amebic liver abscess 阿米巴肝脓肿 | ammoniemia 高氨血症 | anhepatic 非肝性的

ammophilous:喜沙的 嗜氨性

ammonium 氨 氨 Y | ammophilous 喜沙的 嗜氨性 Y | amoeboid 似变形虫的 變形蟲狀 Y

amoeboid:似变形虫的 變形蟲狀

ammophilous 喜沙的 嗜氨性 Y | amoeboid 似变形虫的 變形蟲狀 Y | amorphous 无定形的,无组织的 不定形的 Y


苯丙酮尿症(phenylketonuria' PKU)是较常见的氨基酸代谢异常性疾病之一. 本症系因先天性苯丙氨酸羟化酶缺乏,使苯丙氨酸羟化为酪氨酸的过程受阻,造成苯丙氨酸及其代谢产物在体内蓄积,引发一系列神经系统和骨骼结构损害,并在尿中出现大量苯丙氨酸及苯丙酮酸等物质,