英语人>词典>汉英 : 毫不相干的 的英文翻译,例句
毫不相干的 的英文翻译、例句


nihil ad rem
更多网络例句与毫不相干的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The entire way of thinking that underlies Darwinian evolution assumes that God is out of the picture.


"My wife always chatters during kiss, it's really annoying.""My girlfriend always mentions something without any importance. It's a killjoy." More than one man has ever complained about the inattentiveness during kiss.


Numerous business and real estate fine long hair appear on the market irrelevantly the company also joins this tide in, some companies adjust major servicing direction even for real estate.


Since skiing was introduced to China67. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Phlogiston died in that experience of sliding down a mountain.


As a branding rule of thumb, two unconnected nouns, such as "skin" and "fruit", are entirely unmemorable unless they combine into something that makes sense, like "fruit salad".


Of some obscure vaudevillian called Splendini,who is really a stranger to me.


Only by staying away from modernly civilized places, going to beaches or mountains, people can realize that TV has nothing to do with the real life per se.


However, was the people which this tripartite looked like has nothing to do with is attracted gradually by this uncultivated land place to When these people "unity" to Forms the brand-new photography inspection troop together, is beautiful peacefully becomes Cull to direct newest female at the same time, on brand-new islands, this Premeditates the long legendary story then slowly to begin the prologue as if which is unable to return to original state once more.


He launched into a tongue-in-cheek political rant.


Scholarly analyses have turned into irrelevant extravagances for snobs.


更多网络解释与毫不相干的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Misleading Words:误导性关键词

• 误导性关键词(Misleading Words) 在页面中使用与该网页毫不相干的误导性关键词来吸引查询该主题的访问者访问网站. 这种做法严重影响了搜索引擎所提供结果的相关性和客观性 为搜索引擎所深恶痛绝. •

neanderthal man:尼安德特人

" DNA 的专家们断语:"那些颅骨、骨架 -- '爪哇人'、'北京人'、'露西人'、'尼安德特人'(Neanderthal Man)以及英国的'贝当人'(Piltdown Man)等,与现代人毫不相干.




从而人们可以马上理解,为什么道元要驳斥永恒的自我(a^tman)和机体论(organicism)等观念. 在>的"佛性"卷中,道元严厉抨击了先尼外道,认为它与真正的佛教观点毫不相干. 该外道强调自我的不变性和肉体的易朽性,

put out:扑灭

势必扑灭(put out)与艺术毫不相干的没完没了的彼此怨恨(resent)、白活(orate)和责骂. ...


势必扑灭(put out)与艺术毫不相干的没完没了的彼此怨恨(resent)、白活(orate)和责骂. ...

of some obscure vaudevillian called Splendini,who is really a stranger to me:这个不起眼的,和我毫不相干的 名叫思朋兰迪尼的杂耍演员

No one will think twice to investigate the death|根本... | of some obscure vaudevillian called Splendini,who is really a stranger to me.|这个不起眼的,和我毫不相干的 名叫思朋兰迪尼的杂耍演员 | Help!|救命...

hear through the grapevine:听到小道传闻

140. compare apples and oranges 把毫不相干的人或物硬凑在一起做比较 | 141. hear through the grapevine 听到小道传闻 | 142. lemon 质量低劣的骗钱货色

hear through the grapevine:意思是听到小道传闻

compare apples and oranges意思就是把毫不相干的人或物硬凑在一起作比较. | hear through the grapevine意思是听到小道传闻. | lemon在这儿的意思是质量低劣的骗钱货色.