英语人>词典>汉英 : 比率 的英文翻译,例句
比率 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
proportion  ·  proportions  ·  rate  ·  rates  ·  ratio  ·  ratios

更多网络例句与比率相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results show that current ratio and quick ratio, cash flow ratio, total asset turnover and return on assets are the most important variables to provide significantly discrimination ability.


Objective To investigate the correlation between the conspicuity of local hepatic lesions on feridexs-enhanced MR images and the number of Kupffer cells in the hepatic lesions in histopathologic findings, as compared with that in the background liver.


This dissertation adopts 7 variables (established time, business scale, industry, Shares Ratio of Directors'and Supervisors'Shareholdings, Pledged Shares Ratio of Directors'and Supervisors'Shareholdings, related party sales ratio, related party purchase ratio) to analysis by Probit Model.

本研究将以Probit Model实证分析包括成立时间、营业规模、产业类别、董监持股比率、董监持股质押比率、关系人销货比率及关系人进货比率等七大类变数。

Other definitions include ratio of current assets less inventories to current liabilities, ratio of quick assets to current liabilities, ratio of cash plus near-cash assets to current liabilities, and ratio of cash plus accounts receivable plus the market value of selected investments to current liabilities.


Other s include ratio of current assets less inventories to current liabilities, ratio of quick assets to current liabilities, ratio of cash plus near-cash assets to current liabilities, and ratio of cash plus accounts receivable plus the market value of selected investments to current liabilities.


S include ratio of current assets less inventories to current liabilities, ratio of quick assets to current liabilities, ratio of cash plus near-cash assets to current liabilities, and ratio of cash plus accounts receivable plus the market value of selected investments to current liabilities.


There are more or less narrows and inconsequences in the ratios which shall be used during the analyzing process of corporations' short-term solvency, such as liquidity ratio, quick ratio, cash catio and cash flow ratio.


Notwithstanding the special circumstances of China's WTO accession, which give WTO members license to deviate from the ADA in certain respects, the DOC's current separate rates practice contravenes the ADA's express prohibition of assigning rates based on adverse facts available to uninvestigated companies.


He suggested the following figures should be multiplied: how many stars are formed in the galaxy in a year; what fraction of these have planets and thus form solar systems; the average number of planets per solar system that have the potential to support life; on what percentage of those where it is possible do such biospheres actually form; what percentage of such biospheres give rise to intelligent species; what percentage of intelligent life is able to transmit signals into space; and for how long could such intelligence keeps sending signals.

他的方法包括一系列应该纳入考虑范围的数据:银河系每年新诞生的恒星数;拥有行星并组成了星系的恒星比率;有可能会出现生命迹象的行星平均数;以上行星能够真正孕育生命的比率;演化出了智能物种的比率;能使用无线电通讯与外太空联系的智能生物比率;智能生物使用无线电通讯方式的持续时间。更多信息请访问: http://www.24en.com

He suggested the following figures should be multiplied: how many stars are formed in the galaxy in a year; what fraction of these have planets and thus form solar systems; the average number of planets per solar system that have the potential to support life; on what percentage of those where it is possible do such biospheres actually form; what percentage of such biospheres give rise to intelligent species; what percentage of intelligent life is able to transmit signals into space; and for how long could such intelligence keeps sending signals.


更多网络解释与比率相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ratio, abundance:豐度比率

"吸收比率","ratio, absorption" | "丰度比率","ratio, abundance" | "活性比率","ratio, activity"

advance-decline line/advance-decline ratio:港- 上升與下跌股數差距線/比率 台- 漲跌幅比率

advance-decline index 兩- 漲跌比率;回歸騰落指數 台- 漲跌幅指數 | advance-decline line/advance-decline ratio 港- 上升與下跌股數差距線/比率 台- 漲跌幅比率 | adverse action 兩- 拒絕信貸請求 港- 不利行動

capital gearing:资金借贷比率;资本与负债比率

capital gearing 资金借贷比率 | capital gearing 资金借贷比率;资本与负债比率 | capital goods 资本物品

Leverage Ratio:杠杆比率

(9)杠杆比率(Leverage ratio) 杠杆比率是正股市价与购入一股正股所需权证的市价之比,即:杠杆比率=正股股价/(权证价格÷认购比率) 杠杆比率可用来衡量"以小博大"的放大倍数,杠杆比率越高,投资者盈利率也越高,当然,其可能承担的亏损风险也越大.

liquidity ratio:流动性比率

流动比率的正常范围值为0.5~2.0,但解读这个流动性比率(liquidity ratio)必须谨慎. 较高的比率可能意味着公司有太多闲置现金、客户拖欠大笔账款,或者公司的经营需要大量的库存. 较低的比率并不一定意味着公司有无法偿还短期债务的风险,

Profitability ratios:获利能力比率

通常这个过程只能提供从哪里着重进行随后的分析的线索.财务比率的分类方法有很多种,但是通常可以分为两大类:一类是财务结构比率(Financial Structue Ratios),另一类是获利能力比率(Profitability Ratios).其中,财务结构比率主要涉及资产负债表项目,

quick ratio:速动比率

例如,大部分信用管理人员都认为速动比率(quick ratio)为1时,意味着公司的短期偿债能力不存在问题,但是深入研究影响这一比率可信性的因素是很重要的. 速动比率=(现金+有价证券+应收账款)/流动负债,如某公司的速动比率为1,

current ratio:流动比率

衡量企业是否有足够的能力支付短期负债,经常使用的指标是"流动比率"(current ratio),流动比率的定义为:流动比率=流动资产 流动负债. 流动比率显示企业利用流动资产偿付流动负债的能力,比率越高,表示流动负债受偿的可能性越高,

terms of trade index:贸易价格比率指数;贸易比率指数

terms of trade 贸易价格比率;贸易比率 | terms of trade index 贸易价格比率指数;贸易比率指数 | tertiary industry 三级工业

financial ratios:财务比率

财务比率(Financial ratios)--财务比率一般用于分析企业的信誉. 每一个比率都有特定的分析目的和分析对象. 财务比率是企业一个会计科目与另一个会计科目数值的比值. 在财务分析中,财务比率能体现数量本身无法体现的含义.