英语人>词典>汉英 : 每天上午 的英文翻译,例句
每天上午 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与每天上午相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has class in the morning every day.


The old lady sits on a mobile chair every morning.


If you have any laundry, please just leave it in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door. The laundryman comes over to collect it every morning.


Every morning and evening peak times, Meng-Kun-yu will be submerged in Beijing, where turbulent flow of traffic.


The Zeno Device can be used 2-3 times daily at about 2 minute per treatment.


Now, my daily preparation is concentrated in a spinning session, very similar to the ascent of the tower by the mornings, and before lunch to get up 2.000 steps with the kamel with less time every day.


She arrived at her sesk promptly at nine o'clock every morning, but there was nothing for her to do except listen to Ken Bailey and Otto wenzel talking on the telephone.


Every morning, he used a lorry to carry the lumbers to the railway station.


Every morning he would go to all the men's cubicles and pick up the rubbish bins.


I played five or six very energetic sets of tennis every morning, then took a bath, had lunch, and played eighteen holes of golf every afternoon.


更多网络解释与每天上午相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


早上我查地图,终于找到"地球"(globe)书店,每天上午在这里召开新闻发布会. 记者招待会快结束了. 咖啡厅挤得满满的. 苏姗.桑塔格坐在主席台上,被记者的各种问题围追堵截,从科索沃战争到全球化问题. 她刚下飞机,看起来一点儿倦意都没有,


在她的建议下,赫尔利(Hurley)夫人曾把汉语和生活常识结合起来,据赫尔利夫人说,每一天都能分成六个不同的时间段:早晨,上午,中午,下午,傍晚,夜晚. 跟随你自己身体每天的潮汐吧,看看能否带来非凡的感觉. 中国人把中午当作欢乐和笑声的时段.

midday news:午间新闻

曾历任周末夜间新闻主播、周一至周五晨间新闻主播、与周日晨间新闻主播的施明青,目前负责上午11点的午间新闻(Midday News) 播报. 虽然现在她的工作时间是深夜3点半到上午11点半,而必须每天半夜摸黑起床,她仍然甘之如饴. 施明青表示,

I never used to oversleep:我从来没有睡过头过

258. I used to set my alarm clock for exactly 7 a.m. 我经常把闹钟定在上午7点... | 259. I never used to oversleep. 我从来没有睡过头过. | 260. I used to get dressed quickly every morning. 我每天穿衣服都很...

trestle bridge:栈桥

每天第一班列车的发车时间是上午10点30分,行驶不久就可到达全程的最低点,一座83.5公尺长,12.8公尺高的的栈桥(trestle bridge),游客在此可以拍摄火车行驶过桥的情景.

Adoniram Judson:耶德逊

"(注5)耶德逊(Adoniram Judson)每天七次放下工作,离开同伴,以便从事祷告的神圣工作. 他从午夜开始,然后是凌晨;再后是上午九时、十二时、下午三时、六时、晚上九时和深夜,他都会抽时间私下祷告. 印度的海约翰(John Hyde)使祷告成为他生命中最显著的特色,