英语人>词典>汉英 : 毋庸 的英文翻译,例句
毋庸 的英文翻译、例句


need not
更多网络例句与毋庸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is needless to continue the analysis of this casuistry.


Sir Alex Ferguson felt for his latest debutant after his failure to score, but he remains confident that Obertan will go on to prove his worth and realise his undoubted potential.


The speed and convenience that the Internet brings to the flow and sharing of information are epochal in their significance.


Indubitably, he represents a new era and his success means an American dream has come true.


If sons thus honoured above the rest were absolutely deprived of their heritage by an Intestacy, the reluctance to incur it requires no farther explanation.


Irrefutable and indisputable meaning the difference between a ...........


Jilin province is a big province of agriculture. It is also a moneyless and falling behind region in China. Lack of money is a key problem influencing the development of rural economy in Jilin province. Therefore, the important of financing supports to agricultural development is beyond doubt. But the lag of changes of rural financial system of Jilin province strongly restricts further development of the rural economy of Jilin province. This needs urgently to carry on new plans and schemes for the rural financial system according to the new situations and requests, so as to promote great-leap-forward development of the rural economy of Jilin province.


No doubt that Confucius and his school of thought are responsible for the pedagogic tradition of his country, which, like that of the Greek philosophers, was characterized for the optimistic belief in the perfectibility of man through learning.


I know the state, I know the public service," he said."


Schumann, one of the most distinguished Romantic composers in 19th century, acquired undoubted achievement and attained unshakable position in this field.


更多网络解释与毋庸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His honesty is beyond question:他的忠诚是毋庸置疑的

Beyond question = cannot be doubted 不用怀疑的,毋庸... | His honesty is beyond question. 他的忠诚是毋庸置疑的. | 11. I would rather lose my life than see you make such a mistake. 我宁愿丢了性命也不愿看...

Beyond question = cannot be doubted:不用怀疑的,毋庸置疑的

10. Cordelia's devotion to Your Majesty is beyond question. 科迪莉亚对陛下的爱是毋庸置... | Beyond question = cannot be doubted 不用怀疑的,毋庸置疑的 | His honesty is beyond question. 他的忠诚是毋庸置疑...

be needless to say:毋庸赘述

the proper authorities 有关当局 | be needless to say 毋庸赘述 | pending 未决定的;有待解决的




超人系列(Superman) 影评 毋庸多说,超人是家喻户晓的漫画英雄,米国漫画最悠久最有名的殿堂级人物. 惭愧的是,漫画、动画、剧集、电影我都没有完整看过. 今年即将上映最新一集电影"超人归来",所以有必要把原来的前4集电影补一下课.

unquestioned claim:毋庸质疑的论点

put forward提出(观点) (= pose v.提出,造成) | unquestioned claim 毋庸质疑的论点 | a bunch of 一帮,一捆,一串

It's not your wingspan, it's the size of your spirit:这不取决于翅膀的尺寸 而是精神的力量

Little fellow?|小朋友? | It's not your wingspan, it's the size of your spirit.|这不取决于翅膀的尺寸 而是精神的力量! | -If you say so, mate. -Can't argue with that.|- 朋友,既然你这么说 - 我们也毋庸置...

floundering tempting pushing groaning:挣扎 努力 摔跌 苦求

我已等待千年为何l良人不回来? and u,my shack job refuse to come back and ml with a monster... | 挣扎 努力 摔跌 苦求 floundering tempting pushing groaning | 何必执着毋庸自责 all,what i did for u,is futil...