英语人>词典>汉英 : 殖民地 的英文翻译,例句
殖民地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
colony  ·  settlement  ·  colonies  ·  settltment

更多网络例句与殖民地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a concept with a very strong academical potential,evolution provides social frame for explaining and analyzing country society.


Problems with mites : Sometimes a mealworm colony gets infested by grain mites ( Acarus sp .) The mites may come from the mealworm supplier, in bran, or litter from poultry production, and may infest a colony that has been around for a long period of time.

问题螨 :有时,一个mealworm殖民地获得布满粮食螨螨可能来自mealworm供应商,在麦麸,或乱抛垃圾,从家禽生产,并有可能滋生一个殖民地,我们一直在相当长的时期时间。

The scenario put us in command of the fledgling colony of Boston, surrounded on all sides by the warring imperialistic nations of France (holding colonies that would later become Ontario and Quebec) and England (holding colonies like Albany, New York, and their capital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) and by the as-yet unprovoked Native American Iroquois and Algonquin nations (occupying colonies like Cayuga and Niagara).


Colonists objected that the Townshend Acts were a violation of the natural, charter, and constitutional rights of British subjects in the colonies. Boston was a center of the resistance. The Massachusetts House of Representatives began a campaign against the Townshend Acts by sending a petition to King George asking for the repeal of the Townshend Revenue Act. The House then sent what became known as the Massachusetts Circular Letter to the other colonial assemblies, asking them to join the resistance movement.

这些殖民地居民反对汤森法案不尊重英国臣民在殖民地内本应有的自然、宪章(保障人们应有权利的声明),以及宪法权利,而波士顿正位於整个对此不满的中心点,於是马萨诸塞州众议院开始进行了抵制汤森法案的活动,他们向英王乔治上递请愿书,希望能够废止汤森法案,之后他们又寄给其他殖民地议会一封在后来以Massachusetts Circular Letter(Circular Letter为行政机关所公布的函令)闻名的信,旨为希望其他的殖民地能与他们一起加入抵制汤森法案的行列。

The main measure America took to weaken the UK is to instigate the colonies of the UK to get independent under the altisonant flags of Democratic Movement and National liberation Movement.While America had few colonies at that point.


Thus, convergence, not divergence, seems to have characterized the cultural development of the American Colonies in the eighteenth century. Thus, without the cultural diversity represented by the American South, the culture of colonial America would certainly have been homogeneous in nature. Thus, the contribution of southern colonials to American culture was certainly overshadowed by that of the Puritans. Thus, the culture of America during the Colonial period was far more sensitive to outside influences than historians are accustomed to acknowledge.

文中末句&…American colonies…seem to have been rap- idly assimilating to the dominant…&(在美洲殖民……他们很快地融入了主流文化……),即与A项&因此,趋于一致而非偏离,似乎是18世纪美国殖民地文化发展的特征&一致。B项&因此,没有美国南部的文化多元化,美国殖民地文化很可能在本质上类似&、C项&因此,南部殖民地居民对于美国文化的贡献很可能被清教徒所掩盖&和D项&因此,殖民地时期美国文化对外界影响的敏感度要比历史学家所承认的强的多&均与原文不符。

In economy, the Old Empire rigidly controlled overseas trade of the colonies, and passed the Navigation Act. This system had been reasonable, but it could not be accommodated to the problem after the Seven Years War. The contradiction between America and Great Britain led to the collapse of the Old Empire.


We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal and independent; that from that equal creation they derive in rights inherent and inalienables, among which are the preservation of life, and liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these ends, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government shall become destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing it's powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.


British interests were maintained by a system of selfgoverning in the colonies socalled 'White Settlements An autocratic government and a political strategy of direct rule prevailed in the Crown Colonies.


There was no system of selfgovernment in the French colonies because of the French belief in despotic rule and political, cultural and economic assimilation.


更多网络解释与殖民地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

colonial rule:殖民地统治

colonial 殖民地的 | colonial rule 殖民地统治 | 34. settlement n. 殖民(地);定居

colonial:殖民的, 殖民地的 n.殖民地居民

transformer equivalent circuit 变压器等效电路 | colonial 殖民的, 殖民地的 n.殖民地居民 | control knowledge 控制性知识


colonisation /殖民地化/移殖/ | colonise /建立殖民地/殖民/移植/ | colonist /殖民地人民/移民/殖民业家/外来动物/移居者/


殖民地间的intercolonial | 殖民地开拓者colonizer | 殖民地总督proconsul


[13]1775年11月,他又提到他在努力使"殖民地"(Colony)与"诸殖民地"(Colonies)等词句从文件中勾销,而用"国"(State)和"诸国"(States)等词来代替[14]. 还表示准备用"美洲"(America)一词来取代"殖民地"(Colonies)一词[15].

Continental Congress:(殖民地)大陆会议

类似美国殖民地大陆会议(Continental Congress)这样的团体直到1774年才成立. 当时美洲大陆在宗教界的情形和政治界相似. 新英格兰的公理会并没有形成一个联会,除了政府赋予的权柄之外,他们本身并没有权柄. 圣公会当时在殖民地还没有组织,

crown colony:英国直辖殖民地

英国还拥有几个不同性质的殖民地: 英国领地 英国直辖殖民地(Crown Colony) 英国的君主同时还是其他15个国家的象征性国家元首,虽然英国对这些国家的政治影响力十分有限

mother country:祖国; 故乡, 祖先居住的地方 发源地 (殖民地等的)母国

牐燣ow Countries 低地国家(荷兰比利时卢森堡的总称) | 牐爉other country 祖国;故乡,祖先居住的地方;发源地;(殖民地等的)母国 | 牐爐he old country 祖国;故乡,祖先居住的地方;发源地;(殖民地等的)母国


recollection 记忆 | recolonization 开拓殖民地 | recolonize 开拓殖民地

straits settlements:英属海峡殖民地

之前新加坡所属的英属海峡殖民地(Straits Settlements)也没有1941年纸币,最后年份为1935年之前新加坡所属的英属海峡殖民地(Straits Settlements)也没有1941年纸币,最后年份为1935年