英语人>词典>汉英 : 殖民主义者 的英文翻译,例句
殖民主义者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
colonialist  ·  colonialists

更多网络例句与殖民主义者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Modern foreigners are no less colonialist than their ancestors.


Efforts to 'unite' science and non-science in most postmodern discourse are imperialist and colonialist in principle.


At last the author draws his conclusion that Robinson is not only a typical exploiter colonialist from bourgeoisie but also a puritan.


Post-colonialists accuse it of being Eurocentric, an apology for imperialism.


President Bashir lashed out at the court's efforts, calling them neocolonialist.


In my conclusions, I shall insist that, in spite of the cultural fragmentation and linguistic divergence caused by migration and globalization, as well as certain postmodernist and neocolonialist deconstruction as a continuation of the archaic imperial logic of "divide and rule," the Hmong people as a global ethnic group have become more mindful of its historical connections with China and Indochina, from where various Hmong groups or subgroups of the world have long fostered and tenaciously maintained what Harvard anthropologist Michael Herzfeld calls "cultural intimacy."


So the Orientalist gradually adjusted their strategies in order to continue their colonial ruling successfully. At the same time, the waking up of Indian nationalism makes the future of this country more complicated and mysterious.


In the third part, the author analyzes the representation and substance of "the Yellow Peril" and refutes its inclement intention, regarding that its both the bandit theory of colonialist and the white paramount theory of racialist.


The first part study Maugham' s standpoint from which he looked at the other. Through analyzing the relationship between Maugham and Maugham as the "hidden author", we concluded that: on the point of racialism and colonialism, these two were equal, Maugham is a racialist and colonialist when he looks at the other . China as the other in Maugham′s works was mainly reviewed in the next part.


In spite of the uncomfortableness it raises,this non-fictional book does reveal the villainy and negative effect of colonialism ,esp.


更多网络解释与殖民主义者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

big game:大猎物

壹些动物之成为稀有动物,原因就在於殖民主义者和欧美冒险家长期以滥杀无辜为乐、拿捕杀大猎物(big game)来炫耀其"阳刚之气". 以美洲为例,自白人登陆之后,没几年就捕杀了伍千万头野牛,该数字不过比同期杀害的两千万印地安人略多壹些.


neocolonialist 新殖民主义者 | ceremonialist 礼法家,拘泥形式者 | imperialist帝国主义者,帝制支持者

colonialism:殖民主义 (名)

colonial 殖民的, 殖民地的 (形) | colonialism 殖民主义 (名) | colonialist 殖民主义者 (名)


colonial殖民的 | colonialist殖民主义者 | colonist殖民者


colonialism | 殖民主义 | colonialist | 殖民主义者奉行殖民主义的国家 | colonialistic | 殖民主义者奉行殖民主义的国家

colonialist:殖民主义者 (名)

colonialism 殖民主义 (名) | colonialist 殖民主义者 (名) | colonic 结肠的 (形)

neocolonialist:新殖民主义者 新殖民主义的

branchless 无枝的 | neocolonialist 新殖民主义者 新殖民主义的 | hypapophysis 椎体下突 血管棘


neocolonialism 新殖民地主义 | neocolonialist 新殖民主义者 | neocosmic 新宇宙的

neocolonialist:新殖民主义者 (名)

neocolonialism 新殖民地主义 (名) | neocolonialist 新殖民主义者 (名) | neocortex 新皮质 (名)

The new colonialists:新殖民主义者 社论

[2008.10.04] World on the edge 世界命悬一线 社论 | [2008.03.15]The new colonialists 新殖民主义者 社论 | [2008.03.13] Where is everybody?人呢? 商业