英语人>词典>汉英 : 残骸 的英文翻译,例句
残骸 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
debris  ·  wreck  ·  wreckage  ·  wrecked  ·  wrecks

更多网络例句与残骸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They placed an inflatable jacket around the wreck as it lay on the seabed. Then by filling the jacket with air we raised the wreck to the surface.


The United States military collected the wreckage and at first announced that it was indeed from a flying saucer.


Of the initial Old Gods, it is believed that at one or more have been slain; their remains or the remains of one of their minions can be seen at the Master's Glaive in Darkshore.


The quest giver Onu makes this reference to the Master's Glaive holding the remains of an old lord and the RPG also mentions that it's believed to be an Old God.


Ilian air force says debris picked up near where officialsbelieve Air France Flight 447 crashed into the Atlantic Ocean was notfrom the plane.


The Mary Sears and other vessels were scanning for further debris Thursday at a location near the initial find in the water off Parepare, about 100 kilometers, or 60 miles, north of Makassar, the capital of South Sulawesi Province.

Mary Sears和其他船只正在距离发现最初残骸的Parepare镇不远的海域搜寻更多残骸。该镇位于南Sulawesi省省会Makassar北部。

Inside the constellation Piscis Australis, a giant disk's debris surrounds this star with a diameter about 21.5 billion miles.


Our towns are girdled with wreckage and the debris of our toys - our automobiles and our packaged pleasures.


PROTOCOL OF SIGNATURE In proceeding to the signature of the International Convention for the unification of Certain rules relating to maritime liens and mortgages, the undersigned plenipotentiaries have adopted the present Protocol, which will have the same force and the same value as if the provisions were inserted in the text of the Convention to which it relates: I.


Recovered from jet喷气机 wreckage残骸. Found in Pollacks Troy'sbriefcase.


更多网络解释与残骸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


9 With this, I announce you the winner. :四级词汇的用法. | 10 ..knives stabbing and chopping my heart all at once.注意动名词用做状语的形式. | 11 corpse:残骸,四级词汇.


也相当于广岛原子弹四百倍的威力, 不可谓不惊人.Buried alive 中文翻成活埋, 实在是我所能想到最悲惨的事了, 一栋大楼倒塌就造成了七八十人活生生被埋在瓦砾堆中.而 rubble 指的是瓦砾, 和另一个字残骸 (debris)时常一起出现在地震

falling debris:坠落的残骸、碎片

追究责任call to account; ascertain where the | 坠落的残骸、碎片falling debris | 追平score the equalizer

falling debris:坠落的残骸,碎片

追究责任 call to account; ascertain where the responsibility lies | 坠落的残骸,碎片 falling debris | 追平 score the equalizer

flotsam and jetsam:失事船只残骸

flotilla 小舰队 | flotsam and jetsam 失事船只残骸 | flotsam 浮货

flotsam and jetsam:浮货和风浪打上岸的货物船只残骸

flotsam and jetsam 浮货和风浪打上岸的货物 | flotsam and jetsam 浮货和风浪打上岸的货物船只残骸 | flotsam cleaner boat 清扫船


jettison 遇难时为减轻负担而丢弃的货物 | flotsam 漂在海上的难船残骸或其船货 | dockyard 造船厂

Ghastly Remains:惊吓残骸

70Gempalm Polluter晶掌污者LE | 71Ghastly Remains惊吓残骸LE | 72Goblin Turncoat变节精灵LE



wreckage value:残骸价值

wreckage company 打捞公司 | wreckage value 残骸价值 | wreckage 残骸