英语人>词典>汉英 : 死心塌地 的英文翻译,例句
死心塌地 的英文翻译、例句


be dead set on · be hell-bent on · give up any thought of an alternative
更多网络例句与死心塌地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I know that is the sentence frequently said by those women to that badly spoiled you. But please believe in me, there was no such a woman who ever loved you as loyal like me. It was like this and nothing changes now as many years past by, because there is nothing can compare with a child who potentially keeps a secret and unnoticeable love. As this kind of love is hopeless, unrespectable, adulatory and passionate, this was entirely distinguished from those mature women's desirable and insensibly greedy love. No other than a lonely, who can gather all the passion.


If I can rearrange the alphabet ,I would like to put U and I together.


You could either stop seeing her, or allow her to devotedly follow you.


China is hell-bent on driving a homegrown standards process and creating its own versions of Intel, Microsoft and Google.


This question kept many brilliant scientists hell-bent on searching for clues and theories that may answer such relentless query.


Is it a coincidence that the burgeoning war between Christianity and Islam seems hell-bent for Armageddon?


A former Champion himself, JBL was hell-bent on defeating Batista and becoming World Champion once again.

一位前冠军本人, jbl是死心塌地打败巴蒂斯塔,并成为世界冠军再次重演。

When people heard the early investors were getting money back, they believed Ponzi hook, line and sinker.

人们听说捷足先登的投资人已经赚到钱了,他们就死心塌地地相信Ponzi 。

Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed, and in such desperate enterprises?


"You're just the exhausted leader of a little group of earnest Kraut lovers ."


更多网络解释与死心塌地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fall head over heels:爱到死心塌地

play hard-to-get 欲擒故纵 | fall head over heels 爱到死心塌地 | love sb. from head to toe 爱到死心塌地


whitey /白人社会/ | whole-heartedly /死心塌地/ | whole-hogger /极端派/


whole-heartedly /死心塌地/ | whole-hogger /极端派/ | whole-hoofed /单蹄的/