英语人>词典>汉英 : 武力威胁 的英文翻译,例句
武力威胁 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

saber-rattling · sabre-rattling · resort to the threat of force
更多网络例句与武力威胁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

China said it would veto a resolution that threatened force.


China said it would veto a resolution that threatened force. But with its president, Hu Jintao, under pressure to look statesmanlike as a guest of the G8 in St Petersburg, it agreed on July 15th to a compromise, brokered by Britain, that still strongly condemned the missile tests and banned the transfer of missile-related technology to North Korea.


In Asian other area like Japan and Korea, Seward has adopted the threat in force and the gunboat policy.


Still, the saber-rattling raised the specter of television's annual showcase of its biggest shows and brightest stars degenerating into open warfare, with networks refusing to submit their shows for Emmy consideration and pressuring their talent to steer clear of the awards.


So, why the saber-rattling now?


If you haven't been able to convince either yourself or your interlocutors that there are mutual interest, indeed, you can't even get to the negotiating table, you aren't willing to concede anything, you can't get further economic sanctions from the UNSC, and you aren't going to use military force, saber-rattling is the only tool available.


Threaten them with acts of violence if you must.


Nonetheless, the threat of the enemy provoked numerous changes on Coruscant in the name of increased security.


While he remains at large, the jihad will never be leaderless.


The enemy's threats of force failed to soften them up .


更多网络解释与武力威胁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

wield the big stick:挥舞大棒, 以武力相威胁

wield a big stick 挥舞大棒, 以武力相威胁 | wield the big stick 挥舞大棒, 以武力相威胁 | stick and carrot 大棒加胡罗卜; 软硬兼施; 好则奖励, 坏则惩罚

wield a big stick:挥舞大棒, 以武力相威胁

the only stick left in one's hedge 最后手段 | wield a big stick 挥舞大棒, 以武力相威胁 | wield the big stick 挥舞大棒, 以武力相威胁


双桅帆船停了下来,不倦号顶风停住靠到它的身边,不倦号已经做好弦炮齐射(broadside)的准备了. 在武力威胁下,双桅帆船不得不降下了它的旗帜. 霍恩布洛尔正站在后甲板右舷的大口径短炮(carronade)处--这也许是他落入皮洛法眼的一个原因--他的匕首系在一侧,



hold up sth:以武力或暴力威胁抢劫

641hold up举起,抬起 | 642hold up sth以武力或暴力威胁抢劫 | 644homesicknessn.想家,思乡病


>应用相称性(proportionality)原则来解决此问题. 相称程性(proportionality)原则源自欧共体法,现已发展成欧盟法的基本原则. 同时>还规定禁止采取反措施的情况:(1) 禁止以武力或以武力相威胁(2) 不得用反措施威胁一国主权、领土完整(3) 不得用反措施他国的外交人员、馆舍、档案(4) 反


preemptive strategy 先发制人战略 | reinforcements 增援部队 | reject the use or threat of force in international affairs 反对在国际事务中使用武力或以武力相威胁

The Sword of Damocles:随时可能发生的危险, 潜在的威胁

put up [sheathe] the sword 收剑, 把剑插进鞘里; 停止战争, 讲和 | the sword of Damocles 随时可能发生的危险, 潜在的威胁 | throw one's sword into the scale 以武力支持自己要求; 以武力作后盾

Kennedy ordered these cretary of defense to use military force:肯尼迪下令国防部使用武力

327将阻塞校门的威胁付诸实施之后 had carried out his prom... | 328肯尼迪下令国防部使用武力 Kennedy ordered these cretary of defense to use military force. | 329本台播放的录像,是当时在现场 Here, by video...


以武力或武力威胁来确保国家的政策目标. 这种诠释与克劳塞维兹(Carl von Clausewitz)站在军事的角度,将战略界定为「应用战役(battles)以赢得战争的艺术」,有异曲同工之妙. 美国学者沈大伟(David Shambaugh)则指出,