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此间 的英文翻译、例句


around here
更多网络例句与此间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to Guangdong News Web, the first environment protective hydrocarbon cleaning equipment is made by a Hong Kong-funded enterprise located in Shenzhen, which will effectively solve the aerosphere pollution caused by Freon and trichloroethane used in China's industrial cleaning sector.


The antiscience acts took great deal of disaster to the development of Science, destroyed the inner order of Science, affected the healthy development of Science in every country.


However, arrive from March 2005 now 14 months time, case of oil price of domestic finished product already was adjusted 6 times, it is with benzine exemple, here factory price already rose every tons 950 yuan.


Work. Here complete the BOPP item preparation of ex- period with item developments work.


If you enter the road to Peak Neunggyeong to the right, you can meet the broadleaf tree forest on the easy ridge.


Here people actually use very little of bronze, but also as a part of the Bronze Age.


The nearest approach to a coalition took place in the old war between Chalcis and Eretria; this was a quarrel in which the rest of the Hellenic name did to some extent take sides.


According to this media coverage , a Lawei says after returning Bagdad , he and his delegacy suffers attack when a mosque of accept Jeff undertakes prayer .


Somesociologists estimated that the divorce rate in China will increase by a rate of 2 million cases per year after the year 2000,but theyaddedthatnowadays people have reasonably, rather than dolefully, accepted divorce despite the rising divorce rate.


In conclusion, during the development of the mandibule, condylar cartilage derived from MSMPs at the end of the body mandibule. It can evolve into fibrocartilage cytes on appropriate condition and regenerate fibrocartilage provided with proper the three-dimension scaffold materials.


更多网络解释与此间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


相关心理学研究已经证实,青少年(adolescent)有一个明显的心理闭锁期,此间内心想法如无人倾诉,则会产生孤独感. 成年人与青少年之间存在着隔阂,不愿互相交流思想、感情. 如果该阶段青少年未获得亲人正确疏导,则成年后心理扭曲而发生犯罪可能性很高.

Andrei Konchalovsky:安德烈.冈察洛夫斯基

)安德烈.冈察洛夫斯基(Andrei Konchalovsky)的电影正在此间上映(在意大利,不是瑞典). 我还未看,不过听说是一部平庸的美国片. 我为冈察洛夫斯基感到遗憾. (译注:冈察洛夫斯基是苏联导演,代表作为Siberiade,讲述西伯利亚一个小村庄三代人的故事,

bamboo shoots:竹笋

外子一直很喜欢竹笋 (Bamboo Shoots) 的口感. 去年 (2005) 夏天第一次到台湾的时候有机会尝到新鲜的竹笋后更是对它的美味念念不忘. 回美后有一回在此间的大华超市看到了浸泡在酸液里的箭竹笋,平日不常专程到华人超 市买菜的我不管三七二十一地就快快把它买下来,

strategic bomber:战略轰炸机

此间我们能够发现,200多米长的战舰(Battleship)、体积为敌方飞行器两倍的战略轰炸机(Strategic Bomber)以及数十米高的攻城机器人(Siege Assault Bot),都将出现在战场上.



cash register:收银机

(二)后吧设备设施种类及功能 1.收款机(收银机)(Cash register) 收款控制除了必须制定完善的收款制度和手续外. 镶嵌有玻璃镜,这样可以增加房间深度,同时也可使坐在吧台前喝酒的顾客通过镜子的反射,观赏酒吧内的一切,调酒师也可借此间接地观察顾客.

class field theory:类域论

代数数论 引申代数数的话题,关于代数整数的研究,主要的研究目标是为了更一般地解决不定方程的问题,而为了达到此目的,这个领域与代数几何之间有相当关联, 比如类域论(class field theory) 就是此间的颠峰之作..




此间,威尔逊曾经找G&D协助,而后者完全无能为力,其总裁逃离(fled)中国内地,办公室也无人接听电话. FIS还试图通过美国驻华使馆、美国商务部、美中商会寻求帮助,但都没有结果. FIS致函建行,要求与新的管理层见面会谈,

The pawnshop walks when:(当行走于此间时)

This is covers entirely the dark night the world (这是个布满黑夜的... | The pawnshop walks when (当行走于此间时) | The under foot each step has the possibility is the fatal trap (脚下的每步都有可能是致...