英语人>词典>汉英 : 正相关的 的英文翻译,例句
正相关的 的英文翻译、例句


positively related
更多网络例句与正相关的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

1、Neural network correlated with LIFG and RIFG exists in normal subjects in resting-state,which might be the neural foundation in retaining the normal language function;2、The left fusiform gyrus,bilateral medial frontal gyrus and right anterior cingulum in aphasia patients after stroke showed low degree correlation,that might be one of the mechanisms of aphasia;3、The brain regions showed positive correlation with RIFG in aphasia patients only exist in right hemisphere in resting-state as well as which exist in bilateral hemisphere in normal subjects,suggested that RIFG is out of correlation with the left hemisphere in aphasia patients;4、The left thalamus showed positive correlation with RIFG only in normal subjects, inferred that the left thalamus might be an important mesomerism structure in the correlation of bilateral hemisphere;5、Left insula showed stronger positive correlation with RIFG in normal subjects than that in aphasia patients,suggested that dominant hemisphere insula is important in retaining in normal language function.


According to the western research results, there is quantitative positive correlativity between them.


The activity of glycolate oxidase, a key enzyme of Photo-respiration showed similar results.


So, this paper, based on mathematical expectation, brought up the concept of the positively correlated frequent itemsets, and improved the algorithm of mining frequent itemsets directly in FP-tree to mine positively correlated frequent itemsets. In this way, a solution to the above mentioned problems was got.


It illustrates how total costs of production are positively related to scales of output.


With the angle of the theories and substantial evidence this text has further exp lored the interaction relation of SCP and headquarters economy on foundation of having discussed the connotation, utility and classification of the SCPps founding pattern. Finally, this text p roposes the train of thought and suggestions for a case that is new development of Guangzhou Yuexiu districtkps headquarters economy.


Compared to healthy controls, GTCS presented decreased gray matter volume in the bilateral thalamus, frontal lobe, insula and cerebellum regions. There were no regions showing significant increased gray matter volume. Correlation analysis revealed that bilateral thalamic, left medial frontal gyrus, left middle frontal gyrus and left precentral gyrus GMV had negative correlations with the frequecy of epilepsy.


The relation of cerebrovascular disease with general hardness, cadmium and lead in water offer positive correlation but with iron, zinc,etc negative correlation, the cancer of liver with :iron, sulphate, fluoride and the general amount of bacterium positive correlation.


The contents of organic matters, effective phosphorus, quick-acting potassium, and the pH value of the soil at the growing site were the factors that correlates with the alkaloid contents in the herb, among which the pH value of soil was the most important positive correlating factor.


It sets up new standard for scaling regional economic development and human capital investment levels, and reclassifies China's economic regions by main component analysis and cluster analysis.


更多网络解释与正相关的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bivariate normal distribution:双变量正态分布

线性相关(linear correlation)又称简单相关(simple correlation),用于双变量正态分布(bivariate normal distribution)资料. 其性质可由散点图直观的说明. 1. 意义:相关(correlation coefficient)又称Pearson积差相关系数,用来说明具有直线关系的两变量间相关的密切程度与相关方向.

Coefficient of rank correlation:等级相关系数

等级相关程度的大小和相关性质用等级相关系数(coefficient of rank correlation)表示. 等级相关系数亦称为秩相关系数. 样本等级相关系数记为rs,它是总体等级相关系数的估计值. 等级相关系数rs具有与相关系数r相同的特性,它的值介于-1与1之间,rs为正表示正相关,

correlation coefficient:相关系数 相關係數

作用:粗略地给出了两个变量的关联类型与程度相关类型:二、相关系数相关系数(correlation coefficient)是衡量两个连续变量之间关联的强度的指标,样本的相关系数用r 表示,总体的相关系数用ρ表示.相关系数取值: -1≤r≤1二、相关系数正相关: 0<r≤1,

linear correlation:线性相关

1 ,线性相关的概念: 线性相关( linear correlation )是在( X , Y )服从正态分布(双变量正态分布)的假定下,分析两个变量间有无相关关系的一种统计分析方法.当一个变量 X 增大或减少,另一个变量 Y 亦相应地增大或减少,两变量在散点图呈直线趋势,

Positive correlation:正相关

■正相关(positive correlation) 两个被测量事物之间的关系,一事物随另一事物的增长而增长. ■原则(principle) 众所周知的事物之间的既定关系. ■随机分配(random assignment) 实验中每名被试被分到各组的机会均等.

positive definite:正定的;定正的

正相关 positive correlation | 正定的;定正的 positive definite | 正定型 positive definite form

Negative correlation:负相关

.负相关(negative correlation) 两个被测量事物之间的关系,一事物随另一事物的增长而下降. .表现取向的信念(performance-oriented belief) 注重表现得好和取得好成绩. .正相关(positive correlation) 两个被测量事物之间的关系,

positively related:正相关的

positively definite variational problem 正定变分问题 | positively related 正相关的 | possibility 可能性

Limosa limosa:黑尾塍鹬

有20对呈负相关, 25对呈正相关.在25对正相关的配对中,有10对显著正相关,其中2对呈极显著正相关.白秋沙鸭(Mergus albellus)、针尾鸭(Anas acuta)、绿翅鸭(A. Crecca)、黑尾塍鹬(Limosa limosa)与其他多个物种的正相关性显著.

Mergus albellus:白秋沙鸭

在21种正相关的配对中,12对为显著正相关(P<0.05),其中6对为极显著正相关(P<0.001).在45对鸻鹬类配对中,有20对呈负相关, 25对呈正相关.在25对正相关的配对中,有10对显著正相关,其中2对呈极显著正相关.白秋沙鸭(Mergus albellus)、针尾鸭(Anas