英语人>词典>汉英 : 歌剧风格的 的英文翻译,例句
歌剧风格的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Charles Francois Gounod (1818—1893) is one of the great French opera composers in the nineteenth century. In his operas he insisted the tenet that thoughts of roles should be expressed by the music that was plain and truehearted. He created the kind of opera named"lyric opera", which broke through the"grand opera"in France in the period of 1830s and pointed out the direction of the French opera.

夏尔·弗朗索瓦·古诺(Charles Francois Gounod,1818——1893)是19世纪中、下叶法国的一位杰出的歌剧作曲家,在歌剧创作中他强调用朴实真挚的音乐语言来表达人物情感,他创作出一种被称之为"抒情歌剧"的歌剧类型,打破了自19世纪30年代以来形成的大歌剧浮华夸张风格的传统,为法国歌剧的发展指明了道路。

Having spent time in Italy and learnt how to write Italian operas, he accepted a post as Kapellmeister to the elector of Hanover when he was 25, but was soon off moonlighting in London, putting on Italian operas for a receptive audience.


It preludes the Silver Age of Viennese operetta, enhances the position of dancing and folk music in operetta and diversifies the operetta styles.


First the formation of composing features is explored with reference to the life experiences of Lehar, the social and cultural background of his age and the development of Viennese operetta; secondly, the composing features are analyzed as to rhythm, melody, instruments device, ensemble and play books; Finally, the work is analyzed from the angle of singing. In this part the style of singing is explained specifically in terms of rhythm, timbre, etc. Also a famous Aria "vilja-lied" in this work is explained in detail and a comparison is made between operetta and opera to impress people with the singing style of operetta in a deeper way.


Finally, I use a large amount of words to elaborate how the famous recitative and aria in West Side Story and The Phantom Of The Opera are shown by Bel canto.


The convoluted plots and the conventions of the opera seria style, with their long da capo arias, were thought to make them unperformable.


In the history of vocal music, duet is the touchstone for valuing a opera buffa.


In Mozart's "THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO", he grasped the dramatic power of duet and realized the latent value of the opera buffa style by the vocal musical form of duet.


In Mozart's "THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO", he grasped the dramatic power of duet and realized the latent value of the opera buffa style by the vocal musical form of duet. This article tries to study the duet of Mozart's opera buffa THE MARRIAGE OF ...


In Mozart's "THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO", he grasped the dramatic power of duet and realized the latent value of the opera buffa style by the vocal musical form of duet. This article tries to study the duet of Mozart's opera buffa "THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO" By sta...


更多网络解释与歌剧风格的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

New York City Opera:纽约市立歌剧院

一百多年来未曾间断,各种耳语、谣传更激发出无数文学艺(方舞),固尔德应用了新英格兰地区旧时的赞美歌(Hymn)与舞蹈曲调风格,组织出自己的原创瀑布河城的凶案演义之后也出现歌剧版本,1965年纽约市立歌剧院(New York City Opera)首演了


比才的>沿袭了罗西尼的歌剧创作方式,音乐流畅而精致,其中的一曲"炒鸡蛋(Omelette)四重唱"轻松愉快,展示出狡诈的幽默风格. 比才在1857年获得的"罗马大奖",为他赢得了在意大利首都度过三年的愉快时光. 他在罗马努力地进行创作,


operant 生效的 | operated 操作的 | operatically 歌剧风格地


opera a musical play 歌剧(院) | operatic 歌剧的,歌剧风格的 | operational 操作上的;可使用的






operated 操作的 | operatically 歌剧风格地 | operating-table 手术台


威尔第以后,随着马斯卡尼的<<乡村骑士>>和莱翁卡瓦洛的<<丑角>>的出现,写实主义(Verismo)歌剧渐渐流行于意大利. 而写实主义风格歌剧,尤其是贾科莫.普契尼的代表作<<波希米亚人>>、<<托斯卡>>和<<蝴蝶夫人>>,更是一时主宰世界各地的歌剧舞台.

Second Empire:第二帝国

葛尼耶的设计风格又被称为第二帝国(second empire) 的建筑风格,他融合了古希腊、罗马和巴洛克的建筑精华. 歌剧院内铺设大理石的花纹地板、陈列造型优美的青铜雕像 、悬挂华丽的水晶吊灯、 画作精致的天花板壁画、和雍容华贵的红丝绒布座椅分别安置在五层楼高的观众席上,