英语人>词典>汉英 : 横放的 的英文翻译,例句
横放的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
thwart  ·  thwarting  ·  thwarted  ·  thwarts

更多网络例句与横放的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, if I wanted a board, I had no other way but to cut down a tree, set it on an edge before me, and hew it flat on either side with my axe, till I had brought it be thin as a plank, and then dub it smooth with my adze.


For example, if 1 wanted a board, I had no other way but to cut down a tree, set it on an edge before me, and hew it flat on either side with my axe, till I had brought it to be thin as a plank, and then dub it smooth with my adze.


Toyota iQ, a hot topic on youtube, small and mini enough to fit into one parking slot with two cars.

Toyota iQ,Youtube热门讨论的迷你车,小到可以两辆车横放在一个停车位。

The roof was in shadow, and the windows, partially glazed with coloured glass and partially unglazed, admitted a tempered light.


Some I recognized as a kind of hypertrophied raspberry and orange, but for the most part they were strange.


Not only drug barons, but owners of the carioca slums, have guns able to do such things in their hands, and they also have people trained to handle them and cause a disaster like the one last Saturday.


They all seemed depressed; and Hauser had brought an old spelling-book with gnawed edges, Fossil Pink Crystal Watch ES1168, which he held wide-open on his knee, with his great spectacles askew.


There are many designs for nesting boxes, ranging from simple to complex, but a sturdy plastic box or laid-down garbage can filled with sandbox sand and/or potting soil will often do the trick.


When you've finished eating, leave your knife and fork across the edge of your plate.


When you've finished eating,leave your knife and fork across the edge of


更多网络解释与横放的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其实,将植物放在不断旋转的回转器(clinostat)上进行的生长试验,知道根向下生长、茎朝上生长的原因是重力加速度. 近年来试验证明,在无重力作用的太空中,将植物横放,茎和根仍径直地生长,不会弯曲生长,进一步证实重力决定茎、根的生长方向.

That makes me so digress:使我的话儿离开主题

Is it perfume from a dress 是否是衣裙上发出的香气 | That makes me so digress ?使我的话儿离开主题? | Arms that lie along a table ,or wrap about a shawl.那些手臂横放在桌上,或用披巾卷起


彝、卣(you)、累(lei)、缶(fou),都是外形纷歧的盛酒器. 爵,古代喝酒器的总称,作为专名是用来温酒的,下有三足,可升火温酒. 角,口呈两尖角形的喝酒器. 觥(gong),是一种盛酒、喝酒兼用的器具,像一只横放的牛角,长方圈足,有盖,

pie chart:圆图

hart)2.圆图(pie chart)和百分比条图(percent bar chart)3.线图(line graph)4.直方图(histogram)5.统计地图(statistical map) 6.其他特殊分析图 箱式图(box plot)茎叶图(stem-leaf plot)误差条图(error bar chart)1.直条图(bar chart)用相同宽度的直条长短表示相互独立的某统计指标值的大小.直条图按直条是横放还是竖放分卧


thusness 如此 | thwack 强打 | thwart 横放的


thwack 强打 | thwart 横放的 | thwartwise 横着的


thwart 横放的 | thwartwise 横着的 | thy 你的