英语人>词典>汉英 : 横亘的 的英文翻译,例句
横亘的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
traverse  ·  traversed  ·  traverses

更多网络例句与横亘的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After three motions of orogeny and epeirogeny: it lay like a grand dragon of more than 100-km long from east to west in the central plains. It mainly consists of 2parts:h4t.Taishi and Mt. Shaoshi, with each having 36peaks and each peak having name and story, forming colorful natural sceneries.

经过三次造山、造陆运动,需山如一条巨龙横亘在中原大地上,东西绵延百余千米,其主体部分由太室、少室两山组成,各有 36 峰,峰峰有名,峰峰有典,峰峰秀丽,形成了它多彩多姿的自然风光。

After three motions of orogeny and epeirogeny: it lay like a grand dragon of more than 100- km long f rom east to west in the central plains. It mainly consists of 2parts:h4t.Taishi and Mt. Shaoshi, with each having 36peaks and each peak having name and story, forming colorful natural sceneries.

经过三次造山、造陆运动,需山如一条巨龙横亘在中原大地上,东西绵延百余千米,其主体部分由太室、少室两山组成,各有 36 峰,峰峰有名,峰峰有典,峰峰秀丽,形成了它多彩多姿的自然风光。

India has many sacred rivers but it's the Ganga or ganges that lies at the very heart of the subcontinent.


In fact, lie in the Americas to work together across the headland to the water bridge.


But some insuperable obstacle is in the way?


The Qinling Mountains in the middle China are a continantal collision orogen with the complex evolutional history.


The Great Wall gamboled like a dragon's back over the northern hills.


All about the plateau the English had cut the hedges here and there, made embrasures in the hawthorn-trees, thrust the throat of a cannon between two branches, embattled the shrubs.


The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, known as "the roof of the world", is filled with far-stretching mountains, lofty icy peaks and precipitous deep valleys.


The latest election has restored the divide between the Party of the Regions and the orange coalition. This same line separates a post-Soviet thuggish political culture from a proto-European one.


更多网络解释与横亘的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arises between us:一道无形的墙横亘在我们中间

But it is terrible, if a invisible wall 可我很害怕 | arises between us. 一道无形的墙横亘在我们中间 | Do not go by Mime... 不要就这么从小丑身边匆匆而过


为什么这明明是些小河小溪,当地人却不肯称其为河,偏偏要将它们称做回水(backwater)呢?原来,距这些河流不远处就是波涛汹涌的印度洋,河水与海水相距最近处不过十几米. 在小河与大洋之间的并不是横亘的山脉陡崖,通常不过是区区一两米高的沙丘.


"胡"这个族称应该是蒙古语"人"(hun)的音译. 这个人群集团本来生活在蒙古高原上. 蒙古高原西界阿尔泰山,东界大兴安岭,北面是萨彦岭、肯特山脉和雅布洛诺夫山脉,南面横亘着广袤的戈壁. 在起伏平缓的古老台地上流淌着色楞格河、鄂尔浑河、克鲁伦河等河流,


西接第勒尼安海;东部以亚平宁山脉为界,与艾米利亚.罗马涅大区和 利古里亚(LIGURIA)大区相连. 与相邻的翁布里亚(UMBRIA)大区和马尔凯(MARCHE)大区的边界上横亘着亚平宁山脉的支系,道路蜿蜒曲 折;南部是丘陵地区,与拉齐奥(LAZIO)大区相接;


古代的尼罗河流域(The Nile Valley)是人类文明的重要发源地,被称为四大文明古古国的埃及就位于狭长的尼罗河谷地. 埃及东西横亘着沙漠,北临地中海,南依荒凉的高地. 古国王时期主要是皇陵建筑,即举世文明的,规模雄伟的,形式简单朴拙的金字塔.

Top Cover:顶盖

有一线圈(coil)横亘在VCM上下钢板之间(实际上是在磁铁之间), 线圈是磁头臂组HSA的一部分.驱动磁头堆栈组(HSA)绕某轴线转动.拆开前一定要确定是您不打算使用的哦, 一旦拆开顶盖(Top cover)硬盘就报废了---其实拧松螺钉对其性能就

transversal filter:横亘滤波器

横亘均衡器 transversal equalizer | 横亘滤波器 transversal filter | 横向的 transverse


而曾获多次提名、但从未夺得影帝的老牌演员彼得.奥图尔(Peter O'Toole)在>(Venus)中饰演退休演员,实力也不容小觑. "福里斯特.惠特克"号快车能否继续高奏凯歌,彼得.奥图尔将是横亘他面前的一道屏障.

transcurrent:横亘的, 横贯的,[地]横推的

date closing 结算日 | transcurrent 横亘的, 横贯的,[地]横推的 | recontamination 再污染


transcription 抄写 | transcurrent 横亘的 | transducer 传感器