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模式 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
modes  ·  pattern  ·  patterns

更多网络例句与模式相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For different ownership, there will be a different arrangement, followed by researching rule of director board and supervisor board under structure of governing commonly.


By reason of the enforcement of housing reform policy, the housing demands of various kinds and the drop in taxes, the real estate subsidiary market appears brisker than ever. The competition between second-hand housing intermediary service enterprises has become increasingly intense.In order to improve the management of real estate intermediary services and to increase their market share, first, we should innovate in the ma


The paper studied a lot of todays identity management related technologies and standards, analyzed the characteristics of the J2EE application and its security system , used some design patterns such as builder patterns、proxy patterns and factory patterns, combined SAML standards and raised the following patterns: assertion builder pattems、SSO delegator patterns and credential tokenizer patterns. These patterns not only improved the compatibility and portability of enterprise identity management but also reduced system design and development complexity effectively.


Furthermore,thepaper classifies the form of the state-head of modern bourgeois countries into sixkinds,such as the form of the state-head of constitutional monarchy,of presidentialgovernment,of parliamentary cabinet,of semi-presidential and semi-parliamentarism,of presidential parliamentarism,and of committee system.And onthe basis of legal theories,it analyses the constitutionism status,basic functions andthe main characteristics of each form.


The thesis consists of six chapters. In the first, the technologies of atomic force microscopy and of the measurement elasticity of biomolecules were introduced. In the second, the validity of VSPFM was confirmed by lift mode atomic force microscopy. In this chapter, the height of DNA was measured by lift mode atomic force microscopy, which demonstrated that the method of height measurement of biomolecules by VSPFM was correct and established the foundation of the method of measurement elasticity of biomolecules by vibrating mode scanning polarization force microscopy. In the third chapter, detailed work has been illustrated on the foundation of the method of measurement elasticity of biomolecules by VSPFM. And the compressive elasticity of DNA was measured. In fourth and fifth chapters, the method was applied in the measurement elasticity of proteins. Two proteins elasticity, fibre-like protein α-synuclein and global protein IgG, were measured by VSPFM, through which the method wound its way to the application of biomolecules. In last chapter, the final part of the thesis was a summary. A conclusion of the thesis and a self-comment on my work as a PhD candidate have been made, and expectation about the further works has been addressed.


Secondly, On the basic of existing research about mode classification of E-U-R cooperation, combine high school in Xinjiang in the aspects of producing to learn to grind to cooperate of actual, high school in Xinjiang in the research result conversion, product and technical developments and produce to learn to grind the cooperation to induce appliedly serves to consult with the mode, technique to turn to let with technique for the technique the mode, cooperation development mode, set up the entity mode, school to do the industry mode, the university science and technology park totally of the mode six greatest modes, detailed analyzed the influence factor, merit and shortcoming of the manifestation, characteristic, implement of a mode and open the exhibition circumstance in Xinjiang, return for a mode chose the typical model with meticulous care of case example.


5 Patterns for RIAs 4.5 RIAs模式 Creating Rich Internet Applications requires a level of data management that goes beyond the traditional Request-Response model.


Based on the research of the medical security systems in seventeen typical countries, this dissertation concludes that all systems are composed of the following five models, namely social medical aid, social medical insurance, national health services, market-oriented medical insurance and individual saving medical security. These five models could be further divided into three types, i. e. public benefit type (including social medical aid model and national health services model), insurance type (including social medical insurance model and market oriented medical insurance model) and self-security type (individual saving medical security).


First, the rural social security system should be developed in accordance with the national conditions, including economic and social development status quo, people's views and security traditions. Next, the thesis puts forward the guiding thought and general principles for the establishment of the system based on the national conditions, and clearly sets forth the idea of establishing the transitional rural social security system. Then, the thesis makes explanation and analysis respectively on the existing security types, hoping to find the proper components of the rural social security system that is suited to the conditions of the country. At last, the thesis puts forward the objective mode and transitional mode of the establishment of the system at the macro level. The objective mode is the development direction of the transitional mode, and the transitional mode is a necessary stage of the objective mode. Only when establishing the vigorous transitional mode that is suited to the national conditions and achieving development, can the objective mode be possibly realized in the self-evolution of the transitional mode.


So this paper applied Grey forecasting GM (1,1) model and its generated models, the Grey Markov numerical forecasting model and Comprehension model, to develop a net interest margin change forecasting model, a net interest margin forecasting model, a new decision model concerned with commercial bank interest-sensitive assets portfolio and a new expected return decision model of interest-sensitive assets portfolio.


更多网络解释与模式相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


③位图模式--(bitmap)位图即黑白图,1(位图)通道,1位,一些编辑工具和全部滤镜不可用,不可建图层,只有从灰度模式才可以转换为位图模式. ④灰度模式--(grayscale)灰度图,1通道,8位,256种色调,彩色模式转换为灰度模式颜色信息丢失而不可逆.


模式是使用模式定义语言(DDL)给出的数据库整体逻辑描述,包括逻辑记录类型和记录之间的关系. 用语言书写的模式成为原模式,机器不能直接使用,必须将此摸使用机器代码表示,变为机器使用的模式,称为目标模式. 目标模式通常设计成表格形式,


Javascript乱弹设计模式系列(3) - 装饰者模式(Decorator)内容简介:Javascript乱弹设计模式系列(3) - 装饰者模式(Decorator) 前言 博客园谈设计模式的文章很多,我也受益匪浅,包括TerryLee、吕震宇等等的.NET设计模式系列文章,强烈推荐.

decorator pattern:装饰者模式

.net设计模式实例之装饰者模式(Decorator Pattern).net设计模式实例之组合模式(Composite Pattern).net设计模式实例之适配器模式(Adapter Pattern).net设计模式实例之桥接模式( Bridge Pattern).Net设计模式实例之原型模式( Prototype P


③位图模式--(bitmap)位图即黑白图,1(位图)通道,1位,一些编辑工具和全部滤镜不可用,不可建图层,只有从灰度模式才可以转换为位图模式. ④灰度模式--(grayscale)灰度图,1通道,8位,256种色调,彩色模式转换为灰度模式颜色信息丢失而不可逆.


(1)主模式标本(全模式标本、正模式标本)(holotype)是由命名人指定的模式标本,即著者发表新分类群时据以命名、描述和绘图的那一份标本. (2)等模式标本(同号模式标本、复模式标本)(isotype)系与主模式标本同为一采集者在同一地点与时间所采集的同号复份标本.


(6)新模式标本(neotype)当主模式、等模式、合模式、副模式标本均有错误、损坏或遗失时,根据原始资料从其他标本中重新选定出来充当命名模式的标本. (7)原产地模式标本(topotype)当不能获得某种植物的模式标本时,

open system model:开放系统模式

英国政治学者Janet Newman曾把西方的管治模式大致分为四种:"自我管理模式"(Self-governance Model)、"开放系统模式"(Open System Model)、"等级制度模式"(Hierarchy Model)与"合理目标模式"(Rational Goal Model),新闻媒体在这四种模式中的角色和功能不尽相同.


单例模式(singleton)也被叫做单件模式. 使用它的目的是为了确保某个类只有一个实例. 因为它的实现方式很简单,所以多数模式书籍都把单例模式作为入门模式来介绍,可以说对很多模式爱好者来说,单例模式是他们最熟悉的设计模式.

standby mode:待机模式

按下F10键,然后选择退出(Exit)为减少电池工作状态下的计算机能耗,本计算机有三种电源管理模式:关闭屏幕(Screen Blank)模式,待机(Standby)模式,休眠(Hibernation)模式l 关闭屏幕模式在Windows95和Windows NT中被称为"待机模式"(Standby mode)l 待机模式在Wi