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模型作者 的英文翻译、例句


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In distribution of light in canopy sub-model, the concept of leaf-amount density function was introduced.


Visual Rice Growth Models system represented an effort to design crop modeling software with object-oriented paradigm and to organize classes in system with model-document-view architecture. Firstly, the crop-environment system was abstracted as many subsystems and physiological processes with object-oriented paradigm while many classes were established to simulate the behaviors of these subsystems and physiological processes. In VRGM, the document-view architecture in Visual C++ was extended as model-document-view architecture for agricultural integrated system. In the model-document-view architecture, document gets the final simulation results by manipulating the models classes and acts as a communicating intermediacy between model and view. Views display the simulation results and translate users' operation and data entering to document. The architecture separates the domain models, data management and user interface.

中文题名可视水稻生长模型与智能栽培专家系统的研制副题名外文题名 Studies on visual rice growth models and cultivation expert system of computational intelligence 论文作者米湘成导师邹应斌研究员学科专业作物栽培学与耕作学研究领域\研究方向作物模拟与专家系统学位级别博士学位授予单位湖南农业大学学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数64页关键词作物生长模拟生长模型水稻馆藏号BSLW /2003 /S126 /2 本研究系国家"九五"攻关项目"水稻大面积高产综合配套技术研究与示范"课题的子专题,并结合水稻高产栽培技术资料和水稻专家的知识、经验以及科研成果,研制成了可视水稻生长模型(Visual Rice Growth Models,VRGM)及水稻高产栽培专家系统,并在此基础上进一步利用人工神经网络模型、模糊逻辑技术和田间栽培试验,对生长模型和专家系统进行了改进。

From this point of view,it ispointed out that there are two kinds of commonalities among diverse prob-lems,one is the relative commonality and the other is the homogenous co-mmonality,and it is advanced that the approach to effectively make useof the relative commonality is to divide models suitably and to set up theorganic relation between models convenient to their composite conection oncondition that models are shared,and the approach to effectively make useof the homogenous commonality is from the view point of different problemsneeding their special models for solving,to convert their special modelrepresentation to comparatively general model depth representation on theprinciple of independence and share of commonality.The articles in thepast has made deep and complete research on model management in aspectssuch as model division and compositive conection,and a number of theoriesand methods are provided,but none of them is in relation to model depthrepresentation.


The study establishes the compression of models and algorithms for vector graphics data on different basis, including on the basis of vector graphic factors of B spline curves in predecessors research; on the basis of rectangle graphic factors in main axis mode; on the basis of the application of Hough transform to polygonal line, ellipse and circle, so the study improves the models and algorithms of compression for vector graphic data.The compression for vector graphic data mainly studies the data of storing graphic factors.


Environment radon is mainly from rock and soil in geological environment, but the research is not connected with geological environment now. On the basis of physical field, the theoretical distribution model of radon in soil and exchange model of earth—air are set up by using Fick diffusion law and Dacy law, and then the research of environment radon is linked with geological environment. This paper described how the evry parameter of the theoretical model influence the radon concentration in air. The results of research indicat that molecule diffusion of radon is different from it's eddy form. Under the condition of surface radon source, the model experiment is used to study the transportation and distribution of radon in medium. The data of experiment show the relationship between radon and depth can be described by exponent. If the radioelement is well—distributtion, the concentration of radon in different depth or in different point at the same depth change with time, but the accumulated exhalation amount of radon at different point on the surface of model are close in relative long time. The author studied the exchange of radon between mediums and verified the theoretical models too.


Many researchers have devoted their work to the development of modal analysis extraction techniques in order to obtain more reliable identification of the modal parameters. There are many damping identification methods, but each one has different merit and defect. In order to find which one is the most reliable method with respect to certain characteristics, this thesis focus on how to identify structure's damping in time domain. The following works have been done in this thesis: 1. Investigate four modal analysis methods——the LSCE Method, the Ibrahim Time Domain Method, the Time Domain Collectivity Modal Parameter Method, the Rational Fraction Polynomial Method and improve on the ITD Method in arithmetic.

本文主要做了如下工作: 1、集中研究了四种常用的模态识别方法,即最小二乘复指数法、Ibrahim时域法、时域总体模态参数辨识法及有理分式多项式法,并对ITD法在算法上进行了一定的改进; 2、建立结构动力模型,利用这四种方法在具体条件下识别结构的阻尼,并绘制相应的图; 3、讨论不同的情况下,不同的识别方法对阻尼识别精确性的影响; 4、基于业已明确的阻尼识别的精确性,根据研究的需要,指出在实际的识别过程中,如何选择最佳的识别方法以及识别过程中需要注意的问题; 5、选择最为精确的阻尼识别方法,以导师李书进教授在日本京都大学防灾研究所强震反应实验室所做的一足尺木制结构房屋的动力测试实验为实测模型,识别其阻尼; 6、在本文的最后,尽作者所知,提出了一些需要改进的地方,并对未来的研究方向给出了作者的建议。

Here, we define compositionally an ontology as "a system (systematic, operational and prescriptive definitions) of fundamental concepts and relationships which shows how a model author views the target world, and which is shared in a community as building blocks for models".


Based on the pseudobinary method and solute aggregation model of aqueous solution, a pseudobinary solute aggregation model for correlating the viscosity of water-organic solvent-salt solution is established. The model has been tested for ternary aqueous solutions saturated or unsaturated with salt. The average relative deviation is about 1.0%. The results are better than the pseudobinary local composition model presented early by authors.


So as to understand deeply the supply contract in theory; Fouth, based on the research above, the author, discusses the application of supply contract management, with providing some contract models and exampling the supply contract management in some intricate contracts models, for instance, Quanlify, Fix-quantified, Time flexible, and Forward contracts etc..


Therefore, the study is significant both theoretically and practically. As a result, the studying aim of this paper is to establish a practical and complete system for the prediction of ship maneuvering motion, taking into account of the influence of the environmental factors, such as the wind, wave and current, establish a practical and complete system for the prediction of ship maneuvering motion. In this paper, the OpenGL virtual reality simulation technique is introduced into the field of ship maneuver and control, and using the MMG mathematical model, the three dimensional dynamic simulation system of the ship motion is established and good results are achieved. In the process of the system development, firstly, the maneuvering motion equations for ship in the still water are established, based on the MMG module mathematical model and serial experimental result. After compiling the program, the calculation results are compared with the experimental data, the coherence between them validate the mathematical model.


更多网络解释与模型作者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


作者认为,右偏置与"再思"(afterthought)有本质的区别,右偏置的主要功能是当标准的指代在语篇处理中表现不充分时协助组织语篇,使语篇达到衔接和连贯. Grosz和Sidner(1986)的注意状态模型可以解释右偏置结构的认知理据.

descriptive statistics:描述性统计

样本: 企业层面--数十家至数百家;个人层面--可至两、三千家 统计模型: 相关分析--ANOVA--LISREL--多元回归 至少一篇论文的作者显然以为基于数据的描述性统计(descriptive statistics)就是实证研究.



scrub typhus:恙虫病

然后将此模型参数传递给下一个传感器节点,下一个传感......我国恙虫病的流行病学研究现状分析 收藏此文 全部作者: 杨丽萍 赵仲堂 第一作者单位: 山东大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学研究所 论文摘要: 恙虫病(scrub typhus)是由恙虫病东方体引

model simplification:模型简化

作者:费广正 导师:吴恩华 中国科学院软件研究所,计算机应用技术,2001年,博士 摘要 (中文/): 模型简化(Model Simplification)技术是目前计算机图形学的研究热点之一.

Educational Software Engineering:教育软件工程

但它明显是一位过气的明星,就连前几年才出道的模型驱动开发(MDD)也已经过了作者:方海光 首都师范大学教育技术系 软件工程是指导计算机软件开发和维护的工程学科,教育软件工程(Educational Software Engineering)是研究如何用工程的技术和方法,


学术界还没有对辨别模型和理论形成共识,把某种预示论(typology)归类为理论是否合适,理论的价值是否取决于它是否有趣,理论的存在是否依赖于可证伪性. Merton(1967: 39)这样说:作者应该解释他们从引用的文章中汲取了什么概念和观点,


作者主张用"保证"(Warrant)取代"核证",并且运用其建立的"阿奎那/加尔文"模型,严整地论证了基督教信念是如何在"保证"的意义上能够成为"真"的知识. 本书规模宏大,跌宕起伏,业已成为基督教哲学的一部新经典.


方法40只SD大鼠随机分为假手术组、模型组、缬沙坦组和红花组,每组10只,除...作者:王雨梅杜瑞芳刘卫东马丽 摘要: 目的建立百金花中龙胆苦苷(gentiopicrin)和咖啡因(caffeine)的高效液相色谱测定方法.