英语人>词典>汉英 : 概括者 的英文翻译,例句
概括者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与概括者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It supplied the jurist with all his materials for generalisation, with all his methods of interpretation, with his elucidations of first principles, and with that great mass of limiting rules which are rarely interfered with by the legislator, but which seriously control the application of every legislative act.


By investigating Newton\'s Problem of the Solid of Least Resistance,John Bernoulli\'s Brachystochrone Problem and Jacob Bernoulli\'s Isoperimetric Problem, the physics and Calculus background of the calculus of variations is illustrated,the fundamental thought together with the patterns of solutions are summarized,and the ideas and the interaction of the pioneers,such as the Bernoullis and B.


In the metaphysical thoughts about cosmology and ontology of Laozi, which are based on the "Tao", Tao's appearance lies in its original character, that is, the co-composing of"emptiness"and "reality". As matter, it is a moony shape, and between the"reality"and"emptiness". As itself,"Tao"is lonely, sequester, far-reaching and grandiose. Therefore, it can't be grasped through ours sense organs, can't be generalized by fixed concepts, and can't be stated by experiential propositions.


Now that we've covered the basics of the Reckoner, how can we utilize it to its full potential?


Lévinas has generalized his important thought about others into a very simple phrase, that is,"Après vous!"

莱维纳斯曾将其关于他者的重要思想通俗地概括为一句非常简单的话:&Après vous!&;

Lévinas has generalized his important thought about others into a very simple phrase, that is,"Après vous!"

莱维纳斯曾将其关於他者的重要思想通俗地概括为一句非常简单的话:&Après vous!&;

It does not know their names, even it simply speaks of them as "old So-and-So's boy".


更多网络解释与概括者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

account for:说

如果有人把"解说"(account for)理解为存在于观察者头脑中或表现于文字的关于某种法则的能力,这种能力足以概括或预测出像居住排列或内部组织这样一些不可认知的客位现象可能存在的状态,那么该法则是否存于参与者头脑中的问题实际上不再有什么意义.


经过两天的讨论,"敏捷"(Agile)这个词为全体聚会者所接受,用以概括一套全新的软件开发价值观. 这套价值观,通过一份简明扼要的>,传递给世界,宣告了敏捷开发运动的开始.


概括来说,这是一个成功创意的清单:简约(Simple)、意外(Unexpected)、具体(Concrete)、可信(Credible)、情感(Emotional),故事(Stories). 一个聪明的观察者会注意到这个清单的关键词可以被简化成首字母的缩写SUCCESs("成功"的英文).


第三,自我中心的;第四,好奇心旺的. 这四点准确地概括了比亚兹莱的风格. "恶与悲中的美"是颓废者(Decadent)追求的极致. 他们宣称要"发掘恶中之美",波德莱尔要从"悲哀中提炼金子",而王尔德则把"悲哀当作唯一的真理".


首先需要关注的,是"自民族中心主义"(ethnocentrism)问题. R.M.威廉斯把"自民族中心主义"概括为五大特征:一、以自身族属的标准来判断他者族属;二、自身族属在所有方面或若干方面,均拥有优于他者族属的信念;三、对他者族属的无知;


像利物浦、阿森纳和埃弗顿这些俱乐部,也被迫要提高整体俱乐部的薪金水准,否则他们和领先者的差距越来越大. 这样的连锁反应是相当恐怖的,我完全赞同你军备竞赛的说法. 英国业内用了"不负责任"(irresponsible)这个词来概括.


在整个过程中,媒介所扮演的角色可以概括为故事讲述者 ( narrator )、公共舞台 ( public stage ) 和议程建构者 ( agenda-builder ) . 媒介首先是一个故事的讲述 者,当代中国的传媒在报导消费者运动时,并没有仅仅局限于对官方运动组织所开展的活动的报导,


"萨满"(Shaman)一词为通古斯(Tungus)语"激奋者"或"癫狂者"的音译,它原是对流行于北亚和东亚地区的一种巫术性质的早期巫教或巫师的称谓. 关于萨满教的性质和特征,托卡列夫将其概括为:

suitor n.1:求婚者 2.诉讼人,原告 3.求情者,请愿者

suite n.1.一套(家具) 2.套房 3.随从人员 | +suitor n.1.求婚者 2.诉讼人,原告 3.求情者,请愿者 | sum up:总结,概括


Anthropologist人類學者 | summarized總結,概述,概括 | potential潛在的,可能的