英语人>词典>汉英 : 植物养料 的英文翻译,例句
植物养料 的英文翻译、例句


plant food
更多网络例句与植物养料相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Reaching 200 feet (61 meters) in length, the plant serves double duty: It provides habitat and nourishment for marine life and is a source of algin, a stabilizing, thickening, gelling, and suspending agent used in human food preparation.

达到200英尺( 61米)的长度,该植物提供双重任务:它提供了栖息地和养料为海洋生物和藻胶的来源,一个稳定的,增稠,胶凝,和悬浮剂用于人类食物的准备。

Other significant compounds are calcium chloride, calcium hypochlorite, calcium sulfate, and calcium phosphate (a plant food and stabilizer for plastics).


Their roots dig down into the earth and gather its treasures.


Here, then, you see in what ways the food of the plant is different from that of animals.


A plant, such as a tropical orchid or a staghorn fern, that grows on another plant upon which it depends for mechanical support but not for nutrients.


In many plants, particularly biennials, the root may become swollen with carbohydrates and act as an underground food store during the winner.


The Tentacle, like some orchids and bromeliads, is most likely an epiphyte, deriving nutrients from the air and detritus; which theory is supported by the observation that h. sensitiva does not appear to eat what it kills, but conceals its prey beneath its root mass and absorbs the byproducts of decay.


One plant's waste is another plant's fertilizer if properly grouped.


Their roots are home to bacteria that put nitrogen, an important plant food, into the soil.


The stem serves to conduct water and food materials up and down the plant and, particularly in young plants and some succulents, it may serve as a photosynthetic organ.


更多网络解释与植物养料相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aleurone layer:糊粉层

如蓖麻;也有的贮藏在子叶部分,如落花生,油菜等.蛋白质也是种子内 贮藏养料的一种,大豆子叶内含蛋白质较多.小麦种子胚乳的最外层组织,称为糊粉层 (aleurone layer),含有较多蛋白质颗粒和结晶.不同植物的种子所含养料的种类不同,


5、真菌不含光合作用的色素,没有叶绿素,不能进行光合作用制造养料,所以菌类的营养方式是异养(heterotrophy)的. 异养方式多样,凡从活的动物、植物吸收养分的称为寄生(Parasitism);从死的动、植物体或其他无生命的有机物中吸取养分的称为腐生(saprophytism);


"初级农业(horticulture)这个词可能会使人联想到在温室中栽培兰花和其它花卉的'园艺技师'. 但对人类学家来说,这个词的意思是用比较简单的工具和方法(包括依靠自然来补充土壤中植物生长所必需的养料的方法)对一切作物进行的栽培.

available plant food:有效植物养料

centesimal circle graduation 圆圈百分分度, 百分分度 | available plant food 有效植物养料 | power mapping 幂映射

national plant food institute:abbr. npfi; 全国植物养料学会

planted forest:人工林

栽植面积 Planted area | 人工林 Planted forest | 植物养料 Plant-food


本页内容提示:来自 台湾省(Taiwan) 的采购:其他个人日用品,其他花园用品,蓝色和白色的花园凳子,花盆,单色花盆,植物养料 的世界买家信息详细资料,敬请查看.


还有一种半寄生植物,它们用构造特殊的垠伸渗入渗出寄主体内吸取养料,另一方面又有绿色器官,可以自己制造养料,如桑寄生属(Loranthus)、寄主 (Viscumalbuni).

Orobanche coerulescens:(列当)

运气好一些,你还可以找到花颜色为紫色的列当(Orobanche coerulescens). 这两种植物它是生长在菊科蒿属植物的根上的,吸取寄主的水分和养料. 这种寄生类型叫根寄生. 列当和黄花列当是药用植物. 有补肾助阳、强筋骨之功,可治腰腿酸软. 列当科中,


这里将核菌纲列为四个目,其中与植物病害有关的主要是白粉菌目(Erysiphales)和球壳菌目(Sphaeriales). 白粉菌目的菌丝体大多是表生的,以吸器伸入寄主表皮细胞内吸取养料,很少伸入皮下细胞,大多为外寄生,生活于显花植物上.