英语人>词典>汉英 : 棘钉 的英文翻译,例句
棘钉 的英文翻译、例句


jag spike · barbed spike
更多网络例句与棘钉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And, I saw and me together the book box bamboo fish trap which grows in the snow fog forest, she is a that lovable little girl, inborn has the formidable spirit strength, but she has also died, dies on together the cliff, a red three thorn sword passes through her chest, sewed her on the black cliff, the wind was moving her silver-white color long hair and the white black magic gown, was similar to lightly certainly the beautiful dance step.


The directions of insertion on the articular process in the sagittal plane and horizontal plane were determined according to the relationship between the spinous process of vertebra and vertebral body in the X-ray film.


METHODS: The distances from anterior acetabular margin, posterior acetabular margin to anterior inferior iliac spine, iliopubic eminence and pubic tubercle were measured, respectively to determine and make serial cross-sections of the acetabular anterior column. In addition, the safe angle of screw entry on all entry points of each cross-section was measured, and all data were put into software SPSS 10.0 for statistics process.


After pedicle screw and rod system was placed, a bone block harvested from the posterosuperior iliac with a circular saw with diameter of 1.2 centmeter was implanted into the intervertebral space.

椎弓根钉棒系统固定后,用直径1.2 cm环锯在髂后上棘上端髂嵴处取髂骨植入椎间隙,然后调整钉棒系统,使其椎间隙适当缩小,植入椎体间及嵌入封口的髂骨块挤压牢固后,将钉棒系统固定。

更多网络解释与棘钉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

barbed nail:不规则钉, 带齿钉, 刺钉

barbed hook | 有倒刺的钩 | barbed nail | 不规则钉, 带齿钉, 刺钉 | barbed spike | 棘钉

barbed nail:带齿钉,刺钉,不规则钉

barbed filament 毛刺丝 | barbed nail 带齿钉,刺钉,不规则钉 | barbed spike 棘钉

rag bolt:棘螺栓,地脚螺栓

rag 毛刺,飞边 | rag bolt 棘螺栓,地脚螺栓 | rag nail 棘钉

Spined Wurm:刺棘亚龙

103Spike Worker工匠钉兽SH | 104Spined Wurm刺棘亚龙SH | 105Skyshroud Troopers天帷武装兵SH


角化不良(dyskeratosis)也称错角化,为上皮的异常角化,在上皮棘层或基底层内个别或一群细胞发生角化. 角化不良有两种情况:一为良性角化不良,多在高度增生的上皮钉突中出现医学教'育网搜集整理;另一种为恶性角化不良,有时可见胞核.


jaggies 锯齿线 锯齿线 | jagging 参差 | jagspike 棘钉

jag spike:棘钉

jag bolt ==> 棘螺栓 | jag spike ==> 棘钉 | jagged bit ==> 锯齿形钻头,锯齿形钻头,齿形钻头