英语人>词典>汉英 : 检察官 的英文翻译,例句
检察官 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
inquisitor  ·  procurator  ·  inquisitors

prosecuting attorney · law officer · director of public prosecution · public procurator
更多网络例句与检察官相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the US,high crime rate,lynching tradition in the south and having never been ruled by the Nazi are all reasons why the public opinion is in favor of death penalty,which exerts a deep influence on politicians.the US Supreme Court and district courts as well as the prosecution.In China,deteriorate social order,ceremonialist tradition,ancestral ideas and lack of the Enlightenment spirits make public opinion strongly support death penalty,which in turn has great impact on the party in power,the legislature,the judiciary and the prosecution.


A small town prosecuting attorney called his first witness to the stand in a trial--a grandmotherly, elderly woman. He approached her and asked, Mrs.


Amormino suspects Langford came forward as part of a bargain he made with prosecutors.


PROSECUTOR PROTEST \ 抗议检察官 Supporters of Sudan's President Omar Hassan al-Bashir held posters crossing out the face of International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo Tuesday near Khartoum, Sudan.

国际刑事法庭打算以战争罪逮捕苏丹总统巴希尔(Omar Hassan al-Bashir)。巴希尔的支持者周二在苏丹喀土穆附近举行示威,手中举着印有国际刑事法庭检察官奥坎波头像的海报,并划上大叉。

Procurator is the important participant in judicial activities. Judicial justice is closely related to procurator.


The prosecuting attorney represents the government in instituting and proceeding with criminal actions.


The bar association might or might not have referred him to the state prosecuting attorney; if it had, Hubbell probably would have been able to avoid going to prison by reimbursing the firm.


A few months later, a new special prosecutor (the county let the previous one go) assured me in a brief meeting that he wouldnt challenge my right to the shield law. I took the witness stand once in a preliminary hearing in April 1999. I testified that an individual at one point had offered the Enquirer access codes to Chiquitas voicemail, and I had given the information to Gallagher, since I wasnt sure what we could do with it.


Public procurator's duty of objectiveness and impartialness means that in order to realize judicial justice,he should stand on the objective and impartial side rather than litigant's side and tries to find and respect truth of facts.


The Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate is Procurator-in-Chief.


更多网络解释与检察官相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the DA came down here last night ready to arraign:地方检察官昨晚来这里

- Why can't I see him? - I told you...|-我为什么不能见他? -... | ...the DA came down here last night ready to arraign...|...地方检察官昨晚来这里 | ...even before they moved him to County.|...准备等他到...

Attorney General:检察官

1996年2月8日,也即美国总统刚刚签署CDA法案不久,美国公民与权利协会(ACLU)连同其它二十个民间和非政府组织⑼以原告的身份将美国首席检察官(Attorney General)和美国司法部(The department of justice) 告上法庭,挑战CDA法案§223(a)(1)和§223(d)的合宪性.

Attorney General:首席检察官

新政府里的权力核心是"政务会议"(Sovereign Council),由总督、主教和这两人任命的五名议员以及首席检察官(attorney general)组成. 1665年,政务会议的成员增加了监督官的席位,监督官成为该会议的主席. 若要说(正如有些历史学家认为的),

Marion Boyd:安大略省前任首席检察官

Maurizio Bevilacqua-加拿大前联邦部长兼国务秘书 | Marion Boyd-安大略省前任首席检察官 | Michael Bryant-安大略省首席检察官

Michael Bryant:安大略省首席检察官

Marion Boyd-安大略省前任首席检察官 | Michael Bryant-安大略省首席检察官 | Aileen Carroll-加拿大前国际合作部部长

district attorney:地区检察官/律师

8. 法律文件 legal instruments | 17. 地区检察官/律师 district attorney | 18. 起诉检察官/公诉律师 prosecuting attorney

assistant procurator:助理检察官

主诉检察官 principal procurator | 助理检察官 assistant procurator | 助理审判员 assistant judge

principal procurator:主诉检察官

仲裁员 arbitrator | 主诉检察官 principal procurator | 助理检察官 assistant procurator

prosecuting attorney:起诉检察官/公诉律师

17. 地区检察官/律师 district attorney | 18. 起诉检察官/公诉律师 prosecuting attorney | 19. 检察系统 prosecutorial system

acting public prosecutor:代理检察官

acting public procurator代理检察官 | acting public prosecutor代理检察官 | acting writing代书