英语人>词典>汉英 : 梳头发 的英文翻译,例句
梳头发 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
comb  ·  combed

更多网络例句与梳头发相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When Alder look at the back through the mirror, he saw her combing her hair


Radiator cores are of two basic types,the fin and tube(fins are placed around the tubes to increase the area for radiating the heat)and of the ribbon cellular or honey comb tybe.

暖器炉核心是有二基本类型的,鳍和管(鳍被放置在管的周围为放射热增加区域)而且缎带格状自动化或蜂蜜梳头发 tybe 。

I want to comb my hair.


He picked the whole morning in a suit and shoeshine ...... After a child, neat clothes, and shoes polished, and maternal grandfather had started combing their hair.


Now he looked rumpled, his light hair long uncombed, his normal three-piece suit replaced by a dark knit sweater and casual slacks.


I got no man after me, I had to comb to the mirror, took the comb, benzene clumsy was a crooked ponytail, crustily skin of head back schoolbag go to school.


They lifted her tenderly and sought for some poisonous object which might have caused the mischief, unlaced her frock, combed her hair, and washed her with wine and water, but all in vain-dead she was and dead she remained.


Delighted Goes up to mirror, pulls her hair out in a softer fashion, readjusts her dress.


She tidied her hair and looked at him tenderly.


In English, we just say 'My hair is in a braid today.


更多网络解释与梳头发相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Just comb the hair back a little:把头发往后梳一点

734. I have a hair in my eye.头发到我眼睛里了. | 735. Just comb the hair back a little.把头发往后梳一点. | Lesson50:AT THE POLICE STATION在警察局

Katy bosworth:将头发梳起来很利落很唯美

Katherine Helgl,金发魅惑,黑发纯情,不愧是超级美女. | Katy bosworth,将头发梳起来很利落很唯美. | Katy Perry,真没想到这小妞这么漂亮,也是很适合化妆的类型.

Well, girlfriend needs to move a comb through her hair:我看她该拿梳子,梳一下头发

performance art was more theater than installation. She's moved it to the next level.|表演艺术... | Well, girlfriend needs to move a comb through her hair.|我看她该拿梳子,梳一下头发 | She has company.|有...

dress down a horse:给 马 梳刷

dress one's hair梳理头发 | dress down a horse给 马 梳刷 | dress a salad拌色拉

In a ponytail:给我扎一个马尾吧

How do you want your hair?扎什么样的辫子? | ●In a ponytail.给我扎一个马尾吧. | ●Comb your hair before you go out.出门之前梳梳头发吧.

In a ponytail:给我扎一个马尾吧. <梳头发时用的语句>

How do you want your hair?扎什么样的辫子? | ●In a ponytail.给我扎一个马尾吧. | ●Comb your hair before you go out.出门之前梳梳头发吧.

9.My hair is all tangled up.I can't comb it out:9.我的头发纠缠在一起, 梳不开

[14:17.36]8.He's got a pretty goofy hairst... | [14:20.39]9.My hair is all tangled up.I can't comb it out. ;9.我的头发纠缠在一起, 梳不开. | [14:23.39]10.You're wearing a wig? 11.He's going bald. ;10.原...


7.卷曲的头发:curly hair | 8.她梳了二个小辫子:braids | 9.他留了个短短的小平头a buzz cut hair

trying to cornrow my hair:[想把我的头发都梳成小辫子]

Great. [很好] | trying to cornrow my hair. [想把我的头发都梳成小辫子] | No reception. What now? [没信号, 现在怎么办?]

Richard! I haven't brushed my hair. Richard:我头发没有梳

You. 你. | Richard! I haven't brushed my hair. Richard,我头发没有梳. | You look great! 看起来很棒!