英语人>词典>汉英 : 梨树 的英文翻译,例句
梨树 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与梨树相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She pointed out the window where, high in the darkening sky, behind the branches of the pear tree, the little boy could see a pale silver of moon


Left peach garden,got "Gan"square,there air-cure some traditional Chinese drug shizandra berry,the village is a nationwide shizandra distributing center


The investigation on diseases of pear garden in Rugao,as a result, Alternaria kikuchiana is the mostly pear disease in that region.

通过对如皋市梨园病害种类调查,结果表明梨黑斑病Alternaria kikuchiana为该地区梨树的主要病害。

The results showed that with treatment of the fixative solution added with antimonite,the free Ca2+ in pear different organs and tissues could be changed into antimonite calcium and precipitated in situ,which,after being stained,appeared as black particles under electronic microscope,whereas such particles could not be observed in the treatment without antimonite.


Balance is one of the most important things you need to know about pruning avocado trees.


This article will give you a few tips for pruning avocado trees.


Using CHIME geochronological method, the zircons and monazites from the Caoshan and Lishugou plutons are dated. The PbO-UO2* isochron age and weighted average age of the Lishugou pluton are all (173±10) Ma. For the Caoshan pluton, the zircon PbO-UO2* and monazite PbO-ThO2* isochron ages are (178±8) Ma and (177±3) Ma, and their weighted average ages are (175±6) and (177±3) Ma, respectively.


Otherwise he was unable to depict Sun's grief for Tian's death so vividly and touchingly.


These results would be useful for spreading Pyrus genus resources and marker-assisted selection for genetic improvement in Pyrus.


China was one of Pyrus genus provenances,Chinese pear played an important role in fruit production.Genetic linkage map of pearPyrus L.


更多网络解释与梨树相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aztec clock:阿兹台克钟(太

avocado 鳄梨, 鳄梨树 | axe 斧头 | Aztec clock 阿兹台克钟(太

butterfly bush:布什蝴蝶

Button bush布什按钮 | Butterfly bush布什蝴蝶 | Pear梨树

contrarily:反之, 相反地, 反对地

avocado [植]鳄梨, 鳄梨树 | contrarily 反之, 相反地, 反对地 | ataghan (土耳其人用的)弯刀, 军刀, 马刀


装饰纸的图案主要有人造木纹和人造石材(大理石). 木纹的图案主要有:胡桃木(w a lnu t)、栎树(oak)、梨树(p ea r)、樱桃树(ch e rry)、松树(p in e)和欧石南(b r ie r)等.

Payne:派恩 拉丁 来自乡村的人

Paul 保罗 拉丁 指矮小玲珑的人. | Payne 派恩 拉丁 来自乡村的人. | Perry 斐瑞 英国 梨树.

Rowan Tree:山梨树

10 Coulter's Candy 寇特的糖果 | 11 Rowan Tree 山梨树 | 12 Glen Of Glens 群山峡谷

Beneath a Rowan Tree:梨树下

06 When I Dream 当我做梦的时候 | 07 Beneath a Rowan Tree 梨树下 | 08 Eleanor Plunkett instrumental 埃莉诺


soprano 女高音 | sorb 山梨树 | sorbefacient 促进吸收的


soralium /粉芽堆/ | sorb /山梨树/吸附/吸收/ | sorbate /吸着物/山梨酸酯/


经多年观察,樟脊网蝽(Stephanitis macaona Drake)是危害油梨树的主要害虫之一,属半翅目,网蝽科(Tingidae). 油梨树受其危害后叶片非正常早期落叶,影响光合作用,造成树体发育不良和衰退. 由于该虫人体小,在生产管理中不易觉察,