英语人>词典>汉英 : 梨子 的英文翻译,例句
梨子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与梨子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apple pie with amaretto and marzipan had a rich aroma that complemented the tapioca creme and wine-soaked pears.


Lime, melon and Anjou pears intermingle with sweet and tropican fruits such as fig and kiwi to create this delightfully refreshing wine.


Can not eat "cold" food, such as: orange, orange, pear, beetroot, bananas, watermelon …….


Figs,apples,pears,and soil mark as black,black as my wife's hair.


Figs, apples, pears, and soil mark as black, black as my wife's hair.


She suggested that I take baby steps to make what's inside my home as pure as the organic apples and pears in my fruit bowl.


Said the fruiter- er, and showed him both apples and pears, which he knew again.


And the gardener went to town and asked the fruiterer where he got these highly prized apples and pears.


The selection of enzyme source of foreign PPO indicated that there is following order based on the effect of formation and accumulation of TFs:pear 〉 fresh tea leaf 〉 apple.


In recent years, African countries have launched plans to attract foreign investment, independence and self-reliance has become the consensus of the African continent. In November 2007, in Namibia,"Walvis Bay Corridor" of the international business meeting, the South African Department of Trade and Industry Minister Mupaerwa at the opening ceremony said: Chairman Mao said,'Look, you know the taste of pears, you have to Changes pears, personally eat a food '.


更多网络解释与梨子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"龙涎香醇","ambrain,ambrein" | "麝香梨子油","ambrette seed oil" | "佳肴","ambrosia"

Some bread and cheese and a golden pear:(一些起司麵包與橙黃的梨子)

Tom bought a flute and a box of crayons, (Tom買了一隻笛子和一盒蠟筆... | Some bread and cheese and a golden pear. (一些起司麵包與橙黃的梨子) | And as for his suit or his underwear (至於他的外套或短褲為何...


?甘荀Carrots | ?車梨子Cherries | ?鷹咀豆Chickpeas

Eriko Goto:後藤繪梨子

Eriko Imai 今井繪理子 [SPEED] | Eriko Goto 後藤繪梨子 AV | Eriko Hara 原惠理子


衷心希望本书中译本的出版与发行能为中国心理卫生事业的普及与推广起到抛砖引玉之作用. "艾莉说,我经历的是一种'人格分裂'(dissociation)的现象. "我告诉瑞琪. 瑞琪听得都伤了,嘴巴张了开来. "好奇怪的名字!佩尔不就是我们吃的梨子(pear)吗?"


ciliegio 樱桃 | pera 梨子 | melone 甜瓜

pera f:梨子

pavo m. 火鸡 | pera f. 梨子 | bala f. 子弹

Eriko Sato:佐藤江梨子

佐藤江梨子 (Eriko Sato)日本Yellow Cab事务所以巨乳女郎见称,佐藤江梨子更是其中佼佼者,

Eriko Sato:佐藤茳梨子

Eriko Horiuchi 堀內繪梨子 RQ | Eriko Sato 佐藤茳梨子 | Eriko Shimizu 清水惠理子 RQ

Degas used to distinguish between an apple-shaped behind and pear-shaped:德加[法国印象派画家]曾区分过 苹果形的和梨子形的臀部

lt's pear-shaped.|是梨子形的... | Degas used to distinguish between an apple-shaped behind and pear-shaped.|德加[法国印象派画家]曾区分过 苹果形的和梨子形的臀部. | And l'm a big fruit eater.|而我特爱吃水...