英语人>词典>汉英 : 梅雨 的英文翻译,例句
梅雨 的英文翻译、例句


mould rains · plum rains
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The formation and persistence of anomalous anticyclone in the western North Pacific.


I hoped that the plum rains would hold off for a little while longer, as I was planning to ride Buzzard, my motorbike, to Foolong.


By using RegCM, the summer climatologic characters over China during1991~2005 are simulated.

并利用区域气候模式(BCCRegCM 1.0,以下简称RegCM)模拟了1991~2005年中国夏季气候的异常变化,分析了区域模式对江淮梅雨的模拟能力。

With respect to the frequently-occurring zone and some relative concentration regions within the zone of meso-scale systems, a new point of view is posed by case study. It′s pointed out that the zone basically corresponds to meiyu front and its accompanying cloud and rain belt, or so-called warm and moisture tongue and LLJ etc.


The mechanism was similar to the equivalent barotropic warm core structure. The Conditional Instability of the Second Kind was the primary mechanism of development and maintenance for MCSs in case 2005. As the MCSs intensified and persisted, the latent heating was highly efficient in producing significant enhancement of Mei-Yu front systems. The LLJ intensified by Coriolis acceleration of ageostrophic wind was induced by the effect of latent heat release. The LLJ and the effect of latent heat released reinforce each other in convection system through a positive feedback process.

综合而言,2005年个案中梅雨锋面结构为垂直近乎不倾斜的浅系统,槽线系统不明显,锋面水平温度梯度微弱,低层具有强水平气旋式风切,较似正压系统,个案中MCS发展及维持机制,主要是透过CISK 过程来维持;其过程是由於低层锋面带上之辐合激发对流发展,对流潜热释放造成局部气压梯度增强,因而增强地转风;而潜热释放亦有利低层辐合之增强,产生非地转风,再透过科氏加速增强西南风,使LLJ增强,形成一正向的回馈作用。

Rainy season, eat light food, hot cold greasy fried things are very easy to eruptive allergies, eating right


In the research and analysis of this Meiyu front system, several new views are suggested which are different from previous results, for example, the problems concerning the cut-off of high potential vorticity region, the formation mechanism of Jianghuai shear lines, the frontogenesis mechanism of Meiyu front in different positions, the affection to potential vorticity coming from air mass change.


The results show that the structures and characteristics of the meiyu front are different for various cases, or at various places and time, or at variious stages of one case, and the frontal characteristics can be transited from the polar front to the equatorial front.


Using the climatological data and aerological reports of the years 1951—1957,the author investigates the characteristics of Climate of May-Yü inFar East and its relation to the behaviour of circulation over Asia.


According to the analysis and simulation of this process, some suggestions are raised which are helpful to improve Meiyu front forecast ability in real time operation, such as using some new remote sensing data and the time and space densified data, strengthening the analysis of the mesoscale numerical model products, through the man-machine interaction to analyze more diagnostics and the air mass features based on different vertical coordinate systems.


更多网络解释与梅雨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Azoic period:<地>无生纪

audit period 审计期 | Azoic period 无生纪 | bai-u rainy period 梅雨

Beyond The Memory Of Man:曼岛的遥远记忆

其中,"曼岛的遥远记忆(Beyond the Memory of Man)"一曲,便是有关这个自由岛群的. 国人说, "暮春三月,江南草长,杂花生树,群英乱飞". 大海大洋彼岸的不列颠, 则在三月的乍暖还寒, 四月的潇潇梅雨后, 终于, 迎来了和风煦日, 绿树红花的五月韶光. 于是,

disastrous weather:灾害性天气

根据中央气象局定义,灾害性天气(disastrous weather)为可能造成生命财产损失的天气现象. 台湾主要四大灾害性天气为台风、梅雨(豪雨)、乾旱及寒潮.

El Nino:厄尔尼诺现象

通过江苏里下河地区近18年的褐飞虱发生的有关资料分析,结果表明:厄尔尼诺现象(EL Nino)是影响褐飞虱 种群暴发的主导因子,其次是迁入虫量和见虫日数,梅雨季节的雨量对褐飞虱种群增长也有较大影响.

Daniel Jensen:丹尼尔.延森

日本环球影城(USJ)副总裁丹尼尔.延森(Daniel Jensen)表示:"现在来影城不用排队等候,正是游园的大好时机",这也就等于是承认了游客数量的减少. 经营东京迪士尼乐园(Disneyland)的ORIENTAL LAND公司表示:"6月份本来就是梅雨期,

Mei-Yu rainstorm:梅雨暴雨

李德裕:Li De yu | 梅雨暴雨:Mei-Yu rainstorm | 语丝社:Yu Si She

rainy season tsuyu:梅雨

rain ame 雨 あめ | rainy season tsuyu 梅雨 つゆ | snow yuki 雪 ゆき

plum rains:梅雨

pluging method 小孔堵漏法 | plum rains 梅雨 | plumb bob vertical 铅垂线

plum rains:梅雨(霉雨)

季风 monsoon | 梅雨(霉雨) plum rains | 暴雨 storm

plum rains:梅雨的

snowy 多雪的 | plum rains 梅雨的 | humid 潮湿的