英语人>词典>汉英 : 栽培变种 的英文翻译,例句
栽培变种 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与栽培变种相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cultivated varieties of almonds have been named for whether the seeds are sweet or bitter and whether the endocarp is hard or fragile.


Lilium davidii var.Unicolor is an variety of lily family with its characteristics as full-grown tender and white squamae; delicate texture; scent and bitterless taste;superior edible quality. Owing to its 400 years cultivation history in Lanzhou and its peripherical areas, the quality of some cultivated species of Lilium davidii var. Unicolor comes to retrogress.


Fodder beet is a mutation of beet planting specific(Beta vulgaris , Chenopodiaceae ),it has many characteristics such as weighty fleshy root、luxuriance phyllome、excellent quality of dainty and high biology production, so it is a high yield、all wool and a yard wide feed crop.


Two new cultivated varieties of Syringa Linn.

标题 丁香属植物二新栽培变种

According to the report,there are more than 50 cultivars of R.glutinosa in China,but only few of them are described in detail in agronomical and morphological characters.


The species and the distribution of wild Hedychium ornamental resources in China were systematically investigated by the wild work and extensive review of literature and specimens. 26 species,2 varieties,1 form of wild Hedychium were introduced into Guangzhou in open ground and green house separately.


The results showed that:There are 32 species,2 varieties,1 form of wild Hedychium plants in China including 2 new species,1 new form and 2 new-recorded species;Some species have specific breeding potential in view of the color of flowers,the type of fragrance and the height of plant in this genus;10 species have wide distribution volumes,but some species with high ornamental values are endangered;17 taxa were successfully introduced into Guangzhou;High temperature in summer is the most important factor to restrict the introduction of Hedychium to Guangzhou.


In tests with three different cultivars of hemp and one of marijuana, the DNA fingerprints of all the cultivars were distinct and nonoverlapping.


The lengths of the fragments within the bookends were found to vary according to the cultivar.


更多网络解释与栽培变种相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


culmicolous smut of sugar cane 甘蔗黑穗病 | cultivar 栽培变种 | cultivated area 栽培地域

cultivated area:栽培地域

cultivar 栽培变种 | cultivated area 栽培地域 | cultivated crop 中耕罪


南美的花生"属"(Arachis) 共有70 多个"种"(species) ,大部分没有被研究,已知的花生栽培种经过人们的驯化选择,共有两个"亚种"(subspecies) ,和四个"变种"(variety) ,巴西亚玛逊河多雨地带还有一种多年生的花生,专作饲料栽培.

culmicolous smut of sugar cane:甘蔗黑穗病

culling 淘汰 | culmicolous smut of sugar cane 甘蔗黑穗病 | cultivar 栽培变种


cultigen 不详生物 | cultivable 可耕种的 | cultivar 栽培变种

cultivable:可耕种的, 可栽培的

cultispecies | 栽培种 | cultivable | 可耕种的, 可栽培的 | cultivar | 栽培变种, 培育植物


cultivar 栽培变种 | cultivatable 可耕种的 | cultivate 培养


为芸香科(Rutaceae)金柑属(Fortunella)植物,在我国野生或栽培的有山金柑(金豆)、罗浮、圆金柑、长叶金柑等四个种和金弹、长寿金柑两个变种. 其中,圆金柑(F. japonica Swingle)在古代即传入日本,因其果小而栽培价值不高,罗浮(F.

Pieris japonica:日本马醉木

彩叶马醉木是欧美及日本最为流行的庭院彩叶树种,既能观叶又能赏花,符合我国园林应用对新优品种的要求,极具市场潜力. 彩叶马醉木是日本马醉木(Pieris japonica)的栽培变种或品种以及日本马醉木与台湾...

Department of Agriculture:农业部门

该机构是美国农业部门(Department of Agriculture)的主要科学研究机构. 该种葡萄的研究并不是为了供人们吃的. 相反,Pixie独有的特征使得其很适合遗传学、饲养和其它等学科的研究. 新的研究将能给消费者提供饲养和栽培变种植物的线索等.