英语人>词典>汉英 : 根据...来判断 的英文翻译,例句
根据...来判断 的英文翻译、例句


judging by
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Therefore, it's necessary for us to analyze and judge the dynamic characteristic of our country's investment cycle fluctuation action and the relationship between...


ABSTRACT Objective Adiposity should not be judged only by body mass,but by body fat.

摘 要 目的判断肥胖不能单纯用体质量而应根据体脂来判断。

It comes form vibration signal that obtained by monitoring in two mutual vertical direction on one cross section of the axletree or axes neck.


The overcutting on tool end is checked via comparing the tool radius with the circumradius or the radius of inscribed circle, and the touch interference of tool body based on the symbol of the vector distance from the triangle vertex to the tangent plane of tool body column.


I ought to have judged by deeds and not by words.She cast her fragrance and her radiance over me.


22 Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.– Voltaire


The previous research mainly depends on the arc voltage to estimate the arc position, and testing the dielectric recovery strength, and reignition process to judge the ability of arc extinguishment.


The quality of the pirouettes (half-pirouettes) is judged according to the suppleness, lightness, cadence and regularity, and to the precision and smoothness of the transitions; pirouettes (half-pirouettes) at canter also according to the balance, the elevation and the number of strides (at pirouettes 6-8, at half-pirouettes 3-4 are desirable).

3.6。定后肢回旋的品质好坏根据其柔韧性、轻盈、节奏与规律性,以及移行的精确度和流畅性来判断;以跑步做定后肢回旋时,其品质还要按其平衡性、运步高度和步数来判断(定后肢回旋为 6-8 步,定后肢半回旋为 3-4 步)。

The quality of the pirouettes (half-pirouettes) is judged according to the suppleness, lightness, cadence and regularity, and to the precision and smoothness of the transitions; pirouettes (half-pirouettes) at canter also according to the balance, the elevation and the number of strides (at pirouettes 6-8, at half-pirouettes 3-4 are desirable).

3.6。定后肢回旋的质量好坏根据其柔韧性、轻盈、节奏与规律性,以及移行的精确度和流畅性来判断;以跑步做定后肢回旋时,其质量还要按其平衡性、运步高度和步数来判断(定后肢回旋为 6-8 步,定后肢半回旋为 3-4 步)。

Adopting multiplexing technique and making use of communication line between CSC and CS to achieve simultaneous transmission of ISDN signal and electric power. According to the variation of circuit equivalent resistance to design detection circuit, which can judge that the line is short circuit or open circuit and the commercial power is working normally or failure. When the reserve power supply is working, the system judges its operation status by voltage and current detection circuit. Making use of the characteristic of the gas discharge tube to achieve suspension system detection of power line touching. Transmitting information collected up to PC by RS485 for the purpose of centralized monitoring.


更多网络解释与根据...来判断相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


判断一个人受社会尊重的依据是他拥有的凳子的类型,就象今天发达的地区根据他拥有的小轿车的品牌来判断主人的身份一样. 图7所示的是阿散蒂(Ashanti)国王母后的凳子,表面覆有压纹的银铂,银色是为了与母后的身份––月亮相匹配.

International Comity:国际礼让

第三,根据国际礼让(international comity)和平衡(equity)来判断美国管辖权的行使是恰当的. 作为判断第三个要件是否得到满足的因素,法院进一步列举了应该考虑的7各方面的内容. 即①与外国法律和政策的抵触程度、②当事者的国籍和公司所在地及主要营业地点、③对任何一方所采取的法律执行措施,

cost function:价值函数

因此这些没被处理的高扇出net就会引起一些drc或者timing错误,在dc中,dc用价值函数(cost function)来判断这些... 设计的影响. 价值函数=DRC violator和+ timing violator 和. 一般的,dc会根据所有drc和timing错误,通过使价值函数趋近等于0来修正这些违规.


根据该前言中对用语的释义,在Incoterms2000中,"交货"(delivery)有两种不同含义. 首先,"交货"一词被用来判断卖方何时完成了其交货义务,这规定在所有Incoterms的A4条款中. 其次,"交货"也被用于买方受领或接受货物的义务,


NO.1 EVA=紧急制动辅助装置 紧急制动辅助系统(EVA)能根据驾驶员踩踏速度来判断是否紧急制动. 当驾驶员快速踩踏制动踏板进行紧急刹车时,EVA可以放大制动


艾氏认为阅读现代诗,应着眼于诗本身的真实(genuine)与否,不应根据主要或次要来判断,还需关怀古诗的传统. 我相信谁也不会否认:凡是艾略特(T. S. Eliot) 所写的一切,不论是诗,或是文评,都是值得我们仔细的推敲和体会的. 在诗中,

in light of past experiences:根据过去的经验来判断

in light of 根据,鉴于 | in light of past experiences 根据过去的经验来判断 | light up 点燃,照亮

judging by:从...判断, 根据...来判断

join...to... 把...和...连接起来 | judging by 从...判断, 根据...来判断 | judging from 从...判断, 根据...来判断

judging from:从...判断, 根据...来判断

judging by 从...判断, 根据...来判断 | judging from 从...判断, 根据...来判断 | jump off 跳下, 跳离; 出发,开始

quot;. e.g:还可意为"根据......作出判

He always goes by the rules.他总是按规则办事. | (3)go by还可意为"根据......作出判 quot;. e.g. | Going by her clothes,she must be very rich.从她的衣着来判断,她很有钱.