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样张 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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更多网络例句与样张相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It should be said, a set of color on the control bar, of course, we can call it.


Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half- tone colour separations, proofs and production prints - Part 4: Publication gravure printing


Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half- tone colour separations, proofs and production prints - Part 3: Coldset offset lithography on newsprint


The main research methods are:(1)Theory analysis:from the 2D plane geometry analysis, dots continuity characteristics are found. The first time irrational fraction algorithm is used in FM program.(2)Experiments reaearch:experiments of condition halftone function are designed under the cross-experiment principles. The first time variable information printer and C# language are used in experiment.(3)Data processing:new type digital density apparatus is used to measure data. Compare is used in processing data and error cause are explained. The main works as follows:The dot area percentage has been gained and new condition halftone function has been set up.(2)After being corrected, speed of irrational fraction algorithm has been compared with multiplicative congruence algorithm's.

本文的主要研究方法有:(1)理论分析:运用数字加网原理,从二维平面几何分析入手,借助实验验证研究网点连续特性;首次系统地把无理数取尾法随机数生成器引入到调频加网系统中,根据实验修正生成器的模型,运用统计假设检验理论,对生成的随机数序列进行统计假设检验;(2)实验研究:根据正交实验法则设计实验,首次采用可变信息印刷机(HP Laser PS印刷机)输出实验样张,克服了用传统胶印机作实验影响因素多的缺陷;采用新型数字式密度仪测量密度值,提高了数据精度;采用最新编程语言编写调频加网程序;(3)数据处理与分析:利用平均值比较法处理数据,对误差产生的原因进行讨论。

Business card printing and membership card making proof to you is very important.


The study methods: Based on digital printing and offset printing technology principle, the basic parameters having effect on the ink-jet printing output quality were analyzed. And the mathematics models between the ink quantity and the solid density, and the relation between the gamma and printing contrast were established. The relation among the output dot area coverage, the original dot area coverage and the dot-gain percent was analyzed. And the mathematics models of printing characteristics curves and dot-gain curves were established. The factors influencing the dot-gain were analyzed, and then the dot-gain compensation function was acquired. All the models were verified by the method of regression analysis. And the precisions of the models were obtained by the correlation coefficient and multiple correlation coefficients.


The gray balance curves were obtained by the gray balance function and regression analysis. The main works: The parameters in the mathematic models were ascertained, as well as all the regression functions. The models included the relation between the ink quantity and the solid density, the relation between the gamma and printing contrast, the printing reproduction curves, the dot-gain curves and the dot-gain compensation curves. The fitting accuracies of the regression models were checked out by the correlation coefficient or multiple correlation coefficients. The effect that the ink had on the solid density and the gamma on the printing contrast were analyzed. And the methods of choosing the ink and gamma were gained.


She led the way through a great drawing-room, rich in satin and ormolu, buhl and inlaid cabinets, bronzes, cameos, statuettes, and trinkets, that glistened in the dusky light; then through a morning-room hung with proof engravings of valuable pictures; through this into an ante-chamber,where she stopped, holding the light above her head.


Measurement tools in the G7 process of three main process to obtain and keep the G7 criteria is vital: proofing process use i1 measuringinstrument to test specimen; in the pressroom use iCPlate2 or Plate Scope test printing quality; use of hand held by catalysical density gauge (such as 530) or complete the IntelliTrax automatic scanning solution.

丈量东西在G7历程的3个次要工艺洋差得回并保留G7前提来说至关次要:在打样历程洋搁置i1丈量摆设以查验样张;在印刷车间搁置iCPlate2或Plate Scope查验印版质量;搁置手持式不合平密量仪(如530)或IntelliTrax被迫扫描处置不圆案达成合座历程。

Offset printing proof was taken as simulated proof to create standard ICC profiles,derive the color gamut mapping between printing system and digital proof system,and feedback to the digital proof system for correction. Gamut matching and verification was carried out over again to ensure the consistency between printing and digital proof.

以胶印印刷样张为仿真打样对象,建立标准ICC Profile文件,推导了印刷系统与数码打样系统之间的色域映射关系,并反馈到数码打样系统中进行修正,重新进行色域匹配和二次验证,确保了印刷样张与数码样张的一致性。

更多网络解释与样张相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

O.K. sheet:审竣样张

斜坐标 "oblique coordinates""" | 审竣样张 O.K. sheet | 物镜角 object angle

Plate proof overprinted With"speci-men"Design proof:印版样票样张

试制印样 Design proof | 印版样票样张Plate proof overprinted With"speci-men"Design proof | 中心试印票 Main design proof


过去人们提到色彩管理时,总把它看成是一个如何用打样样张(Proof)匹配最后的印刷品、如何用克罗马林(Cromalin)和布鲁纳尔控制颜色的简单问题. 今天,色彩管理的作用已经发生了很大的变化. 第一,影像输出机比扫描仪、曝光装置更需要色彩管理.

Color Proof:彩色样张

color plate making 分色版编绘 | color proof 彩色样张 | color reaction 显色反应

progressive proofs:分色打样;套色打样 逐色样张;单色样张 演色稿样

Portrait 纵长页;画像 直式 直立式 | Progressive proofs 分色打样;套色打样 逐色样张;单色样张 演色稿样 | Proofing 打样 打样 打稿

progressive proofs:分色打样、套色打样逐色样张、单色样张演色稿样

Portrait 纵长而、画像直式直立式 | Progressive proofs 分色打样、套色打样逐色样张、单色样张演色稿样 | Proofing 打样打样打稿

Tear Sheet:样张

Target Audience目标对象 | Tear Sheet样张 | Telecast Copy样带

Tear Sheet:从刊物剪下的广告样张, 报样

Target Market 目标市场 | Tear Sheet 从刊物剪下的广告样张, 报样 | Teaser Campaign 悬疑预告式广告活动

tear sheet, voucher copy:样张,样本

target audience 目标受众 | tear sheet, voucher copy 样张,样本 | television advertising 电视广告

tear sheet, voucher copy:样张

target audience 目标受众广告 | tear sheet, voucher copy 样张 | television advertising 电视广告