英语人>词典>汉英 : 标题空间 的英文翻译,例句
标题空间 的英文翻译、例句


title space
更多网络例句与标题空间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus, our ambitious title notwithstanding, we can, in this limited space, only aspire to cover part of the current research in biostatistics.


Unified - Page names will be drawn from a flat space so that noadditional context is required to interpret them.


Unified - Page names will be drawn from a flat space so that no additional context is required to interpret them.


Using the method of approximating the Lipschitz functions by the convex functions, we give a sufficient condition for the set where Lipschitz functions on a Hilbert space are Frechet differentiable is a residual set.


C. Dimensional promotion, here is a long ground, the safety factor that send AD is very high, can be united in wedlock stick publicize together, stick advertisement put a space, sticking hair space address, AD content still had better be mixed caption conform to, take a link of what, the question won't be very big.


The result of the study shows that every single piece has its own title and implied style which inspires children's imagination towards music. Besides, the length of music is often kept within 48 measures, which is short enough to maintain children's attention during practicing and performing. The spreading range of fingers is set within sixth during the music, which suits children's palm shape. Also, the music is mainly based on ternary form which provides a simple structure with motivated composing strategies of repetition and sequence. All the above shows that he successfully grasped the characteristics of beginner and intermediate piano learners and adopted the regularity and pure nature of music in composition which tends to attract children's interests.


Namespaces are indicated in page titles by prefixing the page name with "namespace:", so the prefix "Help:" in this page's title ("Help:Namespaces") indicates that this page is in the Help namespace.


All are "title _ Baidu Space", and you go to search, you will find the title you own Baidu add a "_ Baidu Space", which is not to write your own blog, when to add, Baidu oneself is added.


This essay aimes to analyze the symbolic meaning manifested in the novel's title, the social space, the private space and the novel's structure.


QQ QQ Space Code _ the latest free space to remove the title bar banner code by the wolf kiss cool family design team tailored for you, thank you, concerned about the latest QQ QQ space codes _ the title bar of free space to remove the banner code, and more QQ FD module space, QQ space ...


更多网络解释与标题空间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]





Big Font:大字体

丢失了大量信息.另外,即使使用了标题标记,不同的网页作者4.4 主特征空间(PFS)权值计算方法稳定性和适用性实验一致.在这些方法中,链接文本信息(anchor text)、正文部分(body)、题目(title)、地址信息(URL)、大字体(big font)


字符间距字符间距,或者称为字距调整 (kerning),能对标题、段落、logo等文字相关内容造成巨大影响. 其远不止每个字符之间的距离那么简单. Krop's 的新作品集创建器,在处理文字的时候,十分吝啬空间. 该网站上大部分基于文字的图片中的字符间距都很小,

separated space Havsdroff:空间;{法文:espace separe}

半正矢 haversine | separated space Havsdroff空间;{法文:espace separe} | 标题 head



active wiretapping:主动篡改线路讯息

"现用视窗标题色彩","active window caption color" | "主动篡改线路讯息","active wiretapping" | "现行工作空间","active work space,AWS"


标题:(北京)中国希腊文化年 -- "迷宫"(Labyrinths)艺术展作为"中国希腊文化年"期间的重要活动之一,主题为"迷宫"(Labyrinths)的艺术展览将于2008年1月12日至2月15日,在北京798艺术区的时态空间隆重登场.