英语人>词典>汉英 : 标准作业程序 的英文翻译,例句
标准作业程序 的英文翻译、例句


standard operating procedure
更多网络例句与标准作业程序相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The brutal, degrading tactics sometimes used by American interrogators are chillingly on display in documentary films such as "Taxi to the Dark Side" and Standard Operating Procedure.


Polishing the SOP and emphasis on each aspect of consumption will be a crucial key to success for the service industry in the future This study used dramaturgy theory to explore the influence of standard operation procedures of Western-style restaurants on customer satisfaction.


The attacks of 9/11, as portrayed in the official account, could not have succeeded if standard operating procedures between the Federal Aviation Administration and NORAD had been followed.

一,攻击9 / 11 ,描绘在正式户口,可没有成功,如果标准作业程序与美国联邦航空管理局和挪威发展一直遵循的。

The precedents they set established the standard operating procedure of the national government for years to come.


These include standard operating procedures, training and retraining of the end users to maintain a high degree of compliance.


It is relevant to understand that the Church Report is widely viewed as an attempt to whitewash detainee abuse through sidestepping the extent to which abuse was standard operating procedure and thus reducing command responsibility for that abuse.


What are the SOPs for driving up hill?


When narrative quirks get to be standard operating procedure, it may be time to get some new quirks.


Based on the first-class technology and management conception originated from WALKER Druckluft-Technik, Wuxi Woyo Superdo Compressor Co.,Ltd. adopts German original-packaged screw mainframes and key components. It has also established its own standard operation procedure. Its WOYO SUPERDO screw air compressors are favorably competitive in the world market.

五洋赛德合资公司秉承德国一流螺杆空压机技术和管理理念,采用德国原装螺杆主机及关键零部件,并建立各岗位标准作业程序,WOYO SUPDO五洋赛德牌螺杆空压机完全可与世界著名的空压机品牌媲美。

This could be an SOP issue or lack of training.


更多网络解释与标准作业程序相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

double check:双重核对

强调预防: 用於生产的原料、物料其入库、抽样、检验、领退料皆依据标准作业程序执行,必要时亦有双重核对(double check)防止交叉污染及错误发生,对生产环境品质的监控亦依循法规标准执行,对於药品品质纯度、特性、含量以到防范未然为前提.

rubbery state:橡胶状态

glassy state 玻璃状态 | rubbery state 橡胶状态 | SOP 标准作业程序


离不开:秘密(Secrecy)、优越(Superiority)和分离(Separateness). 对资料的尊重也远超过标准作业程序. 珍藏资讯,会珍惜自己手中资料、事实、消息及知识. 全心全意观察事件,却不参与其中,拥有稀奇却值得敬重的谦卑特质 在逆境中囤积资讯及其他资源.


soffit 拱腹 | soiled 污染的 | SOP 标准作业程序 Standard Operation Procedure



SIP Standard Inspective Procedure:标准检验规程

SOP Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业程序 | SIP Standard Inspective Procedure 标准检验规程 | ISO International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织

Guideline SOPs:标准作业程序指导方针

guided missile cruiser; guided missile frigate;导弹巡洋舰;导弹驱逐舰; ; | Guideline SOPs;标准作业程序指导方针; ; | Guidelines for Standard Operating Procedures; Guideline SOPs;标准作业程序指导方针; ...

SOPs standard operating procedures:标准作业程序的缩略语

SP sulphite pulp 亚硫酸盐纸浆的缩略语 | SOPs standard operating procedures 标准作业程序的缩略语 | SIF stress intensity factor 应力强度系数的缩略语

SOPs standard operating procedures:标准作业程序

2490,"SOMAs: Status-of-mission agreements","特派团地位协定",,"PKO" | 2491,"SOPs: Standard Operating Procedures","标准作业程序",,"PKO" | 2492,"SPA: special post allowance&qu

standard operating procedures, SOPs:标准作业程序

电脑化资讯系统 computer-based information system | 标准作业程序 standard operating procedures, SOPs | 全球资讯网 world wide web