英语人>词典>汉英 : 栅栏柱 的英文翻译,例句
栅栏柱 的英文翻译、例句


fence post
更多网络例句与栅栏柱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And with decrease in light intensity,the shape of palisade mesophyllchanged from column into invert pyramid.The higher proportion of granum thylakoid,more granum in one ganum thylakoid and lower ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll bwere also the responses of leaves to shading.


The palisade tissue cells of common type were 2 layers, while those of spur-type and columnar type were 3 or 4 layers. The ratio of palisade tissue and spongy tissue of common type was less than 1, and that of spur type and columnar type was more than 1. Moreover, the number of palisade tissue cell layers and the ratio of P/S were increased with the dwarfing degrees.


The results show:the above two species of Flos lonicerae's palisade parenchyma are composed of 1 layer of cylindrical cells.But in karst areas variety palisade parenchyma is cylindrical cells .Palisade and spongy tissue have distinctly differentiation.,are both bifacial leaf.


The leaf epidermis structures of 6 species of Rhododendron had been observed under LM and SEM. The results show that all share together common features as follows: the leaf blades are typical back-abdomen bifacial types, the upper epidermis are formed by two or three layer bigger cells which inside layer cell is bigger than outside one, and the upper epidermis are covered with thicker cuticle.


The results showed that NaCl stress decreased the seedlings fresh mass and dry mass significantly. Under NaCl stress, the relative contents of Na(superscript +) and Cl(superscript -) in cells increased significantly, but the increment somewhat differed with different tissues. In root and stem, epidermal cells had the greatest increment, followed by cortex cells, and stelar cells; while in leaf, epidermal cells had the greatest increment, followed by cortex cells, spongy tissue cells, and palisade tissue cells.


With their blue-coated sons who will die at dawn.


Traffic was stopped since a boat wanted to go underneath the bridge . See the guard rails and the steel posts and the middle span moving up.


Traffic was stopped since a boat wanted to go underneath the bridge. See the guard rails and the steel posts and the middle span moving up.


A hole dug in the ground to hold a fence post .


The Black Pteri sits on a fence post howling doom and misery for all to hear...


更多网络解释与栅栏柱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1.成牙本质细胞(odontoblast) 位于牙髓周围,呈柱状紧接前期牙本质排列的一层,是呈极性分布的终末分化细胞. 其细胞顶端有一细长的突起伸入牙本质小管内,因此成牙本质细胞层实际上是由成牙本质细胞的胞体构成. 成牙本质细胞排列成栅栏状,

paleocrystic ice:古老冰

pale 苍白的安装柱栅栏界限 | paleocrystic ice 古老冰 | palheiros 渔村

palisade parenchyma:柱状薄壁组织

palisade induction 栅栏诱导 | palisade parenchyma 柱状薄壁组织 | palisade tissue 柱状薄壁组织

palisade induction:栅栏诱导

palisade cell 栅栏细胞 | palisade induction 栅栏诱导 | palisade parenchyma 柱状薄壁组织


▲栅锈菌科(Melampsoraceae):冬孢子无柄,聚生于寄主体内,以栅栏状结合成一层或多层,生于表皮下,或纵横排列成柱状. 与农作物病害关系较大的有栅锈菌属(Melampsora)和层锈菌属(Phakopsora),另有许多种类寄生在松柏植物上.

fence post:篱柱

fence 栅栏,篱笆 | fence post 篱柱 | fender boom 拦护河绠

fence post:栅栏柱

fence plate ==> 导板 | fence post ==> 栅栏柱 | fence posts ==> 篱笆桩


fenceplate导板 | fencepost栅栏柱 | fenceposts篱笆桩

with the I.Q. of a fencepost:智商和栅栏柱差不多

and the owner is a mental midget\\\\店老板是个胆小鬼 | with the I.Q. of a fencepost\\\\智商和栅栏柱差不多 | cause the piano has been drinking\\\\钢琴他一直在喝