英语人>词典>汉英 : 枫丹白露 的英文翻译,例句
枫丹白露 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与枫丹白露相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mr. Benway spent considerable time in Europe, including living in London while studying piano with Balint Vazsonyi, and living in Fontainebleau, France, while studying composition with Nadia Boulanger.


Not only the galleries had their own artistic styles, but also the participating artworks were world famous, such as "The Thinker" by Auguste Rodin,"Scenery of Fontainebleau" by Pierre-Auguste Renoir,"The Girl in Corsetry" by Picasso,"Crossing the River" by Luo Zhongli,"Water Village" by Chen Yifei, which surprised the art field and attracted many art collectors, critics and art enthusiasts from China and abroad to celebrated the magnificent artistic grand banquet.


He abdicated at Fontainebleau in 1814, and was sent to the Island of Elba


Henri IV (1553-1610) also played an important role in Fontainebleau's history.


This style of art known as the "Fontainebleau faction."


After several generations of emperors continuous expansion of Fontainebleau Palace increasingly refined and luxurious Wealthy up.


Fontainebleau" of the French original meaning of "blue water.


The French business school has campuses in Fontainebleau, outside Paris, and in Singapore. Insead'


Bell tower, also known as Elliptic tribunal tribunal is Fontainebleau palace group of the most solemn part.


Fontainebleau palace of the China Pavilion is the French emperor Napoleon III, Queen of Ou Ni also established.


更多网络解释与枫丹白露相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Place Dauphine:亲王广场

Fontain Bleau 枫丹白露 | Place Dauphine 亲王广场 | Boulvard Saint-Michel 圣米歇尔大道

Fontaine bleau:枫丹白露

"枫丹白露"(Fontaine bleau)的法文原意是美泉,因为这里有一汪清澈的泉水,其周围是大片森林,拿破仑等许多皇帝都喜欢在这里打猎. 邻近有面积广阔的枫丹白露森林,是巴黎人远足与野餐的最佳选择之一. 与意大利相比,法国的夜生活算是丰富多了,


像"香榭丽舍"一样,"枫丹白露"(Fontainebleau)这个译名会让人不自觉地陷入无尽的美丽遐想. 思海里有树影的摇曳,有清秋的薄露,有季节的转换,有时光的永恒……因此,一个精明的房地产开发商为他在北京的住宅小区取名时,


Fontainebleau 枫丹白露 | Fontainebleau 枫丹白露-选自现代卷 | Fontenny,Yonne 丰特诺伊,荣纳

Fontainebleau Palace:枫丹白露宫苑

沃-勒-维贡特庄园 Vaux-Le-Vicomte Castle | 枫丹白露宫苑 Fontainebleau Palace | 凡尔赛宫苑 Versailles Palace

Fontainebleau sands:枫丹白露砂层

font type 铅字 | Fontainebleau sands 枫丹白露砂层 | fontamide 磺胺硫脲

Fontainebleau Forest:楓丹白露森林

因此画派的主要画家都住在[[巴黎]]南郊约50公里,[[枫丹白露森林]](Fontainebleau Forest)附近的巴比松村,1840年后这些画家的作品被合称为「巴比松画派」.

Fontainebleau Palace Garden:枫丹白露宫园

凡尔赛宫苑-----------------Versailles Palace Park | 枫丹白露宫园------------Fontainebleau Palace Garden | 景---------------------------view, scenery, feature

Chateau de Fontainebleau:枫丹白露宫

枫丹白露宫(Chateau de Fontainebleau)位于巴黎东南郊区,大约50公里. 乘火车40分左右就到. 枫丹白露宫相当于承德的避暑山庄,是法国皇室度假狩猎的地方. 大规模的营造始于16世纪,建筑和装潢风格融合了文艺复兴时期意大利和法国艺术. 法国大革命后,

les Champs Elysees:香榭丽舍

大仲马的<<三剑客>>,里面多次提到法王行宫"枫丹白露" (Fontainebleau)还有巴黎的着名大道"香榭丽舍"(les Champs Elysees). 只觉得实在是妙不可言,一定是极为美好的场所. 枫丹白露其法语本意是"枫树茂密有清泉的所在";而香榭丽舍本意是"欢乐所在的田庐";