英语人>词典>汉英 : 构成整体的 的英文翻译,例句
构成整体的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与构成整体的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Integral a.necessary to complete sth.


The housing market has moved beyond a cyclical swing from boom to bust into a fundamental cycle of negative feedback that weighs on the whole economy.


The main objective of this research is to understand how each layout element in product visual appearance influences the overall image of the product; moreover, this similarity research is targeted at surveying the packaging of traditional crispy butter cakes sold in Tachia-Ville in Taichung Prefecture, The likeliness in layout elements would probably result in the confusion of visual identity. Through analyzing and comparing the layout elements of each vendor's product packaging, we tried to establish how traditional food vendors use similar elements and layout in packaging to achieve a certain level of likeliness to the leading product in order to create misleading perceptions in consumers' minds. From this research we discovered the main reason for causing confusion between Crispy Butter Cake vendors lies with their use of "red" as the primary coloring.


Chinese culture based on the story, works in an ultra-realistic writing style, landscape and characters interspersed each other to form. the concept of Heaven and Man, the use of rich color composition, first overall with painting scroll modular form.


050 The width of the rear mudguard shall be 70 mm maximum.


Value is the product of the relationship of demand and supply between subjects and objects Subjects consist of three levels such as human totality,groups subjecting to the human totality,and human individuals Coresponding to it,objects include the outside world with respect to human totality(groups+individuals+the world outside human being),the outside world with respect to human groups,and the outside world with respect to human individuals Therefore,things possess value,so do human beings Because humans themselves are the unity of subjects and objects,humans have selfvalue The reciprocal function of the factors constituting value decides the production of value,promote the changes of value,which is the basic subject of thelaw of value The three factors which have influence on the changes in value are the demand of subjects.the character of objects.and practice The origin of the conflicts of value concepts lies in the differences and opposites of the living conditions of human subjects The direct originis the differences and opposites of value objects Therefore,in order to gradually eliminate the conflicts of human value concepts,the differences of the living conditions of human subjects must be eliminated thoroughly


To date there are discussions on Tuboi Hirofumi\'s theory, especially in the field of laboring and livelihood.


In order to attain this, in the present invention, a pressure adjusting body is coupled to a portion of a magnetic circuit or a frame, which is a component of a speaker unit, to constitute the speaker unit.


Constituting part of a whole; integral .


The article analyzed the whole work from the viewpoint of pitch structure, and point out the basic pitch structure was a nucleus serial, and the basic method to form the work was partitions of the nucleus serial. It showed the work logic relationship from kernel to extension, from part to whole, and from harmony to the integral structure.


更多网络解释与构成整体的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(15)在生物中心论者看来,整体所携带(carry)的道德价值大于其任一组成部分所携带的道德价值;大自然是一个其权利高于其构成者的权利的" 邦联"(commonwealth);海洋、湖泊、高山、森林和潮湿的土壤比单个的动物更有价值,

conus elasticus:弹性圆锥

3.弹性圆锥 弹性圆锥(conus elasticus)为弹性纤维组成的膜性结构,自甲状软骨前角的后面,向下向后附着于环状软骨上缘和杓状软骨声带突. 整体呈上窄下宽的圆锥状(图4-8),此膜上缘游离,紧张于甲状软骨前角与声带突之间,称声韧带,是构成声带的基础.

evening dress:晚礼服

晚礼服(evening dress)是晚上20:00以后穿用的正式礼服,是女士礼服中最高档次、最具特色、充分展示个性的礼服样式. 又称夜礼服、晚宴服、舞会服. 常与披肩、外套、斗篷之类的衣服相配,与华美的装饰手套等共同构成整体装束效果.

essential to:必要的

integral a. 构成整体所必需的;完整的 | essential to必要的 | central to核心的

fractal theory:分形理论

研究分形性质及其应用的科学称为"分形理论(Fractal theory)". 按分形理论,分形体系内任何一个相对独立的部分,在一定程度上都是整体的再现和缩影. 构成分形整体的相对独立的部分称为生成元或分形元. 分形元的不断重复最终形成复杂奇异的分形体系.


[53]他写道:"'光辉'与'金色的'(golden)是荷尔德林在表达中经常使用的和特别喜爱的词. 这'金色状态'是指最高的和最丰富的光辉、最明亮和最纯净的外观(Scheinen,光线). [54]这金色的光辉飘浮在整体(Ganze)四周,构成着它的完整状态(Gaenze),

integral part of the financial statements:财务报表构成部分

integral industries,整体工业,, | integral part of the financial statements,财务报表构成部分,, | Global Compact with Business,与企业界的全球契约,,

integrant:构成 整体的

integrand 被积函数 | integrant 构成整体的 | integrantobligatorypre-requisiteprerequisite 必须的

integrant:成发;要素;构成 整体的;构成整体所必需的

integrand 被积函数 | integrant 成发;要素;构成 整体的;构成整体所必需的 | integraph 积分仪

intricate X:错综的、复杂的、缠结的、难懂的

integral 完整的、整合的、构成整体所必须得 | intricate X---错综的、复杂的、缠结的、难懂的 | invalid 非法的、不能使用的 X---无效的、伤残的