英语人>词典>汉英 : 极少量 的英文翻译,例句
极少量 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
thimbleful  ·  farthings  ·  iotas  ·  thimblefuls

minute quantity
更多网络例句与极少量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bruce Alberts, editor in chief of Science magazine, wrote in a December 19 editorial.


We use few training symbols to solve phase ambiguousness and order overestimation in EVI blind identification.


The chemical composition and the production process of the high strength hot rolled sheet steel for electrostatic enameling are introduced briefly.


The chemical composition and the production process of the high strength hot rolled sheet steel for electrostatic enameling are introduced briefly. The microstructure of the steel is composed of fine grained ferrite and tiny amount of pearlite.


The lixiviation ability of heavy metal in the ancient smelting residue has declined. Only a very small part of Zn lixiviated at a few locations, the amount of Pb leaching is below the detection limit, and only a small amount of Cr and Cd leaching occurs.


First, the quantity of gene with a special sequence is rare, commonly in microgram or less, which conflicts with the need for large samples of DNA in the solution methods.


Even the less sugared-up varieties have only a little protein, a smidgen of fiber and a small amount of vitamins and minerals.


Little quantity of sulphur occur in forms of enclave and anhedraal,subhedral,euhedral crystal. The crystal size ranges from0.01mm to1. 00mm and little of size around 1μm.


This and means of traditional sales promotion are disparate: Distribute thimbleful product freely to sell a large number of products next no longer, distribute a large number of products freely however, sell a few products only.


The results showed that during hydrogenation of rosin under the experimental conditions the dominant reaction was the formation of dihydro resin acids with minor products of tetrahydro resin acids and dehydroabietic acid.


更多网络解释与极少量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

auto lift:(检修汽车时用的)汽车起举重机

denier 否认者, 法国旧银币, 极少量的金额, 极微量 | auto lift (检修汽车时用的)汽车起举重机 | hanky-panky 愚弄, 欺诈, 捣鬼, 诡计

hoosier pole:平衡杆子

hooping 箍筋 | hoosier pole 平衡杆子 | hoot 汽笛响声;极少量

Hoot Owl:大夜班

hoot 汽笛响声;极少量 | hoot-owl 大夜班 | hoot-owl tour 大夜班

paucity - slew:极少量 - 极大量

445. pathological - normal 病态的 - 正常的 | 447. paucity - slew 极少量 - 极大量 | 448. pedestrian - uncommon 平凡 - 不平凡

minute pubescence:细密的茸毛

minute projections 极微小突出部分 | minute pubescence 细密的茸毛 | minute quantity 极少量


thimbleberry 草莓 | thimbleful 极少量 | thimblerig 欺骗


baleful 邪恶的,恶意的 | thimbleful (酒等的)极少量 | doleful 忧愁的,消沉的

thimbleful:极少量 (名)

thimble 顶针, 套管, 嵌环 (名) | thimbleful 极少量 (名) | thimblerig 欺骗, 诈骗 (动)


thimbleful 极少量(指酒等) | thinbeer 淡啤酒 | thin boiling starch 低粘度变性淀粉;轻沸淀粉


一说尚含极少量的卵胞激素"雌酮"(Oestrone). 含脑素(ceramide)约1.25%,并含少量雌酮(oestrone)、PGE2等多种前列腺素、多种氨基酸,以及骨质、骨胶、脂类、蛋白质等. 鹿茸提取物还含有游离胆甾醇、神经酰胺磷脂类(卵磷脂和溶血卵磷脂、鞘磷脂)、糖脂类. 另从鹿