英语人>词典>汉英 : 极小覆盖 的英文翻译,例句
极小覆盖 的英文翻译、例句


minimum covering
更多网络例句与极小覆盖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By means of the projection method,adding a small disturbing function to the objective function, the penalty method, andthe gradient method, this dissertation proposes several neural networks for solvingsaddle point problems and minimum radius of ball-coverings problems, and investi-gates the stability of the proposed networks by the LaSalle invariance principle andthe Lyapunov method, so as to design neural networks which avoid getting stuck inthe local minimum.


Artificial tree, street lamp pole, bill-board series beautify 1 dustcoat solution of the aerial, design 1.1 aerials of concept to be suitable for polarising the ordinary aerial alternately, electricity transfer aerial 1.2 suitable for honeycomb base station communication system and room cover with system 1.3 swivelling lamp pole then 1.4 direction to regulate sector good visual 1.5 sense extremely The urban road, the highway, suburb street lamp, the solution 2 of environment design that the house is lighted,etc., radiation material choose and design 2.1 material to select for use high purity compound glass fibre reinforced plastic fiber 2.2 steel construction choose zinc-plated stainless steel material 2.3 materials measure by the speciality, radiation losses extremely small

1,设计概念 1.1天线适用于交叉极化普通天线,电调天线 1.2适用于蜂窝基站通讯系统及室内外覆盖系统 1.3可旋转灯柱进而调节扇区的方向 1.4极佳视觉感 1.5为城市道路,公路,郊区路灯,住宅照明等环境设计的解决方案 2,辐射材料选择与设计 2.1材料选用高纯度复合玻璃钢纤维 2.2钢结构选择镀锌不锈钢材料 2.3材料经过专业测量,辐射损耗极小

Finally,as to an equicontinuous homeomorphism on a compact metric space,...


Minimality ; minimal set ; compact metric space ; open cover ; equicontinuous homeomorphism


F. pumila had the strongest capacity to adhere to walls, and it formed a quite good covering landscape by means of a large quantity of adventitious roots. Furthermore, it was tolerant to shade, and the effects of shading on its growth and landscape covering were very small. P. heterophylla had the rapidest growth and covering speed, and it adhered to walls by adhesive discs, but was defoliated in winter or after a long period of shading. The other three vines climbed walls using adventitious roots, and their adhering capacities were all relatively poor. However, E. fortunei still formed a relatively good covering due to its rapid growth and emerald leaf colour. After shading for four months, leaves of F, pumila, C. grandiflora, and P. serpens became thin, and accordingly their leaf weight per unit area significantly decreased. Shading also reduced chlorophyll contents of C. grandiflora and E. fortunei but enhanced those of F. pumila and P. serpens, It did not influence leaf thickness, leaf weight or chlorophyll content of P. heterophylla. Whether shaded or not, the relationship between Pn and PAR for each species could be expressed as y=alnx+b, and furthermore there was a significant (P.01) correlation between them. Pn and LCP values for all five lianas also significant (P.01) correlated. Shading reduced LCP values of P. heterophylla, C. grandiflora and E. fortunei but increased LSP of F. pumila.


更多网络解释与极小覆盖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


minimum cover 极小覆盖 | Euboea (希腊东部的)埃维厄岛 | daggerboard [船]活动披水板,中插板

The minimal solution:最小解

极小子群:minimal subgroups | 最小解:The minimal solution | 最小覆盖:minimal cover

minimum condition:极小条件

minimum 最小 | minimum condition 极小条件 | minimum covering 极小覆盖

minimum covering:极小覆盖

minimum condition 极小条件 | minimum covering 极小覆盖 | minimum density 极小密度

minimum line covering:极小线覆盖

multiplication circuit 乘法电路 | minimum line covering 极小线覆盖 | starting pushbutton 起动按钮

minimum density:极小密度

minimum covering 极小覆盖 | minimum density 极小密度 | minimum integral 极小解

starting pushbutton:起动按钮

minimum line covering 极小线覆盖 | starting pushbutton 起动按钮 | teleprocessing [计]远程处理

Taraxacum Weber:蒲公英属

产品来源: 蒲公英属(Taraxacum Weber)植物多分布于北半球温带和亚寒带地区,全世界约数百种. 我国约100种,分布遍华北、东北、华中和西南,华南则极少. 蒲公英提取物在播种时会变成蓬松的绒毛球状的可爱亮黄色小花并覆盖许多类型的土地.