英语人>词典>汉英 : 条件句子 的英文翻译,例句
条件句子 的英文翻译、例句


conditional sentence
更多网络例句与条件句子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This analysis is intended as an advancement of Grice's theory of meaning.


If my grandmother falls downstairs and isn't moving, I should hurry to call the hospital first.


Therefore, on the basis of objective description of corpus example, this paper study and analyze the condition of "free form" and "bound form" of the verbal phrases such as "V + Particle + N"、"V+ complement"(including:"V+ trend complement","V+ result complement","V+ extent complement" and "V+ action-measure complement )、"V TO V"、"V+ adverb+ V"、"V of V "and "V+ D".At the same time, from the semantic and pragmatic perspective this paper discuss the conditions and causes from "bound form" to "free form",concluding that particle dynamics、exclamation at the end of the sentence、adverb and follow—up of the language and so on can act as the conditions from the bound verbal phrase to the free verbal phrase. The main reason for these conditions is rich in the amount of the sentence, making semantic self—contained; Finally, this paper simply describes the theoretical and practical significance of the phenomena of "free form" and "bound form in the aspect of verbal phrase; at he conclusion of the article, the author of the text further sum up the content and coverage and raise her own views of the text of underdevelopment and the questions yet continuing to study.


More profound discussion in the new theoretical framework will be offered to those previously discussed issues such as agent, patient, factitive, instrument, time; New insight will be provided into the problems existing in the previous research, such as the post-posing of agent, the syntactic representation of the instrument, and the rules of appearance and disappearance of the instrument in discourse; Specific topics are to be devoted for the first time to those semantic constituents that have ever been touched upon in the literature such as possessor, carrier, attribute, phenomenon, position, alternative participant, manner, accordance, reason; Specific topics are also dedicated to the newly-designated semantic constituents such as causee, phenomenon, undertaker, involvement, relative, comparative.

动元是动核结构中受动核支配的必有语义成分,现代汉语句子语义结构中动元的类别和数量如下: 1)主事动元,包括:施事、致事、经事、系事、起事 2)客事动元,包括:受事、使事、感事、涉事、止事、成事、位事、任事 3)与事动元,包括:当事、共事 4)补事动元——补事动核和动元构成基干的动核结构,若有状元则是扩展的动核结构,状元是语义结构中的可有语义成分,现代汉语句子语义结构中状元的类别和数量如下: 1)凭事状元,包括:工具、材料、方式、依据 2)境事状元,包括:时间、处所 3)因事状元,包括:原因、目的 4)关事状元,包括:对象、范围、方面、条件 5)比事状元——比事本文不仅建构出现代汉语句子语义结构类型系统和语义结构组成成分——语义成分系统,而且构拟出了现代汉语句子语义结构和句法结构的对应关系,讨论了语义成分投射为句法成分的一般规律和语用限制。

Words and words of grass hand,they are connection each other,at the same time they are relatively absolute.the sentence will not appear if there is not absolute words,there is not knowledge to the word.so that variety is only different sorts of behave about different arrangement.


And if you change your mind, you will not be penalized so long as you have not purchased your ticket and you are not holding a supersaver reservation, or so long as more than seven days remain prior to departure.

要点:这个句子是个主从复合句,其中if引导条件的从句,而主句中包含so long as 引导的三个条件状语从句,分别用and 和or将其连接起来。译文:如果你改变主意也可以,但条件是你没有买票,或者没有预定超级优惠票,或者至少在航班发出前七天告之。

Conditional sentences make use of different combinations of verb forms to express different conditionals or possibilities.


Ibid.: 136 It does not assert what sentences are true but the conditions under which those sentences are true.

ibid。: 136 它并不断言一个句子是否为真,而是指出在什麼样的条件之下句子为真。

There are advantages to underground life, too, and something to be said for imaging whole cities, even mankind generally, moving downward, of having the outermost mile of the Earth's crust honeycombed with passage and strue-ture, like a gigantic ant hill.


There are advantages to underground life,too,and something to be said for imaging whole cities,even mankind generally,moving downward,of having the outermost mile of the Earth's crust honeycombed with passage and strue-ture,like agigantic ant hill.


更多网络解释与条件句子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The baby is in tears:那婴儿正在哭泣

She was bathed in tears when she left her mother. 当她离开妈妈时泪流满面. | The baby is in tears. 那婴儿正在哭泣. | in that case, 表示条件,在句中作状语,句子谓语动词可以使用虚拟语气. 例如:


* 含糊其辞(Equivocation) 错谬:使用有多於一个含义的字眼. * 模棱两可(Amphiboly) 错谬:句子结构含多种解释方法. * 重音谬误(Accent) 错谬:以重音强调某字眼或字句,达致其他意思. * 构成谬误(Composition) 错谬:以总体的某部份符合某条件推断总体均符合某条件.

indicative mood:陈述语气

英语中有三种语气:陈述语气(indicative mood)、祈使语气(imperative mood)和虚拟语气(subjunctive mood). 虚拟语气表示说话者所说的话与客观事实相反,只是一种纯粹假设,或者只是一种愿望、建议、猜测. 这种语气通常用在虚拟条件句和表示愿望、建议、猜测等意义的句子中.

main clause:主句

下列各动词(如 suggest)的后面的虚拟语气宾语从句,其谓语用:"should + 动词原形"表示建议(suggest)、坚持(insist)等虚拟语气:八、虚拟语气在条件从句(Protasis)中的用法:* 这种句子一般由"从句"(Subordinate Clause)和"主句"(Main Clause)组成.

on no condition:在任何情况下,用在句首句子要倒装

on condition that 在......条件下如果 | on no condition 在任何情况下,用在句首句子要倒装 | change one's condition 结婚


这就是所谓"前提"(presupposition)的问题,"前提"本是语言哲学的概念,是逻辑语义学的讨论对象,在语义学中则是一个句子是否满足于语境的条件. 没有"前提"这一先决条件,谈话双方无法相互理解,难以合作,难以根据实际的语言结构意义,

sentence stress:句重音

1a2语言的重音分为词重音(word stress)和句重音(sentence stress). 词重音系指词里的某一个音节重读. 句重音说的是句中某一个或几个音节重读. 词重音和句重音是相互联系的. 词重音是句重音的基础. 词重时在句子条件下通常转化为句重音.

subordinate clause:从句

八、虚拟语气在条件从句(Protasis)中的用法:* 这种句子一般由"从句"(Subordinate Clause)和"主句"(Main Clause)组成. 如上

word stress:詞重音

1a2语言的重音分为词重音(word stress)和句重音(sentence stress). 词重音系指词里的某一个音节重读. 句重音说的是句中某一个或几个音节重读. 词重音和句重音是相互联系的. 词重音是句重音的基础. 词重时在句子条件下通常转化为句重音.