英语人>词典>汉英 : 条件反射 的英文翻译,例句
条件反射 的英文翻译、例句


behavlor reflex · conditioned reflex · trained reflex
更多网络例句与条件反射相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An adaptive network policy management model is presented in this paper,and it is based on the theory of classical conditioning,which is a basic learning mode of biological system.


Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning are exaples of associative learning.


This fallacy is supported by the psychological theory of behaviorism, which was made famous by Pavlov's classical conditioning and Skinner's operant conditioning experiments.


The processes of reflex and conditioned reflex are described by policy,and some typical examples of classical conditioning are pictured.


In this dissertation,inspired by classical conditioning,the most basic learning mode of biology,we presented a method of intelligent policy description based on classical conditioning,and then we proposed a dynamic policy adaptation framework.


The main thesis research results and characteristics are as follows:(1) Comparability between reflex,conditioned reflex and PBM is analyzed. Intelligent policy description based on classical conditioning is presented.


Skinner that the operant conditioning, classical conditioning is more important than that, he was more emphasis on sports goods, especially the people's initiative to act on the environment, changes in the environment initiative.


This is Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment, in order to target puppy to feeding condition, while striking a tuning fork, not the food also is conditioned reflex secretion of saliva.


Also known as instrumental conditioning, Skinner conditioning.


It was observed that intraventricular injection of 6-OHDA caused suppression of nictitating membrane conditioning without affecting the unconditioned nictitating membrane response.


更多网络解释与条件反射相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

classical conditioning:经典条件反射

操作条件反射(Operant conditioning)概念作为训练主导,原因有:● 经典条件反射 (Classical conditioning)的注意事项注意动物已具有因某些经典条件反射 (Classical conditioning)所造成的一些行为●

backward classical conditioning:逆向古典条件反射

backward association 倒行联想 | backward classical conditioning 逆向古典条件反射 | backward conditioning 后向条件作用

classical conditioning theory:经典性条件反射说

classical conditioning 古典条件反射 | classical conditioning theory 经典性条件反射说 | classical genetics 古典遗传学

conditioned reflex:条件反射,反射条件,人工条件反射

conditioned moulding sand 制备好的型砂 | conditioned reflex 条件反射,反射条件,人工条件反射 | conditioned response 条件反射反应

operant conditioning:操作性条件反射

反应行为导致"反应性条件反射"(respondent conditioning),操作行为导致"操作性条件反射"(operant conditioning). 前者同巴甫洛夫的经典条件反射是一致的,后者则同桑代克的工具性条件反射(instrumental conditioning)相类似.


反应行为导致"反应性条件反射"(respondent conditioning),操作行为导致"操作性条件反射"(operant conditioning). 前者同巴甫洛夫的经典条件反射是一致的,后者则同桑代克的工具性条件反射(instrumental conditioning)相类似.

unconditioned reflex:非条件反射

人的反射活动,进一步可分为非条件反射(Unconditioned Reflex)与条件反射(Conditioned Reflex). 非条件反射是种族所共有的、与生俱来的、有着固定反射弧的反射活动,比如吮吸反射、角膜反射、性反射. 条件反射则是在非条件反射基础之上的个体在其社会实践中逐步形成的反射.

unconditioned reflex:非条件反射 第十一章

unconditioned reflex 非条件反射 第一章 | unconditioned reflex 非条件反射 第十一章 | universal donors 万能供血者 第三章

conditioned response:条件反射

坎德尔(Eric Kandel)、斯金纳、巴甫洛夫(Ivan Pavlov)、华生(John B.Watson)可以告诉我们,条件反射(conditioned response)或操作性条件反射(operant con-ditioning)是怎么一回事,哪些方式可使这些作用在脑部转换编码.

conditioned response:条件反射反应

conditioned reflex ==> 条件反射,反射条件,人工条件反射 | conditioned response ==> 条件反射反应 | conditioner roll ==> 压扁辊